Chapter 55 : Trust

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The scientific name of the spotted hyena,

Crocuta or crocuta was taken from the mythological crocotta,

Local folklore about hyenas often gives them powers

Such as shapeshifting and human speech.

This encourages the link between the hyena and the crocotta.


Their movements were fast, simultaneous, and without warning. I had little time to think.

I tucked and rolled, moving out of the way just in time before the two Crocottas collided against each other -- head first -- before crumpling to the floor.

I turned to the side the exact moment three other Crocottas lunged at me with careless precision. I pulled to my feet and ran. A cowardice choice at the moment but an obvious decision for anyone in my position.

One Crocotta tore faster than the rest. Its hooves pounded against the ground, matching the increasing rate of my heartbeat.

I was panicking!

My thighs ached as I neared a dead end. Turning on the balls of my feet, I veer to the left, narrowly missing the wall. The upcoming Crocotta turned too late and rammed against the buttress with a thud. I was light on my feet, and my quick change in direction was surprising.

Is that supposed to be normal?

I bent low and snatched the broken leg of a nearby table. Turning on my heel, I swung the wood, batting the snout of another approaching Crocotta. Only, it wasn't one of the minor ones. Its cat-like gaze was enough confirmation. Liam.

It swayed to the left from the force. Liam's Crocotta ruffled its hairs and snarled as its hackles stood on end, making it impossibly larger.

It wasn't hurt.

I thought the passing ticket was to injure them?

The Crocotta curled its lip triumphantly.

Is he smirking at me?

I swung my improvised bat again. He grabbed it with his teeth before hurling me three feet in the air. I crashed against the wall before sliding to the ground, my shoulders ached from the impact.

Yup. He definitely wasn't going to make this easy.

I rubbed my head, a dizzy feeling overcoming my senses. How was I going to win this?

A smaller Crocotta headed in my direction. Its high-pitched laugh scorched my eardrums as it jumped towards me, hoofs first. I couldn't give up though. A cold determination overcame my wits. I stretched my hands outward. My eyes stole a glance at the pounded wardrobe to the side.

The final destination.

I portal swirled between me and the Crocotta. Its animalistic eyes went wide right before it was sucked through. Another warp gate opened above the wardrobe, dumping the Crocotta against the cupboard. Its weight -- combined with gravity -- reduced the wardrobe into a pile of dismantled wood with a sickening crunch.

A cloud of thick dark smoke rose from the deformed body, endorsing its death.

I had finally killed one!

I did a mental victory dance but it was short-lived. A huge weight knocked me to the ground. Two hoofs were pressed against my chest restricting any inhalations. I struggled to breathe.

A smaller Crocotta snapped at my head but I held it back with an arm. My hand digging into its silky black fur. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes. My breathing waning away as I tried to draw in air. Anything.

There was a whine to the side and I noticed another huge Crocotta watching me a few feet away. It's brown eyes were wide and filled with concern. A conflicted expression that states its wish to help me.

I turned away from him. Zion was worried, but it's high time I learned to fight monsters on my own.

He wouldn't always be there.

Besides, the pain and Crocottas weren't real. Hypnos is just trying to make this seem realistic, right?

I cried out when ridged teeth closed on my wrist so hard I heard a crack. My free hand reached for my pocket knife. I pulled it from my jeans and stabbed the monster in the eye. It howled and stumbled back right before transforming into a fog of smoke.

I drew in large chunks of air and rolled onto my elbows. Sweat dotted my forehead and my muscles were burning.

Two down, three more to go.

I cradled my wrist but it wasn't broken. Just an illusion.

I crawled to my knees and reached for another piece of wood. I smashed the tip against the ground. It snapped in two, leaving its tip now jagged and sharp.

"Perfect," I spoke under deep breathes.

I cursed when my ringing tone chimed through the air. Who could be calling now!?

I turned to the other three Crocottas. They were watching me with a snarl but didn't make a move. Were they afraid of me? I hardly think that.

I pulled myself up, my joints feeling rusty and exhausted. I grasped my pocket knife in one hand and a makeshift spear in the other. I backed away, my blood flushed with adrenaline along with my heart thumping voraciously in my chest. At least keeping a good distance could give me an advantage. I continued my walk, being careful not the slip.

My phone rang in my pocket like an annoying alarm. That's when I remembered -- dad promised to call this morning. Another ring followed after the first; he wasn't going to stop calling until I picked.

One Crocotta was brave enough to take a step. Its glowing eyes were wild and wicked, completely focused on me. Another ring tore out and I groaned before picking the phone.

"Not now, dad." I tried controlling my sharp tone.

"And good morning to you too." His voice had a cheery tone to it. What else can I expect? He was with his lady friend.

"Can we talk later?"

"Hold on there, Sport. I just want to see how you're doing. It won't take long."

I tried not to cringe. "Okay, dad."

"How are the triplets?"

Currently one is home alone, another is locked somewhere in a club building, while one had turned into a freaking monster. "They're fine."

"What about you? You're okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Are you feeling better?"

The line was silent for a moment. "I'll be fine, Sport. Don't worry about me."

That'll be quite difficult to do.

"I'll call you later tonight, alright?" I said in a rush.

"No worries. I'll be looking forward to it. We need to have a boy-talk."

I stuttered. "W--what?"

"Come on, Penny. I know why you're spending time with those boys. You like one of them, don't you?"


"Is it Pedro? You're pretty close to him."

I cleared my throat, not knowing how to reply. "How are you so sure?"

"To be honest, I prefer Zion. He's a more responsible fellow. Hunter is more reserved and quiet..."

"Oh. My. Gosh. I'm not having this conversation with you right now."

He chuckled. "No worries. But we'll continue it tonight."

I tried not to scream in frustration. "Sure."

He cut the call and I exhaled.

I turned towards the three Crocottas but only two were there.

One is missing...

Where's Liam?

I cried out when tough teeth clamped on my shoulder, forcing me back. I slipped out of my jacket and did something unbelievable. I crawled onto his back and locked my arms around his neck. He turned viciously, trying to shake me off but I clutched on like a leech.

I heard bones snap, break, and shift. His huge form decreased in size like a deflated balloon. Before I knew it, an arm pushed me off. My back hit the ground with Liam hovering over me. His bare sculpted chest pressing against the swirl of my breast.

He pinned one arm above my head and his touch reminded me of the tattoo imprinted on my wrist. He grinned as his green eyes lost their glow. "You put up a good fight."

I stared up at him, feeling his hot breath tickle my chin. His breathing was rapid and his skin glistened from the mixture of sweat and heat. It made me wonder. Why will he be hiding things from us, from me? What will it take for him to give up his secrets?

before I knew it, my hand slipped into his curly dark hair. My fingers wove through the thick strands. Somehow the touch has caused his eyes to glow brighter but his expression changed. His grin faded away as his eyes burned with uncertainty, confusion, and something else.

Without having to lean much, I caught the corner of his lower lip between my teeth and tugged. His chest rumbled with a light purr. It wasn't a kiss. I tried restraining a shudder as my mark pulsed with heat.

"Penny..." His voice was hoarse and unsteady. "...what are you doing?"

My free hand tightened on the pocket knife, grateful for the distraction. I leaned back and watched with slight interest as his eyes morphed back into a cat-like version. That's when I knew it was highly involuntary. His eyes change based on his emotions.

It also gave me an answer. Push the right buttons to get the right results.

If I was going to trick answers out of him, I need to gain his trust. Without a thought, I drove the knife straight into his chest.

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