Chapter 50 : Pair

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Two chapters have been updated! Make sure to read them in order.


She was a woman gifted with extreme beauty and grace,

A mortal whose love for the god Eros,

Earned her immortality.

But Eros also fell in love with her.

Psyche, a deity of the soul.


I stood on the balcony, peering over the crowd. My hands tightly gripped the alabaster railing as I stared with anxiousness. They were jumping to the music like a massive wave. Their fists pumping in the air as hot air emanated from their movements.

It was like a concert.

"Fascinating." Eros drawled beside me as he watched the crowd like there were specimens. "You hardly see this around here."

Liam stood close, observing the crowd. His shoulders slumped a bit from fatigue.

I stared at the DJ booth directly below us. To the side was a little stage. A small form the size of an action figure leisurely walked around holding a microphone. I noticed the black shirt, ripped jeans, and golden chain.


He cheered the crowd on, waving his hands and jumping on the balls of his feet. I found myself smiling and nodding to the beat. How was he doing this?

I guess this is what you expect from Pedro. But why make a concert when you promised never to use your voice?

The song ended with Pedro's fists in the air and the crowd screaming their delight.

"Peace out!" He said through the mic and casually dropped it. He walked off the stage right before a girl ran to hug him.


He hugged her back before guiding her through a crowd that seemed to converge around them.

"I need to get to him." I ran back into the building. If he was on stage then he was already an easy target. I nearly reached the door when a hand grabbed my arm. "Penny, don't."

I stared back at Liam, eyebrows furrowing. "Why not?"

He pursed his lips, deciding if he should tell me. He gave in. "I saw a few crocottas down there."

I tensed. "What? That means..."

He nodded. "Henry is close by. I'll go downstairs. You stay here."

I blanched. "You want me to stay here with him?"

I pointed at his friend who wiggled his fingers at me with a cynical smile. Liam turned to Eros who instantly dropped his expression and straightened himself. Liam fully faced his friend, his look had a threat to it.

Eros waved him away. "Don't worry, I won't touch her. I can tell you want to skin me alive after what I did. Why will I want to make it worse?"

Liam shifted on his feet like he was bearing an inner turmoil. "I'm not going to force an oath on you because of my trust. Don't let me regret it."

Eros gave a smile. "You won't homie."

With that Liam zoomed out of the room in a blink.

I turned to Eros who rose a nail filer. "Need a manicure?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

A few minutes later the gang was back. And what a great union it was;

"Can someone tell me what the frick is wrong with this club? Because one minute I was talking to Penny and in the next, I was sipping drinks from a bartender." Zion stood before us with his hands in his pockets.

He looked calm but the tick in his jaw showed he was annoyed. After Liam successfully found the three, he immediately directed them to Eros' office. Pedro sat between Gwen and me. His arms relaxed behind us on the sofa. He was actually beaming with happiness like he had a taste of heavenly wine.

"I think it was my fault." Eros owned up. He gave a small smile, but his eyes sent a different message. He was closely assessing Zion. Eros jerked his head at me. "I needed to speak with her."

Pedro frowned at him. "And who the hell are you supposed to be?"

The love god smiled before revealing his story, narrating everything he told me; minus the feeding.

Liam leaned against the wall at the far corner, his arms crossed while he silently chewed his cheek like he was expecting the conversation to go down to shit any moment now.

Eros never mentioned what happened between us, which on my part, was really smart. For now, it'll be best to keep that part out. We came to save Gwen's dad and minor stuff like this is bound to make us lose focus.

"Okay." Liam leaned away from the wall. "So we've met Eros. Awesome! Now to the main issue."

He turned to his friend. "We'll be using the garage to train tomorrow. Is the hypnotic guy around?"

Eros shrugged, his eyes never shifted away from Zion for a second. "I'll call him. See if he's nearby."

The two seemed to have a standoff like they were silently delivering threats. Eros stretched his hands over his head and yawned. "Okay. I'm a bit tired. Time to hit the hay. Liam will show you to your rooms."

With that Eros strolled towards the door, sending me a wink on his way out. Zion grunted and folded his arms. He turned to Liam, his face unreadable.

Liam stared back with ignorant eyes. "What?"

"Your friend is the god of love. A god you left Penny alone with. Someone who follows Zeus. He could've killed her."

Liam sighed and rubbed his head. "But he didn't."

"But he could've."

"Which he didn't." Liam played an innocent face. "She can take care of herself. You should be more worried about your identity. For now, we have a plan; at dusk, we rise and start training."

He walked by us, heading for the door. "It's late we should probably get to sleep."

We followed Liam out the door and down a winding hallway, climbing a few stairs on the way. We entered a different hallway lined with mahogany doors.

Pedro halted and inspected a number plate on one door. "Are these rooms?"

Liam pivoted around to face us. "Yes. Now get to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us. See you at seven."

He saluted with a small smile and disappeared down the hallway.

"Well, that's refreshing," Zion muttered. "So which room are we picking."

"I call dibs on this." Pedro jingled a doorknob and pushed it open.

"No. I need you to be with Penny."

"What!?" We both said at the same time.

Is he serious? "Zion, I'm fine. I can take care of myself."

"Tell that to crocottas roaming downstairs along with Blaze's entourage. It's better if you two are together."

Pedro pouted. "FYI, I can also take care of myself. Why can't you do it?"

Zion glared at Pedro. "I have Zeus, remember? And what you did down there was reckless and stupid. You risked your safety climbing up that stage."

Pedro smiled. "Admit it. I'm a great singer."

Zion growled. "Don't push it."

Pedro didn't look fazed which confirmed one thing. Zion hasn't told him about the threat to his life.

"If you guys don't mind, I'll be going to bed now."

We instantly turned to Gwen who stood by another door.

Zion shifted uncomfortably on his feet. "Alone. What know...Henry--"

"There's no need for us to pair up. I'll be fine." She said, pushing her glasses up.

Is she's still afraid of Zion?

"I'll see you tomorrow." She gave a quick smile and shut the door behind her.

"Well done bro." Pedro smiled. "Good with the ladies but stutter with a real one."

"Shut it!" Zion sighed. "I'll be in the room next to Gwen. Goodnight."

Zion didn't give us a chance to protest as he disappeared behind another door.

"Definitely giving him a rattlesnake for his birthday." Pedro smiled at me, ruffling my hair.

I smiled back and walked through the door he picked earlier.

"Did your dad call?" Pedro asked as he followed me, slowly shut the door.

I nodded. "Said I was crashing in with you guys."

Pedro nodded to himself before walking to the only bed in the room. He pulled back the duvet. "You're comfortable with me, right chips?"

I nodded. "Of course."

I glanced around. It was dark but the moonlight made the room reasonably visible. It was like any other simple room and the place smelled like new leather. It was cool.

"Time to crash in, Strawberry. You don't want to be tired tomorrow." Pedro slipped into the covers but was mindful to stay at the very edge.

I guess he wasn't convinced with my answer. He laid on his back with an arm behind his head. I slipped in from the other side, pulling the covers to my chin, and faced him.

"Good night Pedro," I whispered.

He smiled at me. "Good night, Pickles."

He slowly shut his eyes and I watched him drift off. I silently slipped to oblivion, never prepared for what came next.


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