Chapter 43 : Tattoo

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Two chapters have been updated. Make sure to read them in order. Enjoy!


They were known as spirits of the wind,

The personification of a natural disaster.

They symbolize a form of divine punishment,

Most notably the plague of famine.

They are Harpies.


"How about these, ladies?" Raven, the main assistant in the shop raised two dresses before Gwen and me.

We hesitantly took it. Raven had kindly given us a total makeover with our hair, nails, and faces. And she did a good job with that. The boys were on the other side of the shop; at the men's section.

Before we separated, Liam had told us to pick a dress that looked convincing and I knew what he meant. Not to mention he was enjoying this with every fiber of his being.

'Look convincing' meant to wear a dress like the lady we saw passing earlier. I had rejected two other items of clothing before reaching this final piece. Let's just say the others were a bit too revealing.

If dad sees this, he's going to kill me.

But I must admit it's kind of fun. Although this wasn't the first time I had sneaked into a club with the Petersons. The only difference was, I won't be wearing jeans.

I watched the red cocktail dress in my hands. It had a spaghetti strap that formed a deep V at the front and ties up behind the neck.

"We'll try this." Gwen pulled her dress against her chest, checking its length.

Raven nodded and smiled. "I'll be at the front desk. Feel free to try the booth and if you have any difficulties, I'll come right over."

We nodded back before she walked out of the section with her heels.


"Yeah?" I faced Gwen.

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" She looked troubled and my eyebrows furrowed.


She shuffled on her feet. "Is it obvious I like Pedro?"

I blinked. She really knows how to go straight to the point. "Uh..." Is it obvious she likes Pedro? Well duh. I cleared my throat. "Kinda."

She smiled to herself. "I knew it. Do you think I could ever have a chance with him?"

I stilled. Not because of her question, but the way she said the words with a lot of doubt. "Why are you saying that?"

She pulled her glasses out and wiped her eyes with a delicate finger. "I don't know. Because I'm not like 'them.'"

She was referring to people like Sasha and Emily. She was hurt, and part of me thinks it's because of Pedro's behavior a few minutes ago.

"I--I know you and Pedro are close, like best friends and all, and I get it. I just--"

I softly grabbed her elbow and made her face me. "Gwen, look at me." She lifted her puffy eyes but there were no tears. "Pedro isn't the kind to meet any girl on the streets and date. The last time he had a girlfriend was nearly two years ago. Even with that, it took him a while to know her before he asked her out.

"The girls just interpret the wrong thing when he's being extra-friendly. It's a normal habit on his part. So don't you ever think Sasha or Emily have an advantage over you. I rather think you have an advantage over them. Let's just say Pedro has his type of girls."

She wiped her eyes for the last time before wearing her glasses. She then whispered in a very low tone. "Does he feel the same way?"

I bit my lip warily. "As for that, I'm not so sure. But I know for certain that he cares about you."

Wow. I just became a counselor overnight.

She gave a smile. "Thank you, Penny. For the girl talk."

I couldn't help but smile back. "Your right. It is girl talk."

Two girls talking.

She lightly punched my arm. "Even though we haven't known each other for long, I hope we become best friends."

I felt my heart warm up. "Me too."

That Instant Gwen perked up and bobbed on her feet. "Okay, let's try the dresses."

She rushed to her booth and pulled the curtains shut. I took a step towards mine but paused when I felt a weird sensation.

Someone is behind me.

I turned. Over the clothing racks and through the glass window, stood a man on the other side of the road. He wore a trenchcoat and a hat and he was looking directly at me. Even though he was at a fair distance, I could recognize his face. But I couldn't pinpoint where. The man watched me for a few seconds before walking away and out of sight.

I tried relaxing my cramp throat. Was it possible he recognized Pandora?

I shook my head before walking into the booth, pulling the curtains shut. One side of the booth had a full-length mirror. I slowly slid out of my current clothes and wore the dress, twirling in it.

It's pretty.

It reached an inch above my knee. Still doable. I faced the mirror and my eyes popped out. That's a lot of chest skin. At least it's not as bad as the woman that walked into the club. I twirled around and glanced at my back. Half of my skin was winking to the world. I smiled and shrugged. Now all I need were some killer shoes.

I jumped when my phone rang, indicating an incoming call. I shuffled through my jeans pocket and pulled it out. "Hello, dad."

"Can you tell me what the hell happened to the house!"

I forgot about that. Dad never swears unless he's really angry. I tried not to cringe."I thought Zion explained it to you."

"That was before I went home!"

He's now returning home? "Where were you?"

"Don't you dare change the subject missy!" He chided back.

I tried using another tactic. "I don't know dad. Some thieves came and ransacked the place. Lucky for us Zion and I weren't there otherwise we would've been hurt or worse."

A huge sigh vibrated from the other end of the line. "I'm glad both of you are safe. It was my first house."

I felt my heart squeeze. This was all my fault. "I know dad and I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry. We just have to stay at Sasha's place for the meantime."

All the sadness I had, dissipated. I shrieked. "What!?"

The she-devil?

"This is not up for discussion, Penny. How are you doing?"

I sighed at his sudden change of topic. "I'm fine, dad."

"And the Peterson's?"

"They're doing great."

"Alright. You coming home today?"

I felt a sharp pain in my wrist and scratched it. "I don't think I can make it."

I could picture my dad nodding on the other side. "Okay, Sport. Just take care of yourself. I'll call in the morning, alright?"


"Don't forget to keep shining. I love you"

I smiled. "Love you too, dad."

The call disconnected and I placed my phone back in my jeans. The talk brought back memories, like the last conversation I had with dad;

I only have a few months, Penny.

His words kept ringing over and over. And the only option I had was Liam. Or did I?

The anonymous person had also sent a message and the two sentences burned bright in my head.

I know your father is sick. And I can help him.

I couldn't trust him for now. What if he's another of Henry's cohorts? I'm not risking it.

I patted my skirt, ready to make an exit when another sharp pain pierced my wrist. I stumbled and glanced at it. Another sharp pain wrenched at my skin. It felt like my flesh was tearing away and the muscles beneath were ripping apart. I cried out and doubled over, hugging my wrist.

"Penny? Are you alright?" Gwen's voice seemed far off.

I slowly rose the injured wrist. My eyes widened. I whimpered when another pain, two times hard, ripped from my wrist and up my arm. Like many knifes scraping it off at once. My knees gave way.

"Penny!" Gwen knelt by me, her eyes roamed. "What's happen--"

She gasped at my wrist.

I turned towards it. Right next to the mark on my skin, another mark was forming shape, like someone was writing on me. Not exactly though. It wasn't made of ink but burnt flesh.

I whimpered when another Greek alphabet was permanently tattooed on my skin.

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