Chapter 14

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A/N: This chapter contains offensive words. Be warned before you proceed onto the story.

Evan's POV

"So you guys going to the party tonight?"

"Hell yeah man, it's gonna be lit!"

"I heard college girls will be there!"

"I'm finally getting some tonight!"

"Keep dreaming you dork."

Everywhere I passed, the kids at school were talking about the huge party going on tonight. Literally everyone is going to be there, and when I say everyone, I mean everyone. Even kids from other schools. Can you guess who won't be there though? Yes, that's right. Me.

Parties just aren't my thing, and besides, my last experience with one left a terrible impression on me. I could still remember that night clearly in my head, and every time I thing of a party, I think of what happened.

I wonder who the person hosting the party was. That person was loaded for sure. I heard that it was going to be in some rich, secluded mansion with about a million stories high. Okay, that might be a bit of a stretch, but you know what I mean.

While I was still deep in, I accidentally bounced into something, or someone, and fell to the ground. I heard laughter around me and looked up to see who I bounced into. Just my luck, it was none other that Max. He had a sinister looking glare etched onto his face as he looked down at me.

I always knew he never liked me, but ever since my last encounter with him at Alex's house, he seemed to be radiating a constant vibe that screamed, 'I'm going to murder you!'

"Well well well, if it isn't the fag of the school." My eyes widened and I could hear laughter, shocked gasps and mummers within the crowd. "That's right everyone, Evan Larks is a fucking fag and now everyone at school knows it," he announced, directing the last part at me. I shook my head no rapidly. I scrambled to get up and took a step away from him.

"He's lying!" I defended. I proceeded to run out of here, but the crowd pushed me back in. There was no use in trying to get out now. Max is already intent on murdering me. I looked up fearfully as he stalked towards me with murderous intent in his eyes.

He grabbed my arm and threw me on the floor. A gasp escaped my lips when I felt something crack. He got on top of me and delivered a punch to my jaw. I cried out in pain and tried to cover my face with my arms, but he punched my stomach instead. He got up and threw repeated kicks at me. I tried to dodge them as best as I could, but they proved to be futile in the end.

It had only been a few minutes, although they felt like hours, before he stopped. "I don't want to see you near Alex like that again. If I do, I won't hesitate to hold back next time," he sneered at me as if I was the lowest being on earth.

"W-Why are you doing t-this to me?" I whispered. Instead of answering, he clenched his jaw and walked away angrily. I got up slowly, wincing as I did so. Although only a few kicks and punches were delivered, it still hurt.

My heart was beating rapidly from all the eyes trained on me. Even though most of the crowd dissipated after Max left, I still felt my anxiety creep it's way up. I hated it when any type of attention was on me.

I quickly walked, or more like limped my way to the boy's bathroom. Thankfully it was empty. I leaned my back against the wall and took deep breathes. Breath. Just breathe.

I felt like everyone hated me and I don't understand why. What have I ever done to anyone? Why can't they just accept me for who I am?

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