back to school you go

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Levi had finally woken up, his head bulging and ass raw. He slipped on some boxers and met an annoyed, worried and teary faced John.

"What's up man? Levi asks, joining John, who was leaned over the island.

John sucked in. "Am i doing the right thing?" He questions. "What do you mean?" "By spanking, am i doing the right thing?" Levi looked at him. "Why are you even questioning that?" "Aspen ran away"

"Whar?!" "Calm down Mr. Wikerson found her." "Oh..." Levi turned John around and made him face him. "Yes. Yes you are. We have to learn not to disrespect you and do what is needed. Its raising us to be better humans amd not asshats."

John blinked and pulled him into a hug. "Thanks man...hey, Im supposed to get Aspen, but do you think..."

"Ill go with you" "plesse."

Levi smiled, ran off and got dressed and joined John to the short car ride there. They both got out and walked inside to see a sniffling Aspen who was chewing away at a chip.

"Aspen!" John said loudly, causing her to jump from the sudden shout. "John...I...." she began, looked over at Mr.Wikerson who nodded. "Go ahead"

"John I am so sorry!! Im so sorry I ran away, Mr. Wikerson and I had a talk and im so sorry for being a brat and disrespecting you. I deserve all of my spankings & i know you do it because you love me "

John and Levi stood shoked, then pull her into a hug. "Exactly baby girl, exactly." John soothes.

10 minutes go by...

"I think its time to get you to school, Aspen." John says, lifting up her backpack. Aspen groans but agrees, not waiting another spanking, she'd already had 2. "Hey what was that speech about disrespect?" Levi asks. "I never said id completely stop." She says smirking, earning a playful spank, and a stern point to the car.

"Stay out of trouble!" John shouted as Aspen made her way through the crowd toward her 12:30 class. She webt to her locker and got/put away her books and closed the door to see Trever.

"Trever!!" She shouts, crashing into his arms. "Aspy!" He replies, cradling her. "I mjssed you this morning, where were you?" Over your dads knee. "Didn't feel it this morning...and Trever?" I say whispering. He leaned in. "Yes?" "Im sorry I got trouble." He flushed with embarrassment. "Its ok I got it too," she quickly replies.

"Oh baby Im sorry." He says kissing her forehead. "Its ok,lets get to class, I cannot get in trouble again." "Okay baby."

The school day goes by fairly quick. Aspens sore bum reminded her not to give the teacher a snark comment, and not to throw a punch when someone threw a wod of paper at her. She made her way down the hallway when she spotted Rory.

"Hey Roe." "Hey where were you in Science??" "I skipped this morning-" he began but I held up a palm. "Domt waste your breath, i already got spanked for it." I whimper sonnoone hears. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. "Last clsss." "Yes sir."

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