Ted: Part 14

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Well needless to say I couldn't wait for class to end. I was bouncing on my heels waiting for the sound of the bell. When it rang I grabbed my bag, changed at the speed of light, and ran out, ignoring Jake who was trying to call me back. Well I tried to but he caught up to me. He grabbed the back of my jacket and I rounded on him.

"What?" I asked, wincing at how fierce I sounded.

Jake held up his hands and stepped back. "Jeez man, chill."

I rubbed the back of my neck guilty. "Sorry...what's up?"

"Just wanted to make sure you're alright." He fidgeting with his backpack strap "you haven't been yourself lately."

"I'm fine." I said hastily. Jake looked like he wanted to say more but I was already halfway down the hall. I burst out into the school parking lot and tried to smother my ridiculous grin. This was going to be like our first date, though with Cassidy there.

My grin was becoming harder to contain when I spotted him leaning against his car looking sexy- and yes I cannot believe I said that either- with his fitting white shirt and jeans. His wavy black hair was hanging around his face and his green eyes were twinkling. Eyes that were watching me stare at him. I felt a blush creeping on and silently cursed myself. When I reached them I let out an awkward hey and stood there not quite knowing what to do.

But then Johan shocked me and leaned forward to wrap his hands around my neck and kiss me. I melted into his kiss pulling him closer to me, and I learned down so he wasn't on his tip toes. I had almost forgotten where we were when-

"Oh my god guys you're going to make me swoon in the parking lot." Cassidy said. She put her hands on her hips squinted up at me. Johan and I broke apart, both of us slightly flushed. "You two are so adorable!" She squealed.

I looked at Johan. "How do you stand it?"

"Stand what?"

"The squealing."

"I tune her out." He said shrugging and laughed when Cassidy whacked his shoulder. She huffed and climbed into the back seat of the car. I suppressed a laugh and sat in the passenger seat while Johan dug out his keys and got in on the drivers side.

The whole car ride Cassidy and I sung out of tune to Taylor Swift's Wildest Dreams. Taylor was one of my guilty pleasures.

Say you'll remember me

Standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset babe

Red lips and rosy cheeks

Say you'll see me again

Even if it's just in your

Wildest dreams

Cassy and I started laughing. I felt so free, like I was finally myself again after so many years. Like I finally broke out of some kind of well...closet.

Cassy and I stopped laughing but Johan kept singing. When he finally realized he was singing alone and stopped, Cassidy and I were shell shocked.

He kept his eyes on the road but his face turned beet red. "What?" He asked when no one said anything.

"Dang son you got some killer pipes!"

"Man that's hot." I laughed ignoring when my face turned red. Johan smiled to himself but didn't say anything.

When we arrived at the pizza place Cassidy jumped out and impatiently beckoned for us to follow. I chuckled and went to open my door only for it to be opened by Johan.

"What a gentleman." I laughed.

"He's the sweetest." Cassidy gushed and pinched his cheeks. She walked on ahead of us. I watched as she walked her blonde hair swung behind her and her hips swayed with each step. Before I would have found myself in a trance, drooling behind her, but now I feel nothing towards her but everything to the beautiful French boy holding my hand.

Cassidy held the doors open for us and I went to order the pizza. Johan and I slid into one side of the booth and Cassy stepped into the other. She propped her head in her hands and smiled at us.

"What?" I asked.

"God you two are so cute."

Johan blushed and I kissed his cheek. "We know."

"What changed?" Cassidy asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you finally decide to stop avoiding him and open up about your feelings for him."

"This isn't an interrogation Dr. Phil." Johan mumbled but she ignored him and looked at me persistently.

"My dad told me a story, about how he was gay before meeting his soulmate- my mother. He told me about how happy he was and I realized trying to ignore what I was feeling was making me miserable. So I decided to go with it.

Johan took my hand and smiled. He was about to say something when the pizza got placed in front of us and Cassy shoved some in her mouth like a starving girl. I couldn't figure out how she was so thin.

After pizza, Johan took Cassidy home and our alone time began. I was insanely nervous. What would we talk about? Should I hold his hand? What do I do? But as time progressed I realized how easy he was to talk to. We had so much in common. We walked around the park and just talked our asses off.

Afterwards Johan drove me home. He parked outside my building and that's when it got a bit awkward.

"So um..I'll see you tomorrow I guess." I mumbled out.

He leaned over and kissed me. I ran my hands through his curly hair. The kiss deepened and before I knew it I was pulling him over and onto my lap. He moaned into my mouth and I pulled him closer. He ran his hands under my shirt and I shuddered at his touch and melted against him. My breathing was becoming ragged but before anything else could happen.... My phone rang.

I groaned but tried to ignore it, I knew it was my mom by the song that played. I kissed Johan harder but he pulled away.

"You should probably answer that." He sighed against my mouth.

I dug my phone out of my pocket. "I'll be up in a minute mom." I said then hung up. Johan had climbed back over into the driver seat. I leaned over and kissed him once more then reluctantly got out of the car.

When I got to the top floor penthouse my mom was waiting outside the elevator. "Where have you been?" She asked.

I should have told her about Johan but I couldn't bring myself to.

"I was out with Jake. We went to catch a movie."

"I don't believe you."

"I'm sorry?" I said. I turned to go to my room but she called me back.

"Wait here." She walked into the kitchen and came out with her cell phone. "Hi Jake dear, I must ask you a question."

This woman was seriously unbelievable.

"Did you go to the movies with my son today? Oh really? What did you see? Alright, thank you Jake."

I reminded myself to stop being an ass to Jake.

"I'm sorry." My mom tried.

"Nice to know you trust me." I turned towards the stairs.

"I'm sorry, but you've been acting sketchy lately."

I didn't answer and went to my room. Obviously I did lie to her, but that was the first time I ever did. So the fact that she didn't trust me was pretty sad.
I walked into my room and Suzie froze. She was doing her last check of the day to make sure everything was clean. I saw the scared look in her eyes and felt immensely guilty. I sighed and left her to her job and walked into my bathroom. I went to the shower but sighed and went for a bath. As the water ran I pulled out my phone and texted Jake.

Me: I owe you one man.

Jake: Hell yeah you do. Where were you and why did you have to lie about it

I hated the fact that I just lied to my mom and didn't want to lie to Jake as well but I couldn't tell him.

Me: I was hanging out with Cassidy

Technically that wasn't a lie, and it was a reasonable excuse. My mom wasn't a fan of Cassy.

Jake: Whoa man, what about Alex?

Me: Not that kind of hanging out dude.

Jake: Alright man just be careful, you don't want to piss off Alex.

I definitely didn't want to do that. She can be vicious when she wants to. It's pretty terrifying sometimes.

Me: I will, thanks again.

I shut my phone off and stepped into the hot water. I tried to justify my actions and failed. I hated lying. It made me feel so unclean. I sunk down in the bath.
"Stop it."

I smirked and did it again.

"Stop it."

I quietly laughed and bit at his ear.

"Stop it."

It bit at it again. Before I knew it he rolled up his comic book and hit me with it.


"Lesson learned?" He asked.

"Nope." I said and went to bite him again but before I could he turned his head and captured my lips in a kiss.

He broke the kiss and said "are you mad because I'm paying more attention to my comics?"

"Are you reading my mind?" I mumbled and kissed his cheek.

"Nope. I'm not Xavier." He said.


"Xavier. You know Charles Xavier. Professor X?"

I let my blank stare explain it to him.

"Don't you know what X-Men is? From Marvel?"

"What's Marvel?"

"What!" He exclaimed loudly.

I clamped my hand over his mouth. "Keep it down."
We were lying on a couch in a secluded section in the back of the library and I didn't want us to get in trouble.

I moved my hand. "How do you not know what it is?" He asked.

"Because I'm not a nerd like you." I said.

"I'm not a nerd!" Johan gasped. "I'm a geek, sometimes called Fanboys. There is a difference."

"Fanboy? That sounds gay." I said.

"Fitting then." He laughed and kissed me. I liked how he was more comfortable with his sexuality now. I was becoming okay with it but still couldn't find it in me to tell anyone.

"Well explain it to me Mr. Fanboy." I smiled. He rolled his eyes.

"X-Men is about these people called mutants who are basically trying to end a war against humans who think they shouldn't exist. Mutants are people with like...Supernatural talents." He went on to explain it to me and to be honest it sounded pretty dang good. By the end of his explanation I had agreed to have an X-Men marathon with him.

"My house Friday at 7 okay?" He asked as he picked up his books.

"It's a date." He hugged me and I kissed the top of his head, then we parted ways for class. I walked to English and took my usual seat.

"Yo Ted." Max Creed whispered.

"What's up?"

"I hear Landon is throwing a killer party on Friday. Byob, it's gonna be packed. You in?"

"Nah man I've got homework to catch up on."
Which was true. I was going to do it during the marathon.

"Homework? Dude your whipped." Max laughed.

I'm whipped for trying to go somewhere with my life? I turned. "What did you say, punk?"

"N-nothing. Sorry." He stammered.

That's how most of my day went. People invited me to the party, I said no, they called me whipped and I threatened them, then they ran away with their tails between their legs. I debated skipping out on my friends for lunch and finding Johan in the library again but decided against it. I owed Jake for being a good friend and I could pay him back by well...being a good friend. I texted Johan and told him I wouldn't make it.

So I sat at our usual table at lunch and didn't space out or ignore him, I actually talked and laughed with my best friend for the first time in months. Halfway through Alex showed up.

"Hey babe." She said. "I haven't seen you in a while."

"I've been...busy."

Jake looked away and I could tell he still thought I was cheating on her with Cassidy. If he knew the truth he probably would have had a heart attack.

Alex also looked at me funny at my answer but ignored it. She sat at the table and took my hand. I made an excuse like I had to sneeze or something, to move my hand away from hers and I settled them in my lap for the rest of lunch. When it was over Jake left for his class and I was left alone with Alex.

"I feel like I don't see you anymore babe-" I tried not to squirm when she called me that. "We need to hang out."

"Ok..um I'll text you." I said with no intentions of doing so.

She leaned forward to kiss me but I abruptly said "I can't be late to class!" And ran off like the little wuss I was. I didn't have feelings for her anymore, but I was finding it hard to break it off with her.

When I got to Chemistry, Johan was sitting at our lab table reading his X-Men comics. I sat at my seat and pinched his thigh causing him to jump a little. He slapped my hand away but he was laughing. He looked up at me and smiled so adorably and I smiled back trying not to show how guilty I felt.

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