Johan: Part 21

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"The beach." I peered up at Ted to see if he was serious.

He smiled down at me so excited he was bouncing up and down. "Yes the beach! It's gonna be fun!"

"Not." I said.

He looked so crestfallen that I backtracked.

"I've never been one for the beach. It's just not my forte."

"Oh don't be such a downer babe!"

"Why are you so excited for it?"

"Because it's summer vacation. And it's going to be our first summer vacation together and I want it to be special."

"By dragging me someplace I don't want to go?" He stopped smiling and glared at me. I knew how this was going to end. I don't win arguments in this relationship. He fixes me with that puppy dog stare and I melt like chocolate on a hot day. "Fine. Suppose I agree to this insane trip..."

The smile returned tenfold. "Really?!" He asked.

"If it makes you this happy then how can I say no?"

"Yes! I promise we're going to have so much fun!" He said and hugged me tight to his chest.

"Mr. Baxter, Mr. Mull. Please be quiet." Our chemistry teacher said. Ted and I were sitting in a back corner of the chemistry room while everyone in the front was watching a movie.

"Sorry Miss Temlin." Ted called then turned back to me. He had stopped hugging me so I adjusted my position on the floor. Ted was sitting up against the wall and I was partially laid down. My head rested on his chest with one of my legs thrown over his and his arm hung around my shoulder. "So." He said when I stopped moving. "We go tomorrow."

"Tomorrow!" I exclaimed and then remembered to lower my voice. "You couldn't have given me warning before hand?"

"Well I just thought of it at like 3am and I'm pretty sure you would have completely shot me down if I woke you up at 3am. Plus in person you get to see this face. And that makes everything seem better."

"Oh pull your head out of your ass." I laughed.

He kissed the top of my head. So I'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow and with a few stops we'll be at the beach by 9. It'll be me, you, Cassidy, Landon, Alex, and Geoffrey."

"Small group." I noted.

"Yeah well, a lot more were going to come but I told them not to. I figured you wouldn't want too big of a crowd."

I turned my head to look at him. "Aw okay babe I take back what I said about your head being in your ass."

He chuckled. "Good!"

After we finished talking about the beach we turned back to the movie. I had lost my contacts that morning and misplaced my glasses so the movie was really fuzzy. So instead of watching it I snuggled back against Ted's chest and closed my eyes. We had gotten back together over two months ago and each day was better than the last. It was like a dream being with him. I wondered what I would have said 4 months ago if I was told that I would fall in love with Ted Baxter. The guy who relentlessly bullied me for more than a year. I would say 'you're flipping nuts.' Now I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Johan. Johan wake up." Someone was shaking me. I peeled my eyes open not even realizing that I had fallen asleep. "You're cute when you sleep." Ted noted. I pushed up off of him and grabbed my bag.

"No I'm not." I said. Before I could walk through the door someone shoved me into a table making me drop my bag.

"Fag." He said as he walked past.

I rolled my eyes but before I could even pick up my stuff I heard a thud and looked up to see that kid pinned up against the wall with Ted's arm pinned to his throat. Ted looked livid.

"Say it again punk." He said. The kid looked like he might piss his pants right then and there. I ran forward and tried to tug Ted's arm back but it was like steel. "Lay another finger on him and I can guarantee it'll be the last thing you ever do."

"Ted." I said. "Enough."

Ted pushed back from the kid and he ran from the room like the devil was on his heels. Ted turned around to look at me and I crossed my arms. "What?" He asked and I gave him a look. He sighed. "I'm sorry."

"Ted you gotta control your anger."

"I know but seeing you hurt...I can't help it." His hands were shaking so I pulled him closer and took his hands in my own.

"I know. But I'm fine, okay?"

He nodded slowly. I grabbed my bag and handed Ted his. I gave him a kiss and we went separate ways to 5th period. We were watching a movie as well in Literature so I texted Cassidy the whole period. I had to squint at my phone screen but it was still better than trying to make out the subtitles on the Japanese movie. I told Cassidy what happened last period.

Cassy: Who was it? I'll pound his face in.

Me: I'm sure you will Cass which is exactly why I'm not going to tell you.

Cassy: Fine then, I'll ask Ted.

Me: No you won't.

Cassy: Johan. -_-

Me: Cass. I can and will beat you up.

Cassy: Alright alright :( you're such a butthole

Me: And you're immature

Cassy: But you love me anyway

Me: Of course.

We went back and forth like that for the remainder of the class and then met up outside of History. Miss Redner tried to teach us more stuff that day but everyone's eyes were locked on the clock.



Students cheered and everyone rushed for the doors. Classy and I hung back so we wouldn't get trampled then walked out the doors to the parking lot. It was finally summer vacation. And my first summer in a relationship, and my first summer since moving to America that I had a friend. So no more locking myself up in my room watching Bleach. We got to my car and waited for Ted. He got a ride to school this morning so I was going to drop him home.

"Am I dropping you home or do you need a place to crash tonight?" I asked Cassidy.

"Home. My dad's back so I'll sleep at my house. Thanks though."

Ted arrived at the car and sat in the back. Cassidy had already claimed shotgun. I dropped her home and then pulled into Ted's apartment. I would have stayed for a while but I had chores at home so I said goodbye to Ted and headed home.

"Johan." Jack called when I walked into the house.


"Do you have any plans tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I'm going to the beach with some friends."

Jack seemed a little shocked by that answer. "Oh okay. Never mind."

"Did you need something?" I asked.

"Well I needed someone to watch the kids tomorrow, Amie and I are going out."

"Well I can stay and watch them." This was my last chance to get out of the beach.

"No no! Go out with your friends." Jack said. I wanted to think he was just happy that I was doing something this summer but let's face it, he was just happy I had friends.

I walked upstairs and opened my door-only to see Tina jumping on my bed, Leanne reading my comics, and Ava going through my stash of candy. Once the door opened they all froze. "All of you have ten seconds to leave or else."

"Or else what?" Ava asked.

"Do you want to find out?"

None of them moved so I started counting down from ten in my head. When I got to three I said it out loud. "3...2...1..." Leanne and Ava indignantly stayed put but Tina fled by the time I got to 7. When I finished my countdown I ran at the closest kind, Ava. I tackled her and started tickling. Ava is extremely ticklish so she was practically crying of laughter. Leanne had ran from the room screaming.

"Every man for himself! She yelled.

I managed to wrestle my candy away from Ava and shiver her out of my room then took off after Leanne. Once I got my comic back I went to my room, checking that it was sister-proof, then closed my door. I collapsed on my bed and flipped on my tv, making sure I put my comic away safely first. When it started to get late I started to pack up my stuff for the beach. Extra clothing, sunscreen, comic books, towels, so on and so forth. By the time I finished and showered and climbed into bed it was past 9. I set my alarm for 6:30 am and fell asleep.

"Got everything?"

"I think so."

"Then let's hit the road baby!"

I rolled my eyes with a small laugh and locked the door behind me.

"We're gonna pick up Cassidy and then stop at the store to grab snacks. Geoffrey, Landon, and Alex and going in Geoffrey's truck." Ted said.

"Sounds good." I said.

Ted peered at me. "Go back to sleep Johan." I looked over at him and he smiled. I can tell you're so tired. Go to sleep."

"Nah but I want to keep you company while you drive." I said.

"You're sweet but you'll be no fun later if you're tired." He kissed my forehead and set the car in reverse.

I fell asleep the second he pulled out of my driveway. I woke up briefly when Cassy got in.

"Hey boys." She said, weirdly perky.

I mumbled some incoherent response and drifted back off to sleep. By the time my eyes reopened we were at the beach. Blue sky's, roaring waves, sand between my toes...yah no. It was so hot I thought I was going to melt, the sand was coarse and got everywhere and the roaring waves was deafening. I turned to Ted. He saw the look on my face and rolled his eyes.

"Stop pouting. You'll have fun. I promise." Just as he said that a red truck pulled up next to Ted's car. Three people jumped out of the truck.

"Yoo Ted, my Man!" One of the guys yelled. He gave Ted that man handshake/hug thingie.

"Hey Landon." Ted said. "I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Johan."

Landon turned and sized me up. Then he broke out into a smile and pulled me into one of those bro hugs. When he pushed back I was disoriented for a second and could feel Ted's chest rumbling with laughter on my back. "Nice to meet you man." Landon said.

"Same to you." I replied.

A ginger with glasses came up next. "What's up Johan? I'm Geoffrey with a G."

"Hey Geoffrey with a G." I said and laughed a bit.

Geoffrey's smile dropped. "You think that's funny punk?"

"I-uh-" I stammered but Geoffrey bust out laughing.

"I'm totally messing with you dude." He said. He kept laughing until Alex walked up and pulled him away by the ear. "Ow man!" He complained.

"Hi Johan." She said and smiled.

"Hey Alex." I said.

She took my arm and pulled me a bit away from Ted who was busy talking to Cassidy. "This is the happiest I've seen Ted in years. I'm really glad you're his soulmate. You two are perfect together."

I looked over my shoulder at Ted, his smile wide and blue eyes twinkling. "Thanks."

Before I could say anything else Landon yelled "let's hit the water!" And took off running, but before he could make any progress Alex tripped him. Landon fell face first into the sand.

"Calm yourself." She said and I made a mental note to stay on her good side.

We took out the beach chairs and umbrellas and set the cooler under it. When we were all done Ted was standing and talking to Landon and Geoffrey all of them laughing. Cassidy was rubbing sun screen on Alex and then vise versa. I kinda stood at the side just looking around. I looked at a patch of birds by the water thinking about getting my camera out when Ted came up to me.

"You okay babe?" He asked. I tried to look up in his eyes but the sun was blinding.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Then come get in the water with me."

I eyed the blue waves nervously then peered at Ted not making any sign of movement. Ted held out his hand. "Do you trust me?"

Of course I do. But I said "that depends."

He rolled his eyes. And I sighed and put my hand in his. He intertwined our fingers and headed toward the water. We hit the water and I tensed thinking it would be cold but the water was surprisingly warm. I walked to where the water was slapping my stomach.

"Just relax and flow with the water." Ted said and closed his eyes.

I did as he said and just floated on the waves feeling a bit more comfortable than I did a little while ago.

"See?" Ted said floating toward me. He put his lips to mine. "Mmm" he said smirking. "Salty."

I smiled against his lips and wrapped hy arms around his neck kissing him deeper. He pulled me up by my hips so I wasnt stretching up. In a split second decision I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist, our legs hidden by the water. I felt Ted's surprise and then a second later he deepened the kiss. I let out a small moan and his tounge entered my mouth. I melted into him in that moment until I heard a shout.

"Hey! No public displays of affection!" Alex shouted. She was standing in the water a bit away from Ted and I along with Geoffrey, Landon, and Cassidy. And they wrre all carrying waterguns.

I scrambled off of Ted and tried to back up but he held me firm with an arm around my waist. "Oh got us guys..." he said monotone, then flashed me a wicked smile and pulled out two huge waterguns from under that water. I took one, my only thought where the hell was he hiding it?

I shook off that thought and the battle began. I sprayed Alex who was closest to me. I lost track of time that we were having the water war and by the time it was finished we were all completely soaked and tired. Afterwards Landon bought out three inflatable pool chairs. I claimed one with Ted, Alex took one with Geoffrey-which the two of them had been dating for sometime now-and Cassy got on the last one with Landon. I breifly wondered if there was something between the two of them. Cassidy never said anything about him.

"So?" Ted asked.


Are you having fun yet?"

I sighed and laid my head on his chest. His hand went up to my wet hair and he gently ran his fingers through it. "Yes Ted. You were right. I'm having fun at the beach."

I felt him laugh and closed my eyes. The gentle swaying of the chair in the water soothed me. And I just basked in the heat of the sun, cooled every once in a while by the splashing of the waves. A little while later Cassidy and Landon floated past us. I slipped off the chair and held my finger to my lips before Ted could ask where I was going. I crept over to Cassidy and landon and gipped the side of their chair and flipped it over. They toppled into the water and I laughed my ass off.

"Johan!" Cassidy yelled.

I tried to run off but she tackled me in the water. I got up spitting out water and laughing. As she was saueezing water out of her hair I got up and walked over to the cooler pulling out a soda. I sipped the fizzy drink and sat in a normal chair that wouldn't float away.

Once I drained the last of the soda Ted ran up. "They want to have swim races." He said. "Are you in?"

I took a second to respond because my eyes were on the water running down his abs...I dragged my eyes up. "Yeah sure."

We ran back to the water Ted ahead of me but while he was running his foot hit a sand castle. I stopped and looked at the little girl who was building it, her eyes starting to mist.

"Ted!" I called.

He looked back and saw the little girl. I walked over to her. "Hey I'm sorry, don't cry sweetie."

Ted knelt next to her. "Do you want us to help you rebuild it?"

The little girl wipes at her eyes and nodded so Ted and I sat and started building a sand castle with her. Landon ran over a bit later. "Hey are you coming?" He asked. Ted didn't answer and he saw what we were doing but instead of leaving he called the others over. He looked at the litle girl. "Can we help?"

She smiled brightly and said, "sure!" Half an hour later we had built a magnificent sand castle. Everyone stood to admire the work and at the end Geoffrey lifted up the little girl so she could but a little toy flag on the top. She squealed with excitement and clapped her hands.

"Lisa! Lisa where are you?" A woman called.

The little girl-Lisa- ran over to her mom.

"Mommy, mommy these nice people helped me build a huge sandcastle!" She said excitedly.

The mom eyed us warily.

"We accidentally knocked it over so we helped her rebuild it" I reassured her. The mom thanked us and Lisa ran around giving each of us a hug, then ran off with her mom. After that we ate lunch and spent the rest of the day chilling out, talking, and laughing. When I got to the beach I was so nervous but now I felt like I was part of the group and they welcomed me with open arms. I've never been in a group like this, hanging out. Ted made me feel comfortable.

When we left Landon said that we would hang out some more this summer and Geoffrey gave me a normal hug. Then Ted, Cassidy and I got in our car and started the journey home. This time Cassidy was the one who passed out and Ted and I talked the whole ride.

Halfway through thebride he brought up an idea. "How about we go to the Zoo tomorrow?"

I laughed. "If I'm able to wake up tomorrow. Right now I feel as if I'll sleep the day away."

"Fine then tomorrow we can relax at my place or yours, then Monday we can go to the zoo. We gotta make the most of summer." He smiled and I agreed.

We dropped Cassidy home by 7 then headed to Ted's place. I told Amie I'd be home by 9 so I didnt bother to head home yet.

"Mom and Dad are out and Mayrse is off at a sleepover. So it's just me and you." Ted informed me. We walked into his room. "You can go take a shower first and I'll bring you some towels."

I nodded then stepped into his bathroom and stripped down, putting my worn clothes into a plastic bag I carried. Then I stepped in the shower and let the warm water flow over me. I had sand in places sand should never be. I was pouring some shampoo into my hand when the door opened and Ted called out that he brought a towel. I called out thanks and he left again. I stayed in the warm water until I was sure that I had rid myself of the last grain of salt then turned off the water. I dried myself with the towel Ted had brought then saw he left me a fresh change of clothes. I changed then exited the bathroom toweling off my hair.

Ted smiled at me and ran his hands through my hair. He pulled me in for a kiss then went into the bathroom himself. I stowed the bag of clothes away in my backpack and stood there for a second wondering what to do with the towel.

"Just drop it in the corner. Suzie will take care of it." Ted called from the bathroom like somehow he knew what I was thinking. I laughed slightly and put down the towel before crawling into his bed. I planned to wait for Ted to get out of the shower but the second my head hit his pillow I was out like a light.
A persistent buzzing woke me up. I checked my cell phone to see Amie's name on the called ID.

"Hello?" I asked groggy.

"Johan! Where are you?!" Amie's shrill voice penetrated my ears. She sounded panicked.

"I'm at Ted's. What's wrong?"

"I was trying to call you for an hour! You said you'd be home by 9!" I glanced at the clock and saw I it was a quarter to 12. "Ted wasn't answering either but Cassidy told me you guys got home." I glanced over at Ted who was curled up at me side, face buried in my shirt. I stopped for a moment to admire how adorable that was.

Then I noted this as the first time Amie has ever had to worry about me not coming home. "I'm sorry mom. I fell asleep. I'm on my way home now."


I hung up the phone and looked at Ted. He hadn't moved but now his green eyes were open and staring at me. "You have to leave?" He asked. I nodded. "Alright." He sighed. He sat up and rubbed his eyes

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