feliz navidad

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"Why can't you stay a bit longer? Do you have to leave? I mean why can't you be like your cousin and just bring them over?" My mom rambled, I sighed while glancing towards my dad who gave her the side eye before wrapping his arms behind her.

"He's growing" he huffed "we hope you have a good time lucas" my dad smiled as my mom frowned "fine, but please call me" she broke away from my dad, giving me the biggest hug.

I waved towards them as I walked to my car holding the pies and gifts.

Edwin didn't live far from me actually, he was just two city's away. So the drive was a bit short but long enough for me to think in the car. I mean it was the first Christmas Eve I wasn't spending with my family, so I was a bit anxious I'm not going to lie. So anxious that I stayed in the car for atleast 5 minutes, just wondering if they really did want to invite me.

After dragging myself to the doorstep, and I somehow managed to knock on the door by looking like a complete idiot while having my arms full.

Edwin answered with the biggest smile "you're here" he said as he was quick to grab the pies out of my hands. "Of course, I was looking forward" I said stepping inside the cozy home, wiping my feet on the doormat.

His mom peeped through the corner, watching her expression change to the small sight of me "lucas! You're early!" She hugged me "we aren't finished with the food but you can help" she suggested, I glanced over at Edwin who shrugged as a response.

"Of course" I nodded "and I want you to meet mom" she brightly smiled dragging me into the kitchen.

My eyes landed on an old lady stood who had just rubbed her hands on her apron, placing them on top of her hips "quien es este chulo?" She smiled, you can see the wrinkles on the corner of her eyes. She was small, but the way she wrapped her arms me tightly made wanna chuckle, she was adorable. I didn't even fully introduce myself but the hug was very sweet.

"I'm lucas" I beamed down at her "lucas" She said with a thick accent, I nodded my head "es muy chulo" she patted my back before walking back to the table. "Get you and Lucas an apron" Edwins mom demanded, giving him the signature mom look. We both washed our hands throwing the apron on, rushing back to the table giving them the help they needed.

After awhile of making tamales, Edwin's mom decided to give us a break and give us a nice warm cup of champurrado. It really filled my heart with so much warmth and joy. Just wow, that's all I can say.

"Where's the rest of your family?"I asked leaning into the couch "Gabby took Luis and her kids out sledding,they should be getting here now" he check the time on his phone.

I nodded my head sipping onto my cup "you should've gone with them" "no way, kids are evil man" he laughs "plus I waiting for you and I wanted to help mom out" "that's very sweet of you, Edwin has a soft spot? Shocking" I teased.

He rolled his eyes "and how are you doing lucas?" "Good" I replied, his eyes narrowed "has nova messaged you?" He cautioning asked, I shook my head no.

I wanted to frown, just the thought of Elliott celebrating Christmas with Kaz instead of me. Crazy how in such little time, I was already imagining our future. I was so hook and I'm so mad at myself for that. I was willing to drop everything for him, and he wasn't willing to do the same. He didn't even bother on messaging me.

The door slammed open as kids stormed in, Gabby stepped in afterwards while having baby Elena in one of those baby carriers just dangling on. Not having a single care in the world sucking just on her pacifier, boy did I want to be in her place.

"Gabby!" I cheered while giving her a hug "very happy to see you here lucas, mom was so excited. Did grandma fall in love with you yet?" She jokingly asked "not yet of course, can I hold the baby?" I asked as she nodded her head sitting back on the chair. She looked exhausted while the baby looked like she had full on energy.

I gently picked her up, smiling over at her. She was adorable, had the biggest eyes and the chubbiest cheeks. I grabbed her hand gently running my thumb over it "you're just too cute" I chuckled "just like her mom" gabby laughed.

"The kids were wondering if we wanted to join the snowball fight?" Edwin asked, I nodded my head "of course, I mean we would win" I grinned "grab my coat."


We all sat in the living room cuddling into our blankets for warmth and with our stomachs full. The kids eagerly stared at the Christmas tree, but would often give the attention back towards the movie.

I laid my head on Gabby's lap, as she gently played with my hair. My eyes wandered down to Elena who stared at us both blankly, she laid in the bouncer as gabby used one of her foots gently tapping on it.

It was amazing on how Gabby was a parent to two, she was a single mom but what amazed so much more that she was also a nurse. A badass I would say.

My eyes wandered back up to the room, scanning around, the family's attention was fully on the tv. They all watched the movie, Edwin said they can never get tired of the films. In my family, the adults would only do this. The kids would be screaming everywhere, which is why I always locked myself in a room with the "teens" i sat up leaning my head against her shoulder as I crossed my arms.

"Is it time yet?" Luis asked, "no bud you still a need another 30 minutes" Edwin replied "but that's not fair, Daniel literally fell asleep" "do you wanna open them up tomorrow?" Gabby asked "no" he mumble while looking back at the tv. It was their tradition to open the gifts at midnight on Christmas Eve.

"This is nice" I blurted out "I hope you all continue to invite me" "oh trust me we will, grandma is in love with you already" gabby laughed.

"Can I hold the baby?" I asked "yeah go ahead, I mean try to put her to sleep for me too" gabby smiled embarrassingly. I chuckle shaking my head as I reached down to her, gently picking her up "I adore her" I gushed.

"I bet she adores you too lucas" Edwin react "you think so?" I tilted my head, Edwin nodded his head "who wouldn't fall for those blue eyes?"

I rolled my eyes "oh shut up" I denied , rocking Elena in my arms as I gently patted her "I think you would make a good dad someday" Gabby pointed out while leaning against her hand "I think that too" Edwin agreed.

"That's sweet of you, Elena is just too cute. I can't help but have her in arms all the time" I smiled "yeah , try helping me at 3 in the morning" gabby sighed.

"That reminds me!" Edwin eyes widen as he went straight to his phone "guess what lucas" He questioned me "what?" I replied "Elliott is having a kid!" He shoved the phone to my face, it was a Instagram post.

A photo of Elliott and kaz, just sitting by the tree as she held a ultrasound paper. They both were just a smiling mess, and on the next slide they both shared a kiss.

My eyes widen, my lips went straight and I started to shake my head "t-that's crazy" I stuttered "we're going be such great uncles" Edwin laughed as he exit out of Instagram.

"Yeah, that's crazy" I faked laughed. My eyes wandered down at Elena who was sound asleep, soon there would be a baby Elliott or kaz out in the world..

"Didn't see that's coming" I lied "you think he's going to drop out?" "I don't think so?" I huffed.

Edwin smiled up at me "he does look happy.. can't wait to get the baby gifts. Imagine how cute that would be" "yeah" I dryly responded.

A/N stay safe! And wash your hands!

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