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"I noticed something, something very odd from you" Edwin pointed as he held the grocery basket, I slowly turned towards him with fright in my eyes but tried to easily play it off "explain" I said as I went back to searching through the pastries.

"It's super awkward when you and Elliott are in the same room" he shake his finger "did you guys get in some argument?" He asked "or does he remind you of Nova?" "Something like that" I said as I threw the packet of chocolate muffins in the basket.

We walked around the store going into the next isle "you think August likes hot Cheetos?" I asked turning to Edwin "I don't know, hes your new best friend" he shrugged as his eyes sudden got widen like he had discovered some new idea.

"That's why!" He said out loud "Elliott feels left out because he feels like you're replacing him!" "We invited him to the hang out" I stood up glancing back down at the chips "okay then explain why haven't you gotten any of Elliott favorite snacks? Do you not care for him? You know how I feel when people get left out!" He started to ramble "hurry let's get the danimals, those are Elliott's favorite" I sighed while throwing the chips in the basket causing Edwin to gag out loud.

"What now?" I turned towards him "the basket is filled with diabetes, I'm gagging" he held his hand up to his lips. "No time for your fits, we need to hurry" I said while starting to walk to the dairy isle.


We walked inside as we set the bags of snacks on the floor, Elliott laid on the couch as August laid in the other. August quickly sat up sending us the typical smile "happy to see you two here" he said as he walked towards us "Elliott brought board games" he mentioned. Elliott stood up approaching to where we stood "I thought it would be a good idea" "great did you bring monopoly?" Asked Edwin, Elliott furrowed his brows "Edwin, not only does monopoly break friendships but it also breaks family" he explained "which is why I kindly tucked back under my bed" "very understandable, he isn't wrong" I spoke up as I looked up at Elliott who sent me a small smile. My heart skipped a beat.

I went back to ignoring it as I stared at Edwin who was now taking snacks out "august, Lucas brought you bagels and hot Cheetos he wasn't so sure about you" "actually perfect mix, thank you Lucas" he grinned. "And Lucas brought you danimals and pop tarts" Edwin said as he handed it towards Elliott, who paused and took a long stare at it. I could imagine the thoughts or even memories running through his head, the first time I went to his place. That's what he brought, expect my pop tarts weren't plain at all.

"Wow" Elliott finally spoke out "thank you, means a lot" he smiled "why does your dramatic girlfriend eat everything?" Edwin asked "actually don't answer that, I'm already fed up with pregnant women" he rolled his eyes "and I saved the best for last" he announced.

I already knew what he brought and I just know everyone is going sigh at it.

"A plate of healthy snacks" he said pulling it out of the bag "and some tea."

Everyone stayed quiet before August broke the silence "actually I really like tea, so we appreciate it Edwin and Lucas" "actually without me, you would all be eating very unhealthy" Edwin scrambled his things as he walked towards the couches "I brought us beer" Elliott blurted out "wow perfect" august laughed "so first the movie and we'll end the night with the loser going home" Edwin grinned "that doesn't sound fun at all" I said "that's because you're the loser here lucas!" He said with sass.

I placed with hand on my chest while holding a face, as if I was offended.

We all got on the couches, make ourselves comfortable before august put the movie on.


The movie was on last few minutes from ending, I would often catch Elliott glancing towards me in the middle of it playing and he would pull this whole act of him just focusing on the movie. 30 minutes ago, August changed his position on the couch to now leaning his head against my shoulder and I didn't move at all but set my head near his. It was a comfortable position but not to Elliott, that's when he wasn't afraid that I caught him staring. As soon as I made eye contact with him, his eyes narrowed and I awkwardly looked away.

August scretched as everyone started to do the same "I thought about it" Edwin yawned "instead of the loser going home, why don't we just get drunk?" "Drunk?" I confusedly said , it wasn't like him.

"Yeah it wouldn't hurt to drink liquor" he said out loud "actually I ran out of liquor but I like your idea" August mumble "I have some at my place" Elliott shrugged "want to come with me Edwin?" Elliott asked "no take Lucas, I'm tired" Edwin complained.

"I don't think he wants to go" Elliott protested "I'll go" I shrugged "I can go actually if you're tired lucas" august added himself in the conversation "it's fine, you keep Edwin company" I walked towards the door with Elliott "great, what's your ideal of a perfect meal?" He asked before I left out the door making me laugh and wonder where the conversation was about to go.

Elliott and I didn't speak at all as soon as we both sat in the car, letting the air just continue to fill with awkward silence.

"You two are pretty cute" he said "he's my friend" I said again. There was a pause, again with the awkward silence.

"I guess we can be friends" I finally spoke up "I hope you know this hurts me as much as it hurts you" "I don't think we're on the same page here" I objected "Lucas I know what page we're on" he answered.

"You don't, because I'm on the one with us just being friends" I say while he parked his car in front of his house. He turned towards me "you don't think I wanted to be more than friends" "cut the bullshit, I'm just here to pick up the liquor and have a good time with my friends" "can you let me speak?" He complained.

"You already had enough time" I pointed out, he reached over and grabbed my hand giving it a quick squeeze "I care for you still and I will forever. That was apart of the deal" he demanded as i felt tears forming in my eyes.

"Please don't say that to me" I closed my eyes, pulling my hand away from his "you gave me the best days, you made me the happiest and I loved the way your name fell out of my mouth" he begged "I don't know" I plead while staring at him before he pulled me in for a kiss. I was melting to his touch, and I didn't know how to respond but move my hands up to his face trying my best to deepen it.

As we pulled away, he laid his head against mine with tears streaming down his face "it's really you on my mind" he whispered before giving me another kiss.

"I just want to be with you and just figure out the other details later, because it will always be you and I can't accept no one that is not you" his hand was on my cheeks as he wiped my tears.

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