4- perfect paradise

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Edited 05/06/2020

Ichiru pov 

"Zero... I don't want you to leave~ I want us to spend time with our little sister!" I whine to my older twin. He sighs and finishes doing up his coat. Turning towards me, he gives me a small smile "I will be back in 2 hours, We can spend time together all of us. I need to do this because I promised our baby that if she ever hurt us. I will end her." This tore my world apart. "What!?" He stares at me, shocked and explains "She asked me to promise when she first came here." 

"It's true Big brother, Ichiru." As quickly as I could. I turn around to see my sweet little (h/c), sister. "Why..." She gives me a soft smile and says "If I ever lose control, attack my family... Even scratch you. I want Zero to end my life." I stare at her and her (E/c) eyes stare back "Good Luck at your lessons, big brother zero." He smiles and tells us "Be good, I will be back soon." We nod and run up to him, I hug him but little sister doesn't. I stare at her again. 

She automatically replies with "He is going to his hunting classes. If they smelt me they would make zero take them to me." Zero stares at her and replies saying "You're a Kiryu. They aren't able to touch you." She nods and joins into our hug. This felt right, even though she has only been here a short while, It felt like we did this every day. "I'm off." We wave goodbye and then I suddenly feel depressed. "What's wrong big brother?" I turn around to stare into her soft, calming (E/c) eyes. She looked worried and I answer, "I should be going with him, I should be out there learning how to protect my family from evil vampires, Keeping the ones I love safe." 

She hugs me and I pat her soft (h/c) (h/l) locks, I then notice she doesn't look like Kiryu! She looks at me and says "I thought that was going to be a problem too, I will speak to mother and father today." I nod and we walk into the living room. She walks back over to that book so I join her. "What are you reading?" I ask her and she smiles "I'm reading the history of vampires, want to read with me?" she asks and I nod, Picking her up and placing her onto my lap, we read the story till we both fall asleep. 

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