Part 12: Male friend...

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{Vivians Pov}

"John I can walk by myself" I say for the hundreth time today as my mate followed me again to my last period of the day,

"I know, I just like walking with you or more specifically just being next to you" He says with a grin as I rolled my eyes with a sigh,

"Okay I'm here now, bye" I say trying to get away from him quickly before a large hand grabbed mine making me turn back around,

I gasped when I came face to face with my mate who was leaning down with a smile.

"I know you wanna take things slow for now but I'm having a really hard time resisting the urge to kiss you" He says as I feel my face heat up at how close his lips were to mine right now,

"Can I kiss you?" He asks staring down at my lips as I felt my heart race at his question,

"I-I-I-" I studdered out before a voice cut me off,

"Excuse you! Get out of my way!" Wendy snaps standing next to us as I moved away from the front of the door leading to our class,

"Disgusting bitch" She mumbles bumping into me as she walked into class with her plastic barbies following after her,

"Don't worry about her, she's just jealous that your mine" John says pulling his arm around my waist tightly,

"I'm not worried about her at the moment" I say nervously as he leaned down to nuzzle his head into my neck,

"Mr.Johnson don't you have somewhere else to be right now?" Mrs.Angeles asks standing behind me as my face turned red instantly,

"What? I can't say goodbye to my mate now?" He asks putting his chin on my shoulder while looking at her over my shoulder,

"You can say goodbye, but saying goodbye doesn't take longer than 5 minutes John" she says as the bell rang,

"See, and now your mate is late for class because you were to busy saying goodbye for the past 5 minutes" she continued as I felt Johns arms pull away from me,

"I'll see you after class bunny" He says kissing my forehead before walking away,

"You found your mate?" Mrs.Angeles asks with a excited look as I nod while walking into her class,

"You guys are so cute together" She says nudging my arm as I smiled before sitting down in my seat,

"Okay class before we get started I w-" before Mrs.Angeles could finish her announcement our principal walked into our class with someone trailing behind her,

"Mrs.Holmes, what brings you to my class on this fine day?" Mrs.Angeles asks as Mrs.Holmes points at the guy behind her while eating out of a peanut butter jar that she always has,

"New kid, get him settled in" She says with a frown before walking out of the class,

"Hello, may I say see your schedule?" Mrs.Angeles asks as he hands her his paper,

"Okay, listen up class" She says turning to us while looking down at the paper,

"Alejandro here is going to be joining our 6th period. Everyone be nice and welcoming now" She says as the class went back to talking to each other,

"You can take the empty seat back there next to vivian, Vivian raise your hand" She says turning to me as my eyes widened,

"Vivian introduce yourself to Alejandro, maybe you two can become friends or something" She says cheerfully as he sits down next to me,

"Hi" I say nervously remembering that I never really had a guy friend other than the one that made fun of me after I confessed my feelings to him many months ago,

"Hi, my names Alejandro but you already know that since she's said it already" He says with a side smile as I awkwardly nodded,

"What school did you come from?" I ask scanning his entire body noticing he had a grey sweater on with a large R on it,

"I got switched out to this school after getting kicked out from Rogue High school" He says with a sigh as my eyes widened,

"Your a rogue?" I ask as he shakes his head,

"Not anymore, turns out my low life of a mom decided to get me back after getting out of prison last year and brought me here to this pack" He says with a frown,

"Oh" I say with a frown not knowing whether to laugh or be sad,

"Have you gotten used to being in a pack?" I ask not knowing what else to talk about from what he told me,

"Its okay I guess, but I was hoping it would make me feel good to finally be part of a pack" He says with a shrug,

"Well what makes you feel good?" I ask confused as to why he wasn't already happy to be in a pack,

"There's a lot of things that can make me feel good but right now talking to you is better than anything else I've done in a while" He says looking at me with a smirk as I chuckled nervously,

"Did you wanna be friends or anything? Haven't had any friends in a long time" He says with a frown as I shrugged,

"Sure" I say with a smile as he grins,

"You doing anything afterschool?" He asks as I shook my head,

"I think my brother's gonna pick me up afterschool like always" I say with a shrug as he scoffs,

"How bout we do something else after school?" He asks as I shook my head,

"I would bu-" before I finished he cut me off,

"Come on, I thought you were gonna be my friend. I'm new here and all I'm asking for is if we can hang for a little bit afterschool" He says with a pout as I let out a groan before nodding,

"Okay but how are we gon-" he cut me off again,

"My car is parked in front, we can go for a drive around and you can show me what being in a pack is actually good for" He says with a wink,

"It's nice to have a female friend after being lonely for a long time" He says patting my head as I glared at him,

"Okay first of all dont touch my hair, and second of all..." I mumbled while fixing my hair before seeing he was smiling at me happily,

"It's nice to have a male friend after being lonely for a long time for me as well" I say with a small smile as he chuckles.

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