[one - apartments]

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"eat your eggs, they're good for you."
Lance told his his youngest as he sat the plate in front of her.

she shook her head,using her fork to push the hot eggs to the side of the plate.

"i'm allergic."
she stated,before taking a bite of the toast.

Lance rolled his eyes as he plated the rest of the food for his other kids.
"no you're not,you're just stubborn."

Beautiful shrugged as she continued eating the rest of her food,looking up at her father who was at the island.

"you used to love eggs,i'm not sure what happened but-"

"what happened? they started to taste like eggs,that's what happened."
she told him as she put her fork down.

Lance shook his head as he put the plates on the table before sitting down across from her.

he began eating his food as he glanced up at the tv every once in a while.

he began.
"how long is your drive?"
lance asked.

Kilani sipped on her water before fixing the sleeves on her white crop top.

"a little under an hour,i'm gonna leave early though,so i can get a head start on my decorating."

Kilani had made the executive decision to move from a dorm to an on campus apartment for her junior year.

after two years, in two different dorms,and two crazy roommates,she had finally had enough.

her and her friends, Sincere and Remedy, had decided to room together for the year.

they met freshman year,and hit it off immediately. beautiful prayed that they would get the opportunity to room together before they graduated.

unfortunately, God can only handle so much.
instead, she ended up with a girl that could never keep her side of the room clean and a thief, who always stole her clothes when she wasn't looking.

"it's almost ninety and you're wearing a long sleeve,are you crazy?"
he asked, eyeing his daughter.

she shrugged with a small grin.

before he could respond, low pattering was heard coming down the stairs before a saint bernard, a pit bull and rottie came running into the kitchen.

Beautiful got out of her chair and down to their level, petting the furry friends.

"excuse you, this is the kitchen not the dog kennel, they can wait."
Jackie said as she walked down the steps, her charm bracelet clanging in the process.

Kilani rolled her brown eyes, peering up at her.
"they're clean,don't worry,and they're not bothering you-"


she kissed her teeth,before getting up and sitting back in her chair.

Jackie moved her hair behind her shoulders before taking a seat in her chair.

she said her grace before eating her eggs precisely.
"you should eat your eggs, it's good-"

"it's good for me. yeah I know."
she mumbled.

Jackie shrugged, putting down her fork to fix her charm bracelet.

"i don't know why you insist on acting like a child. you're twenty years, not twenty months."

"why are you so upset about me letting our dogs? I mean that is what they're there for isn't it-"

"there's a time and a place, and right now is not it. you need to start acting your age lani."

Jackie held eye contact with her youngest sister as she took another bite of her grits.

"i think Beautiful acts just her age, I mean she pays her own bills, she knows how to drive, she's doing perfectly fine, Jackie."

Clinton hopped down the stairs as he sat next to Beautiful, making her smile.

"confidence is key."
Jackie insisted.
"she can barely speak in front of small groups, much less crowds. she needs to start doing better."

Clinton prayed over his food before rolling his eyes at his older sister.
"Jesus Jackie, could you lighten up a little? It's never that serious."

"i'm just giving her advice."
she argued.
"she's never gonna learn to be confident if she always relies on everybody else."

"i mean look at her, she hasn't said a word in the past two minutes. she can't even speak for herself."
she pointed out.

Clinton and Lance looked at the girl sitting in the chair.

Beautiful rolled her eyes, as she averted her attention back to her plate of food, hating the eyes on her.

"see! she needs just needs a push in the right direction."
Jackie looked at her.

Clinton swallowed.
"a push, yeah maybe,not a whole shove! everybody can't be Jackie Braxton-"

"well they should at least try, it wouldn't kill her to be a little more persistent, to tell people what she wants."
she sipped her coffee.

Beautiful watched her family bicker back and forth about her behavior.

"Jackie, you know she isn't that confident, and you never know. Beautiful might-"

"and again with this beautiful thing. she has a name, it's Kilani. you have a birth name, use it."
she sighed.

"can she not be called-"

"she's right!"

the family turned their heads towards the voice that came from the steps.

Alicia Braxton strutted down the steps quickly before sitting next to her husband.

"I named you Kilani, Beautiful is your middle name for a reason."
she told her before praying on her food.

"besides, your first name is gorgeous, I don't understand why you don't like it."

kilani cocked an eyebrow.
"I never said I didn't."
her soft voice let out.

"well, you sure don't act like it."
Alicia told her youngest as she opened her mouth to speak before closing it.

"so, it's a new year, you're a junior .soccer is starting up, how do you feel about the team-"

"speaking of soccer,have you started working on your footwork?"
Jackie asked.

"I'm have a little bit but I'm still pretty busy so it's hard to find time-"

"well then make time. Kilani, how do you expect to be better at something if you're not dedicated to it? and that goes for your work too, last year you came out with a c-"

"I still passed-"

"well it wasn't good enough, Lani. me and clinton both graduated college with 4.0's, if you work hard enough you can do the same."

she told her.

Kilani went to speak up before she was interrupted.

"speaking of hard work,how is your sketching going? for the new line?"
Alicia asked, with a grin.

Jackie gasped loudly, getting excited.

one of her favorite designers had recently reached out to her, asking her to assist him with his next line.
she was honored.

"it's going so well, he's the sweetest and he loves my work. he's thinking about bringing me with him to Paris Fashion Week this February."

Alicia gasped loudly before holding hands with her oldest across the table.
"oh that's great, incredible. you know, I'm so proud of you Jack. you have worked so hard for this, you deserve it. you too clinton, I mean you're nominated for an award for young mathematicians, it's incredible."

"it's not that big of a deal, mom. we talked about this-"

"no it is, of course it is. you should be proud, you did everything right-"

"you know what,I think I'm gonna head over that way, right now actually."
Kilani cleared her throat.

Kilani had never truly felt like she fit in to her family. they were all busy workaholics, with full schedules and an entire career.

Beautiful was barely making it through college.

Jackie always bothered Lani about the fact that she hadn't completely gotten her life situated, she said she did it to encourage her but Lani doesn't believe it.

there's a thin line between encouraging someone and forcing your opinion on them, Kilani had depicted which was which very early on.

everytime their family met up for a holiday the same thing happened. Jackie and her mom trying to force their lifestyle upon lani, the men defending her, and Beautiful staying silent and watching from afar.

she would be extremely grateful and relieved whenever their breaks were over, and she had to return to her university and her siblings went back to their own homes in different states.

Beautiful didn't really consider herself shy or timid, just quiet and reserved. she didn't feel the need to talk over people or make a big scene.

but then again, she also could barely order pizza on the phone sometimes.

"are you sure? we haven't even said goodbye-"

"nope I'm positive, I'll call you when I get there. my car is already packed up."

she told them,getting out of her chair to hug each of them quickly.

she held her brother and held father a little longer before whispering in their ears.
"I love you."

they gave it back before she pushed her chair in, heading for the door.

the three dogs trailed behind her, whining at her leaving.

"oh it's okay, it's okay."
she got down on their level.
"they're crazy I know. you'll live."
she whispered with a small smirk.

she petted each of them before opening the door and waving a goodbye to them.


"your mom is a psychopath, and Jackie is no better."
Sincere told her best friend as she grabbed another box.

"I mean seriously, why does she always have to bring down everything you do? like, at least you're trying! I swear,she's just such a-"

"you know what,sincere. I really don't think you should be talking about other people parents in that way."
Remedy stopped her.

Sincere rolled her eyes as she walked into the apartment, setting the box down.

"I'm just saying, Rem. if she won't stand up for herself, than somebody should at least try to."

"and you've decided that that person is gonna be you?"
Remedy smiled, leaning against the counter.

Beautiful let out a big breath as she put down the box full of utensils, onto the kitchen island.

she leaned her chin onto her hands as she silently watched them bicker back and forth.

Remedy telling Sincere something about how if Beautiful really had a problem with it, she would say something herself.

which was false.

"come on, look at her!"
Sincere motioned at Beautiful as they both turned their heads.

Beautiful closed her eyes before beaming a big toothy smile at them, showing her dimples.

"she wouldn't hurt a fly."
Sincere told her as she walked back out the apartment door.

Remedy glanced Beautiful's way with a scoff and a small smile following after, walking out with her.

"I'm just saying, having a shy friend can be hard. sometimes you have to speak up for them,which I don't mind of course."

sincere looked back at beautiful sarcastically, making her smile.
"uh huh."

Beautiful sighed as she played with her earrings.

"I don't think I'm necessarily shy, just laid back."

"yeah, keep telling yourself that."
Sincere said sarcastically with a smile.

the three grabbed the last of the boxes , closing Beautiful's trunk as they all walked back up the steps.

Beautiful set the big box down fast before running up the steps and onto the second floor.

"I call the biggest room!"

Beautiful opened the first door she saw, coming in contact with a big room with a full bed and a walk in closet.

she hopped onto the bed dramatically as she buried her face into the mattress.
"finally, privacy."

Remedy leaned against the door before entering into the room, doing the same.

"ooh, this feels nice. I need a nap."
she said dramatically as she rolled over, pulling the pillow into her.

Beautiful rolled over to face her, doing the same as they both slowly drifted off.

"no no no! what are y'all doing? get the hell up, and get in the car, it's almost a hundred degrees and there's this new frozen yogurt place just past campus, we're going."

they both groaned as they opened their eyes to the tall woman standing in the door frame.

"it's still early, can't we just take a little nap before we go-"

"no! we shall waste no time. when we come back, I wanna start getting the apartment together."
she told them both as she entered the room.

Remedy sat up against the headboard as she held onto the pillow.
"our classes don't even start until next week, we have time Sincere."
she assured her.

"yeah, and besides. it won't take long, we'll only be asleep for an hour."
Beautiful yawned.

Sincere's eyes bulged out of her head.
"an hour?!"

they both nodded, getting comfortable in the bed again.
"yeah, at least thirty, please, please."
she mumbled against the pillow.

she sighed loudly.
"no!! come on,can't you guys just get up for one second-"

Sincere stopped talking as she sat down on the end of the bed,pulling her legs in to fit on with the rest of them.

"oh this is nice."
she groaned.
"okay, maybe we can take a little nap. only for thirty."
she yawned.

"no fuck that, an hour."

the three of them yawned as they drifted off into a deep sleep on the soft mattress.

enjoying the one hour of sleep they did get.

i'm eating crab cheese but welcome to the first chapter of opposites attract!!
this chapter was WAYYY shorter than i wanted it to be but patience is key<3


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