Girl Power Galaxy

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This is the ultimate crossover so I'm not going to lie, this one shot will be more fun if you've already read Beyond The Barrier, at least part of Nothing Super, A Pirate's Tale, and It Happened One Night. You can still read it if you want to, but it won't have the same impact.

(Or at least read the first chapter of each of them so you know who everyone it)

Also to those of you who already read it, sorry I don't have anything new for you.

Carter spun the bottle in her hands before tipping it over and pouring the contents out into four tumbler glasses. The man waiting for the drinks smiled at her, but she returned his look with a blank stare.

"Was there anything else you needed?" she asked.

At her lack of response, the man wilted a bit. He shook his head, taking the drinks, and walking away. Carter placed her hands on the bar, surveying the room. The ballroom was crowded with self-important looking men, expensive suits, and smug expressions. A balcony ran the perimeter of the room, offering an overhead view of the event. A set of stairs lead from the entrance into the center of the room.

Carter lifted her gaze to the balcony. Hidden in the shadows, she could make out the slim form of a girl. In the light, the girl looked like she was dragged from an apocalyptic world, dressed in black with combat books and scars along her neck.

Across the way, on the balcony stood Louie's counterpart. This girl wore a hood low over her eyes, her soft brown skin making her appear almost invisible. Though Carter couldn't see Taylor's dark eyes, she knew Taylor could see her and received a nod.

Liv approached the bar, a tray of empty glasses in hand. Her black curls were pulled from her face and she smiled at Carter, color infusing her dark skin.

"Everyone in place?" she asked, replacing the empty glasses with ones Carter filled for her.

"Not yet," Carter said.

Shrugging, Liv slid the tray into her hand and returned to making the rounds. As she left, Tori strode over, her walk commanding and drawing the attention of men as she passed by. She dressed similar to Liv in a server's white shirt and black slacks, though her mischievous almond-colored eyes contradicted the uniform. She wasn't here to pander to these men just like Carter wasn't here to serve them drinks.

Before Tori could repeat the question Liv had just asked, a door at the side of the ballroom opened. A circle of men walked out, at the center of the huddle shuffled a man that looked out of place among the room of polish criminals with his t-shirt, jeans, and glasses. All eyes in the room landed on the rumpled man, including the duo at the bar.

"And there's our man," Carter murmured.

"He's here but where is she?" Tori asked, scanning the room for their final teammate.

"You know, Cinderella. She likes to make an entrance."

Tori cocked an eyebrow at Carter. "She'd kill you if she heard you call her that."

Carter threw Tori a smirk. "No she wouldn't. She wouldn't get the reference."

The circle of men took the stage and the leader smiled at the crowd in greeting.

"Evening gentleman," the leader said. "I know you are all eager to get your hands on the world's finest hacker. Don't worry, you'll have your chance. Tonight's auction will-"

The leader broke off as the double doors to the ballroom slammed open and a lean, blonde-haired girl walked in.

Dressed in a loose shirt with the sleeves rolled up, soft leather pants tucked into boots, she looked like she came from another world, another time. Every head swiveled towards her as she slowly descended the stairs.

Isla gazed over the room of men, meeting eyes, silently daring them to move, to even breathe. Halfway down the stairs, the shock broke and someone shouted for men to stop Isla. Two beefy men darted up the steps. The first to reach Isla had a broken nose before he registered that she moved. The second received a kick to the chest and crashed back down the stairs.

Carter shook her head. "What did I tell you, she likes to make an entrance."

Isla narrowed her eyes at the leader on the stage. "We're here to save Edmond."

The glassed-man perked up at this, relief and surprise playing over his face. The leader scowled.

"I'd like to see you try," the leader said.

"As you wish," Isla said.

The leader gave a sharp command and Isla raced forward, leaping over the final few steps to slam her feet into an oncoming attacker. The man hit the floor and Isla spun, whipping out her knives, slicing through a man's leg before she even rose. A bald man charged at her but his face twisted with pain and he halted, crashing to the floor, a knife buried his shoulder.

Isla nodded to Louie up in the balcony but Louie didn't notice already looking for her next target. She found him as he tried to escape, but tumbled to the floor, a blade buried in his thigh. He would live, sadly. More men fell to the ground injured as knife after knife spun through the air. Liv said no fatal wounds, she wanted all of these criminals to see justice.

Liv said that but as she faced the angry faced mob, she was rethinking her decision. These men were vicious. Dumping the drinks off her tray, she dodged a fist from one of the men and as she straightened brought her tray up, cracking it across the man's face. A loud clang accompanied the man's cry and she had to admit, it sounded like it hurt.

Carter heard the sound and wondered if the man would be brain-damaged for life. If so, he should have thought better about a life of crime. A man sprinted for the exit and Carter hurled a glass at him. It struck him in the head and he crumpled, unconscious. Vaulting over the bar, she threw herself into the fray. A man came at her, but she ducked and swung the bottle in her hand, clocking him across the jaw. He fell and didn't get up.

"Is that all you got handsome," Tori said, missing a blow and retaliating with a swift kick to the stomach. "I'm a little disappointed."

A hand landed on her shoulder, but she jabbed her elbow into her attacker's face, smashing his nose and flipping him over her back. Someone reached for her hand, but she grabbed his wrist, twisted, and brought her foot around, hitting them in the head. At a roar of anger, she spun around to find two men barreling towards her.

Before they made it, Taylor popped into sight before them, clamped her hands on their arms, and whisked them to a locked storage room. Leaving them to be sick all over themselves, she jumped back to the ballroom. On stage, Edmond stood alone, Taylor having already handled his capturers. She took his arm and he stared at her wide-eyed.

"Breath through your nose," she said. "It will help you not throw up."

With those words of encouragement, Taylor jumped them out of the building. Waiting just outside was a line of police cars and black SUVs. Standing at the head were Detective Weston and Donovan.

"Here you go," Taylor said, passing Edmond over, who was working hard to keep from vomiting.

"Do you need our help?" the detective asked.

"Not really, we're just cleaning up," she said. "We'll call you in when we're ready for you to take out the trash."

With that, she popped out of sight and returned to the ballroom. Very few men were still standing. The ones that were tried to make a break for it. Taylor caught them before they slipped out the back, adding them to the now crowded and foul-smelling storage room.

The ones that Taylor missed, Louie took down with a well-aimed knife. The ones stubborn enough to think they could still win found themselves face to face with Isla, Carter, Tori, and Liv, each of them taking men down in a manner that fit them best.

Isla fought with daggers, taking on packs of men at once, piercing flesh and twisting away before they could hurt her.

Carter fired off rounds, her aim assuring the men would live, but the pain would keep them from fighting back.

Tori fought with fists and feet, a viper striking out.

Liv handled her side of the fight with a serving tray, adding more dents to it with every hit.

When then final man cried out and fell to the floor, the girls looked around them. The ballroom was littered with bleeding, bruised, or unconscious men.

Taylor popped back in amongst them, nodded at the carnage, and went to convey the message to Detective Weston. Carter waved to Louie to come down and picked her way through the maze of bodies and limbs to the bar. The group followed.

Tori was the first to perch herself on the bar, but everyone soon joined until they all sat on the mahogany wood, legs dangling, hair messed up, and waiting for the men to arrive. Both Louie and Taylor joined the group as the front doors opened and policemen and FBI agents flooded inside.

Carter glanced to her right and left looking along the bar at the women who fought beside her. All from different worlds and yet all with the same fire.

"Never send a man to do something," Tori said.

"When it would be more fun to do it yourself," Carter finished.


A hiya and a hiya and I'd kick her, sir

(If you know where that's from then it's official, I love you!)

Thoughts! You can throw them at me, kick them at me, shoot them at me, knife them at me, serve them on a tray, I just want to hear them all! 🗯💭💬

Not going to lie, this might be the most fun I've had writing a one shot. Though I've had a lot of fun on most of them. Especially the depressing ones cause I'm evil!! Wahahaha!!! 😏

Vote, comment, follow because you know that this one shot was boss!!

These amazing, amazing drawings were created for this one shot by the wonderful ReynaInfernos and I could not  love them more!
Left to right: Louie, Isla, Liv, Tori, Carter, Taylor

Donovan and Weston

Also this gif totally sums up the chapter!

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