1 | Bonus Scene: Mason's POV

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Bonus Scene #1: Mason's POV

The Night of The Party

   "Fuck off, Newell," I scoffed, watching as Dixon text everyone in his fucking contacts about tomorrow's party. Now, not only people from my school will be trashing my house, but random assholes Dixon is friends with.

   For a split second, I forgot why I agreed to host our regular Friday party, until I remembered what it offers by the end of the night.

Getting laid.

   When my phone rang in my pocket, I groaned when I pulled it out to see mom's name as the contact. I stepped to the side and cussed under my breath before answering the call.

   "Yeah?" I grumbled.

   I was met with silence until mom's cold voice snapped, "Where are you?"

   With my fucking luck, Ivan shouted behind me. "Yo Reed, are you coming or what?" My eyes snapped to him and glared, seeing him stand outside of the ring.

    I shook my head and nodded to Dixon. "Let's hit the road," I mouthed.

   He nodded, both of us striding across the gravel road, just as mom cussed in my ear. "Who was that?" 

   I sighed and opened the passenger door on Dixon's car. "A friend, mom. What do you want?"

   "Mason, it's 12.00pm! You're supposed to be at school," she started with a low tone. "And don't talk back and say you're already 18. You're under my house. My rules. Get to school."

   "Is this what you wanted to tell me?" I drawled out and scrutinized the trees as I stared out the window.

   Before I could think twice, I checked the speed Dixon was going, and chuckled when the numbers showed him going almost triple the speed limit.

   Mom sighed. "No. I was just going to say that your father and I will be home for the next weekend, so I just wanted to make sure you could join us for a family dinner," she said with an ounce of hope in her voice.

   "So hecould say what a total disgrace I am?" I scoffed, twisting my head to thedashboard. "I'm good, mom."

Checking the time, I noticed I had enough time to get to my data management class before it started.

My lips tipped up into a smile before it quickly disappeared.

   I could already feel Dixon's confused gaze on me. "I'll be at school for my last two periods. Don't worry, mom."

   Before she could continue another lecture, I hung up and eyed Dixon. "Drop me off at school man. Mom's pissed."

   He shrugged, changing his direction to my high school.

   I couldn't wait to get out of that hell hole.

   Another twenty minutes passed with us talking about tomorrows plans. When we parked in front of my school, I threw his door open and yelled out a goodbye over my shoulder. I entered the school with nothing but a pencil hanging on the top of my ear.

   The warning bell rang, indicating that fourth period would be starting in five minutes, and I quickly jogged up the stairs, so I was on the third floor before heading to my class.

It was no surprise for me to see Charlotte Anderson laughing with one of her friends. Bella, I think it was.

My eyes were on her but she didn't seem to notice as her friend pulled out her phone to show her something, which she responded by fanning herself.

   When I got to the back row, Zach and a bunch of the guys from football team last season came to the back of the class just as the final bell rang.

    "Shit. My teacher's a pain in my ass. Gotta go before he wakes up from his desk," Bella said before rushing out of the classroom while Charlotte laughed.

God, even her laugh sounds angelic.

    My eyes were glued to the back of her head throughout the entire lesson, but she didn't turn her head once to give me a single look.

Which isn't surprising because I'm nobody in her life.

   By the end of the class, the guys took their slow ass time packing their things, so I just decided to leave them, not caring if I hurt their feelings.

   But just as I passed her desk, she stepped out of her row which caused her to land straight on my chest before stumbling back.

   Just as I was about to catch her from a dangerous fall, she caught herself before turning to look at me with a smile.

   "Sorry. Should have watched where I was going," she chuckled awkwardly to herself before shifting her eyes away from me.

   No words formed from my lips since my full attention was on her.

   But she was already on her way out, turning on her heel and jogging out of the classroom. I forced myself to snap out of it, just as I heard the guys shuffling behind me.

   "What are you looking at man?" David, one of the guys I mildly tolerated, questioned.

   I didn't bother sparing him another glance before heading out of the classroom. "Nothing," I called out over my shoulder as I jogged down three flights of stairs before leaving the school.

Come for the one class, but leave right after. Have been doing it since second semester started.


    "Put it over there," Ben told the freshman as they carried boxes of different beers and alcohol inside my kitchen through the front door.

   The six of them struggled but followed Ben's directions, dropping all the boxes on top of the kitchen counters. I leaned against the doorway, sipping a beer as I watched them.

   It was a little after seven, and he decided on coming over earlier to deal with the freshman. I let him do it because he wanted this fucking party at my house since his parents were home.

   Ben's eyes landed on me and cocked a brow. "What time did you tell people to come at?"

   "I don't fucking know. Eight, I think," I muttered, tilting the beer up and finishing it seconds later.

   His focus was on me the whole time. "You're not gonna get laid if you dress like you'd rather sleep," he stated, but my eyebrows raised when I noticed that was meant for me. 

   A dry scoff left me. "I could be wearing a fucking garbage bag and I'd still get laid, Hathaway. We're not the same."

   He knew the truth in my words, and thankfully didn't poke anymore. I didn't have enough energy to waste it on him.

   Instead, I walked upstairs, deciding on staying in my room until the party went on full blast.

   Right when I got inside, I sped to my closet and hid my guitar further into the corner, not really thinking about the reason for my actions. I justified them by saying I didn't want a fucker to sneak into my room and steal my shit.

   Inside, I was craving a fight, but not with my guitar. This was the fourth one I had to buy in the last two years, and my goal was for it to last longer than half a year.

   Fucking dad.

   Deciding to take my stress out with music, I sat on the floor of my closet and picked up the guitar from its stand before holding it comfortably.

   Strumming simple chords, I leaned my head back on the wall and exhaled softly, letting the anger that has been boiling up inside of me release.

    I hadn't noticed I'd been in that position for so long until I started to focus what was going on outside my room.


   Checking the time on my phone, I noticed it was a little passed eight, and I quickly stood up before putting my guitar back to its original spot. I sped to the bathroom to rinse my hands quickly because I'm not a complete fucking pig but couldn't help but glance at my reflection once I stood in front of the mirror.

   I snorted, remembering Ben's previous comment. Wearing a white tee shirt and dark sweats may be unpresentable to Hathaway, but I could not give less of a fuck.

   Shoving my phone in my pocket once I've dried my hands, I closed my door before locking it with my key. I shoved that in my pocket too.

   I took my time strolling down the hall, but the second I made it to the top of the staircase, I almost cussed at the mess I already saw downstairs. The front of the house was clogged up with people, talking or drinking, and the floor was already starting to get covered in trash.

Fuck. Me.

   Usually, our Friday parties are hosted at my place because Ben's parents are home with their friends, but hell, it was annoying sometimes.

   Deciding not to enter from the main staircase, I jogged to the opposite hall across from me before running down the dark, back staircase. It led to a small hall close to the kitchen, which my parents' employees used to get around the house without being easily seen.

   But as I rounded the first corner, the light from the kitchen brightened the dim hall. This gave me the chance to see Michael Campbell, one of my friends, talking to someone.

   They were leaning into each other, but my eyes lingered on the blonde. She looked familiar. Which was what motivated me to interrupt them to figure out why.

   Since Michael was facing me, leaning against the kitchen's doorway, he saw me first, nodding. "Hey, Reed." I stood in front of him seconds later before clasping our hands together.

   I stepped back and glanced to the girl—who was now leaning against the doorway across from him. I quirked a brow when I noticed her tensely smiling, but it wasn't long until the dots connected.

   This was Bella—Charlotte's friend.

   My mind sparked with an idea, but I quickly shut that and my hopes down before twisting my head back to Michael. He cleared his throat and nodded his head at his companion. "This is Becca, she's in my first period class."

   Internally, I cringed. Not Bella. Got it.

I really should start memorizing peoples names from my grade.

   I should, but I really didn't care.

   Rotating my head to her, I almost laughed at her bright grin. She looked pissed off, but I tried to bite back my amusement as I crossed my arms. "Mason."

   The longer my eyes lingered on her, the more I understood what he saw in her. Curly, dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. She's attractive, that's no lie.

But I compare girls to one in particular, and she doesn't come close to it.

   Speaking off... "You here with anyone?" I questioned casually, feeling anything but.

   "Yeah." Her features brightened, and she glanced to her left, her eyes scanning the crowded kitchen. But when she turned back to me, her brows furrowed in worry. "She was just here."

   "Who?" I asked, trying not to sound too angry.

"Charlotte. I came with her, and I swear she was in the kitchen with me," she explained, and I refused to hide my shock as I nodded.

   Last I remember, she hadn't come to a single party since freshmen year. But I could say for sure that it was because some shit went down with one of her old friends, who moved schools after that year.

   I eyed the both of them once before settling my gaze on Michael. "Well, you guys both have fun." With that, I walked through the space separating them before striding inside the kitchen.

   But I reached the exit closest to the large foyer, I saw Ben basically dry fucking Jessica on my wall, and nobody looking twice as they continued partying.

   My eyes rolled as I walked past them, and that's when I saw her.

   Charlotte Anderson was swaying her hips while taking small sips from her red solo cup, which I assumed would be something strong considering how intoxicated she already looked.

   Not wanting to introduce myself, I just watched her, making sure she was okay by herself. Which she was, for about five minutes.

   Jeffery Morton, one of the guys who sat on the bench most of last season's football team, stepped behind her and held her hip as he slowly rubbed himself against her lower back. Charlotte slowly turned around and scrunched up her nose in disapproval. Still, although she looked disgusted, she looked beautiful.

   She stepped away from him, and he tried to follow, but I quickly darted across the hall. The first thing I did when I stood in the living room was grip the collar of his shirt, his back to me.

   He slowly turned, and I released my hold on his shirt, just as his eyes began to widen in fear. He didn't look away from my narrowed eyes as he fully twisted his body toward me.

   "H-hey, Reed," he stuttered, slowly moving further away from Charlotte.

   "I think the lady made herself very clear that she doesn't want to fuck you, Morton. Now get lost," I clenched out, trying to keep my cool.

   He nodded and dashed the opposite way while I stood in my place, clenching the hair on top of my head painfully.

    I couldn't even pretend to enjoy my party because of her.

   As I leaned back on the wall, my thoughts were filled with ideas that would finally get me over this tightening feeling Charlotte was giving me each time I saw her.

   Maybe because I saw her as an angel, I wanted to protect her. From what, I wasn't sure.

   A smirk tugged on the corner of my lips as an idea popped inside of my head, watching as Charlotte walked past sweaty dancers by the middle of my living room before sitting on an empty seat on the couch.

   When I saw an empty spot next to her, I casually strolled across the room as I got my plan in motion.

   I wouldn't feel anything for her when I knew she wasn't an angel.

   I sat next to her moments later, but she still hadn't noticed my presence, so I took this moment to really appreciate her appearance before chuckling to myself. She wore a tight black dress that showed off her figure, but she looked so out of place wearing it.

   I watched as she lifted up her cup, eyeing it seriously before puffing out her cheeks. She blew out a puff of air later, and I couldn't hold in my laugh this time.

She's fucking adorable.

   I shoved that thought behind me when her shining silver eyes met mine. "Hi," she smiled lazily. It didn't take a genius to know she was completely intoxicated.

"Hey," was all I managed to say. This was improvement.

   "I'm Charlotte," she grinned, sticking her hand out between us, waiting for me to do the same. But I could only watch her in confusion before slowly wrapping my hand around hers.

   I ignored the feeling in my cheat as I brought my hand back, curling it on top of my lap.

   "You know what I learned today?" She asked with a laugh. "That with people, come disappointment," she laughed again, and my brows furrowed.

"Who disappointed you, Angel?" I whispered, but cringed inside when I called her angel, worried that she was gonna question why.

   Yet, all she did was furrow her brows before going to the matter in hand. "People," she sighed. "Just people in general."

   I stayed silent, just watching her move the cup back and forth, making a small wave inside. "Have you ever been in love?" She blurted out, and my eyes widened, taken back slightly.

   It took me a few moments to answer, waiting until my eyes locked on hers again. Sitting this close to her made them seem brighter. "No."

   With her, I forgot all about my older brother and got lost in her gaze. But I forced myself to remember: everyone was built with hate and evil inside of them.

   Maybe Charlotte Anderson's darkness was deeper than I thought.

   "That's sad," she whispered, eyes trained on her lap before turning back to me.

   I couldn't stop my next question. "Are... you in love with someone?"

   She chuckled, resting her head on my shoulder. Her natural scent clashed with the alcohol coming out from her pores, making me unable to point it out.

   "My best friend," she whispered softly. "Ben."

   Hearing that, my eyes closed tightly, continuing to listen to her speak.

   Without another word, she lifted both of her legs, so they were on top of my own, and I admired her shaven legs. If she wasn't completely trashed, I would have just... felt it.

   Fuck, I sounded like a pervert.

    "He's just so hot you know," she sighed in admiration. "He has these dimples, and these eyes that are absolutely mesmerizing."

   I couldn't help but laugh at her description of Ben fucking Hathaway. And when she looked back to me, I pushed the loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

She's drunk, I reminded myself. Stop.

   "Okay, angel," I breathed out. "I think you're a little drunk. Do you have anyone here with you?" I asked, even though I knew her friend was here.

   But I wasn't about to pull the creeper card and tell her that.

   "Yeah, but she's probably with her soon-to-be boyfriend," she teased, probably meaning Michael.

   Suddenly, a small pout took its place on her lips, and I wanted to remove it as quickly as it came.

   Not wanting her to get dropped off by Ben, seeing that he's been drinking, I made sure he wasn't around before turning back to Charlotte. "I have a guest room upstairs. You'll be okay to sleep this off?"

   Sheimmediately cracked a tired smile and nodded, probably realizing how tired she was.

Suddenly, she lifted up both of her arms, silently demanding that I pick her up.

   I hooked my arm behind her knees before using my other to support her back. Once I pushed myself off the couch, I carried her through the living room and up the stairs, bridal style.

   Without bothering to think twice, I guided her to the empty bedroom across from my room, which was thankfully empty when I opened it.

   Softly, I placed her on the mattress, making sure her head was laying on the pillow before taking off her converse.

   After throwing the blanket over her body, I leaned closer to her facing, smiling to myself when she began to yawn. "I'll be back, okay? Stay here," I mumbled, waiting until she weakly nodded before nuzzling her head into the pillow.

    I closed the door and locked it with my key before heading downstairs from the side staircase. I quickly entered the kitchen and filled a glass with water before grabbing the bottle of Advil from the locked cabinet.

   When I went back to her bedroom, I saw she was already dead asleep, and I couldn't help but crack a smile before shoving it back.

   I strode to the nightstand closest to her, placing the bottle of Advil and the cup of water on the surface softly before straightening. Her eyes were closed as her body curled into a ball, and I almost smiled again before turning to exit the room. 

   Before crossing the doorway, I held onto the door handle and eyed her once more before letting a smile take place on my lips. "Goodnight, Angel."

   After that, I closed the door behind me and locked the door, so no sick fucks would decide to come in. Because knowing the world we lived in, there was a lot of them.

But only one angel.


As you can see, Mason has
always had a bad impression
on people. And if you remember,
it's because of what went down
with his brother when he was

It takes a toll on a person.

Now, I hope you understand that
although Mason was completely
whipped with her, he never
appreciated anything in life.
Because it's been shitty for him.

Thank you lovelies again for
reading, without you, I have
seriously no idea where I would
be. Probably a reader instead
of a writer, I guess.

I hope you enjoyed this

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