Long Way Home: Part One

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One Thousand Miles

Chapter  |  Long Way Home

Part  |  One

It was dark, cold and raining and the only place I had for shelter was a phone booth. Cameron was nonstop crying because of the thunder and I refused to go to sleep since the booth was made out of glass and since I knew John and his whatever's were close by I had to keep an eye out. I don't if I was more upset with myself or John, but all I knew was I was an idiot for staying married to that man for as long as I did. But did I really have a choice? I was locked up inside the house without a phone or anything that could help me get in contact with the police or my family.

I sighed before sitting Cameron's baby carrier gently on the ground and standing up. I reached across the small booth and picked up the black color phone and held it up to my ear with one hand while the other searched around in my pockets for some change. After placing the change inside the coin slot I dialed the numbers I knew by heart even after five years of no contact.

The phone rang about four times which kind of made my heart drop since I really needed someone to talk to, but just when I thought it was going to go to voicemail somebody picked up. "Hello?"

I bit my lip when I heard the sound of my brother's tired voice. I didn't know how late it was, I just knew it was dark. Clearing my throat I speak through the phone. "Hello, Ethan?"

It was silent for on the other side of the phone for a moment before I heard shuffling the sound of a bed squeaking. "Steph? Oh God I've been so worried about you. Are you okay? Where are you? What about Cameron, is he okay? Has John found---"

"Ethan, calm down we're alright...sort of. Look, we're spending the night in a phone booth because there are only two motels nearby and John already found me at one of them. I had to ditch the car Ethan, so now I really don't know what to do next and I'm just," I try to say, but a cry suddenly leaves my lips and before I know it tears are falling down my cheeks and my cries are getting louder. I slowly breathe in and out to slow down my breathing before speaking into the phone again. "Ethan, I don't know what to do anymore. If I come back home, John's going to find a way to get me to go back to him or take Cameron away from me and I just can't lose him. He is all that I really have right now."

I look down at my sleeping son and I immediately regret the words I said the night before about him not being enough. He was more than enough and it would be better if I realized that now before it was too late.

Ethan sighed on the other end of the phone and I could just tell he was rubbing his face. "Look, Steph, you could tell me where you are and I can come pick you up or you find a way to get to Grandma's. Those are really the best options right now sis and honestly I really need you to choose the first one. Steph, I haven't you in years all because of that bastard who I trying not hunt down right now as we speak. I didn't even know I had a nephew, hell, you didn't even know you had niece and another one on the way."

"Ethan, I know that, but I can't go from being on my family's tight leash, then to John's and right back over to you guys. I don't think you realize how caged I feel," I say as I look outside into the dark raining night. I saw nothing.

"Stephanie, I understand how you feel, I honestly do but please just let me bring you home. I promise you we'll let you make decisions for both you and Cameron, just please let me come and get you," he pleaded through the phone.

The offer was tempting since I hadn't seen my family in years and that was the only place I could find happiness, but I wouldn't be able to keep John away I knew that for sure. He was the type of person to keep ringing the doorbell until somebody answered. He was the type who called every second of the day until somebody picked up. John always got what he wanted and what he wanted was me, so as soon as he knew I was living with my family again he'd probably drop by my parent's house everyday pleading for me and Cameron to return home. Of course I'd say no the first couple of times, but after a while I'll start to miss him and eventually go with him.

Now, if I went to my grandmother's, who lived in Texas by herself, I wouldn't have to worry about John finding me for a good little while. Maybe enough time to heal and become somewhat happy again.

I sighed into the phone already knowing my decision. "Ethan?"

"Stephanie, just please let us help you."

I just stand for a moment looking straight ahead before saying, "When I get to grandma's I'll call you just to let you guys know I'm okay."

I move the phone away from my head just as I hear him call out my name. I look down at it as I continue to listen him talk before sighing and hanging it up.



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