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Your POV:

The walk through the woods was silent. With each stride my mind wandered in curiosity as to what will this Pirate captain possibly talk to me about. We were walking side by side, me looking down nervously, sneaking glances at him now and then. And him walking leisurely, his hands in his pockets.

"Say Y/N. How did you come to this place !?" He finally uttered bluntly.

"Ehh, what do you mean !?" I asked.

"You are not a princess here, nor that old man's grandchild. How did you end up here!?" Luffy questioned.

I was bewildered! How did he know!!?

"I...Well... It's....How did you..."

"I know you. I have always known you." He cut me off. I stared at him back. Completely shocked!

"Ughh man I don't know what happened to you! I hate thinking too much! Like have you lost your memories or something!?"

Here he goes again ! How did he know !?

I stood there motionless. The thing that I haven't told to any stranger before! Not even to Gavin! How did he assume so!? He knew me from before he says!! How!? I don't remember ever meeting him before!! But then again I don't remember most of my past!!? Was he part of it!? Oh my God so many questions roaming inside my head. 

"Oy !! Are you there !!?" Luffy snapped his fingers at me.

"Eh.... Tell me! How do you know me? Do you know who I really am?" I couldn't help but ask him.

"At first I thought you looked familiar but then I brushed it off because why the hell would you be here. However when you... Well weren't yourself today we came to know that you are actually Shanks' sister! Then it all sunk in. It really is you."

"WHO AM I?" I shouted.

"Y/N! My childhood friend." He simply said, showing off that signature smile of his.

"Childhood.... Friend!?" I murmured, "How come!?"

"Ah stop asking too many questions! You are Shanks sister, you were with him when he visited my town years ago. We met then and we instantly became friends. When they left, Shanks asked the mayor to keep you in his safe town and take good care of you because he couldn't risk taking you with him in his pirate dangerous adventures. But soon you couldn't bear the absence of your brother and left secretly one day with a ship that came by. Haven't seen you since then! There happy!!?" He breathed out heaving, "Damn it I've never said something this long in my entire life ! " He bellowed.

I think I forgot how to breath!! There was so much to sink in that I was unable to speak. I was totally stunned as his words bounced inside my skull. I inhaled deeply before saying, "All I can remember is my exhausted body thrown somewhere in the shore. I know that the waves were my ride to the island. But how or why....Thats something I still don't remember. The first one who found me was Naki. He took me to the tribe and his mother took care of me. And ever since, the people here accepted me as one of their own and I lived here for 10 years now. Not just as a common girl but as a princess. I've received so much from the people whom I relate nothing to and I only gave them trouble in return! They loved me and raised me, each one of them. I will forever be grateful...." I couldn't tell more since my tears invaded my face and I broke down crying.

"So the moment you woke up here you had no memories. I imagine you were in a ship of some sort and it sank somehow so you drowned but luckily ended up in the shore."

I nodded my head.

"How did you know that you were Shanks' sister?"

"Well. This necklace. " I responded holding the chain around my neck, "It has always been with me. His picture was with me the entire time and when Grandpa saw it he immediately recognized the face. He told me we look so much alike and the idea of me relating to him somehow wasn't surreal. He actually thought at first I m his daughter, but since he told me that, I started having dreams, shattered memories and I could tell he is the brother I have always loved." I finished sitting down.

"Haven't you ever thought of looking for him or somehow reach out to him and let him know you exist!?" Luffy crouched beside me.

"Well. You see I tried at first but things got complicated. Since I became a devil fruit user...Nothing was the same." I lowered my gaze.

"Ah by the way I m curious to know how you became one. You weren't one before. The way I became a rubber man is actually funny but I m too tired to tell the story. You already know it though. " He spoke looking up at the clouds.

"It's weird... But. It happened when I was 10. I was playing at the shore and suddenly heard a weird noise coming out of the Holy Forest. I told my friends about it back then but they said they didn't hear anything. I then found myself blindly following the noise deep into the forest. My legs were leading me somehow to this temple that I had no idea it existed before. It's then where I found it. The Ome Ome devil fruit. There was this HUGE tree standing mightily in the centre of the old temple with nothing else around. And the fruit was hanging from the biggest branch. I remember the scene perfectly, it took my breath away. I was so mesmerized by the fruit. How it glistened under the rays of the looming sun. it's weird bally form, it's weird yet attractive smell, and most of all its weird captivating rainbow color. Never seen a fruit like it before. Itwas  hanging from a huge branchy old tree like that and in a ruines old temple in the infamous Holly Forest. It just gave me the feeling that it's something divine. And thus, I approached it. My small child steps leading me under the colorful creature. I just kept staring at it without even blinking. And suddenly I heard that noise again. More clearly this time. It sounded like a voice and I heard it very well.


It said. I froze for a second out of fear but then the fruit suddenly fell of the branch and I caught it with my petite hands. And instinctively, I bit into it."

I clenched my heart at the memory. Everything is still fresh in my brain that just by telling the story is like I m living it all over again.

"It was actually tasteless. All that brightness and colors were deceiving to the actual bland taste. Nevertheless I still took more few bites because my 10 years old brain convinced me that maybe each color had a different taste. Nope it was just a 'yuk' fruit, that's what I thought back then. I actually didn't feel anything right at the moment. It's later on that I discovered my eyes weren't normal anymore and I explored my abilities more during the years. The voice vanished and I just thought it was my imagination. I did what any other kid would do. I hang my tongue out in disgust and threw the fruit on the ground, disappointed and just left. I remember I was really pissed." I giggled.

"Then I went back to the tri....." I looked up towards Luffy and found him soundly sleeping with a bubble in his nose!

"Ughhh Luffy!!" I shouted angrily.

"Huh! What what !??" He jolted up and sleepily said. The bubble poped.

I looked at him with a pissed face as he mouthed an apology, "Ah sorry what were you saying!? Ah right you found an old temple. Then what !?" He stupidly said.



"Oh that's it, you are just as dumb as me!" He cracked up.

"Ughhh anyways! I returned to Grandpa and told him the story. He and the Shaman then told me that the voice belonged to the Eagle spirit. He communicated with me through his dreams. They believed then that I was destined to have the powers of the fruit and that I should be happy I was chosen to possess the 'Sacred Fruit' as they called it.....However I was never happy." My expression suddenly saddened.

"Hmm I don't quiet follow you but why!?" Luffy finally seemed interested enough to ask further.

"It's because as you've been already told. Ome is not an ordinary devil fruit. Yeah I gave 'her' a name. It has its own will. And I turned out to be the one person who should not possess such power. I was no match to it's free willingness and I still am not saddly. I spent most of my years being possessed by its evilness and causing the people I love dearly pain. Sometimes Ome just shows up to cause chaos like a 10 years old very naughty child but still harmless in a way. This happens often and both Naki and Grandpa can snap me out of it, Ome is not that evil in nature but it can sink into its own darkness easily and that 'thing' just shows up instead and it's then when I regret ever waking up at the shore here 10 years ago. Well it showed up years ago when the Spirit helped me and now as well, other than these two times I would just resist before it gained full control. It's hard to contain Ome once it goes berserk. And I don't even know how to win over her. Grandpa says he believes in me. Since I m 'the chosen ', one day I ll definitely beat her, make amends and become one. But I m not so sure myself. Maybe this whole set up was a mistake. Maybe it was just a coincidence..... " I burried my face in my arms and sighed heavily.

Luffy looked at me silently for few minutes then spoke up.

"Y/N. Join my crew."


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