One Night Stand With The Bad Boy (7)

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Going into maths wasn't easy.  I got slagged by Kiera and Kylie, who were now 'best friends', surprise surprise.  I was feeling super lonely, how couldn't I?

"River?" I looked behind me to see where the whisper was coming from.  It was Kylie and Kiera.

"Have you stopped thinking of Reece since the one night stand yet?" She whispered just before I turned back around.  Kiera told her? I gave a quick look at Kiera.  She may have been smirking, but guilt was clearly evident behind her smirk.

"Ms. Wild, why are you turned around? If you don't want to be here, you can leave." So I did, I got straight up and left.  I didn't want to be their, why would I?

"River?" I turned around to see Trevor standing their.

"What?" I snapped.

"Want to go get something to eat?" I nodded my head quicker than anything, I couldn't wait to leave.

"Two seconds so, I'll call the guys, see if they want to join.  Is that cool?" I nodded again.  Who were the guys? I was nervous now, what if they were serial killers.

"Yeah they're coming, you sure that you're okay?" He asked again.

"I'm fine Trevor honestly." I said. He gave me a small smile, which I returned.

"Hey Trev, what's up man?" I knew that voice, it was Reece. "I didn't know you and River were so close." He shot me a glare. Is this a hate River day or something.

"I didn't know you and Trev  were so close either." I shot back.

"Trev maaaan how's a going?" Another few lads came over too. "Who's this little cutie?" He looked over at me, causing me to blush.

"River," I said quietly.

"River?" Another guy said. "Is that your actual name or a nickname?"

"My actual name." I looked down, embarrassed. I knew my name was unusual, but I liked it.

"Well I think it's adorable." A different guy again put his arm around my shoulder.

"Thanks." I looked down again, blushing mad.

"Are we going to get something to say or not?" Reece snapped. Moody much.

"Really?" Tucker laughed. I told him the story about Sandy peeing on me while I was holding her. They all laughed at that.

We were currently in McDonalds around a big table. I was eating a 'BigMac' and fries with a large coke. What? I needed something to take my mind of everything that was going on.

"So what's the deal with you two?" Kyle asked, gesturing between myself and Reece.

"Nothing," we both said in union.

"Come on, everyone knows ye had a one night stand, and ye live together." Tucker said.

"So? He has sex with everything that moves?" I earned a glare from Reece for that one. Oops.

"And you're another one ticked off the list." He shot back.

"At least you didn't have to check for an 'STD' after having sex with me." I was on fire. Hell yeah.

"Shut up River." And I won. The amazing River Wild has won.

All the guys laughed and high fived me. I knew their names now. Their was Tucker, Kyle, Trevor, Cian and Reece himself. Kyle was the biggest flirt, but without any intensions of flirting. It's like it came natural to him. Tucker was hilarious, his jokes would make you literally cry with laughter.  Trevor was a really good friend, he was kind sweet and caring.  And Cian, he was like Tucker, absolutely hilarious.

"You're cool River, not like a lot of girls.  You're different." Cian said while ruffling my hair.

"Yeah he's right.  Why are the girls so mean to you?" Tucker asked.

"Because of myself and Reece sleeping together." I shrugged, as if it was nothing.   The truth is I was beginning to develop some sort of feelings for Reece, and I really didn't want to.

"So out of all the girls Reece sleeps with, they hate you." Cian says. I nodded, taking a bite from my huge burger.

"Who gave you the bruises?" Tucker asks.

"Keira and a guy, but I don't know who the guy is."  I look down ashamed. "It was my own fault, I prova-." I was cut off by two hands slamming on the table, causing me to jump.  I looked over to see it was Reece.

"It wasn't your fault River, don't fucking say that." He got up and went into the bathroom, punching the door on his way.  What did I do this time? I just upset everyone.

"Don't mind him River." Kyle put a hand on my shoulder to reassure me.  But I still don't understand, why freak out like that?

"Yeah River, he gets like that." I knew they were trying to help, but I wanted to go.

"Guys really, thanks for everything today, I'll see ye tomorrow." I grabbed my coat and left as fast as I could. 

I was walking down the sidewalk, when it started to lash rain. Great. I was going to be unbelievable sick now.  A car pulled up long side me asking if I wanted a lift but I shook my head.  Never get a lift with strangers, my mum always thought me. 

"We don't bite." The guy in the car said.

"No, thanks." I kept walking but the car pulled up to where I was walking.  The back door opened, unexpectedily, Kylie came out with Kiera on toe.

"Hey whore." Both her and Kiera laughed.  I'm guessing the guy who was driving was the guy who helped beat me up, nice.

"I'm cold, give me your jacket!" Is she serious right now?

"Are you crazy? No!" I exclaimed.

"Do you want another beating?" I thought about it, but surrendered and handed over my jacket. "And your hoodie."

"I could get pneumonia!" I said.

"Good, now give it over." I did as she asked. I was now in a spaghetti strap tank top, with a pair of jeans.  Lovely.

"See you around, River." She gave me a smirk and a wink, while Kiera stood their, not saying a word. Some friend she is, eh? But hey, I can't say much can I?  I deserved this.

The walk back to the apartment was horrible, the rain turned to hailstones, then back to heavier rain.  My skin was numb, it felt disgusting. 

I felt disgusting.

When I finally reached the apartment I couldn't get in fast enough, but their was Reece making out with some girl on the couch.  I've had enough. He was back to his old ways one again.

"GET OUT!" I shouted.  They both sprung apart and looked at me.

"DID YE NOT HEAR ME THE FIRST TIME? GET OUT!" I shouted again.  The girl left as fast as she could.

"This is my apartment too you know?" He stated calmly, as if nothing was wrong.

"I'm cold, and tired okay? Kylie took my jacket and hoodie so I had to walk miles with nothing on but this tiny piece of clothing."  I wanted to cry, I wanted to bawl my eyes out.  But I refused.

"Kylie let you walk home like that?" He eyed me up and down, he's defined jaw clenching, and his fists bawling.

"And you, you're so embarrassed about me, you won't even admit to anyone you slept with me."  I said.

"We had this discussion already River." His jaw clenched even more.

"I'm going for a shower." I walked into the bathroom closing the door behind me.  Everything was bottling up inside me and I needed to let it out.  But I refused o cry, ever since my mother, I don't let myself cry.

After the shower and towel drying my hair I threw on my onesie.  It was the warmest thing I had at the moment. 

"I'm sorry River." Reece said the minute I came out of the bathroom.

"It's fine Reece, it's my fault too." I said.

"Stop blaming yourself for everything River." He said.  I was still shivering.

"Come on." He led me into his room, and put me into bed.  He got in the other side, what's he playing at.  "I promise, it's just until you warm up."  I looked to my side to see a hot chocolate their, aw.  After talking and drinking the hot chocolate I was still cold.  And I also wanted a cuddle, from Reece though.

"Can I have a cuddle, I'm still really cold." That was a lie.  I wasn't cold, I was freezing. 

"Yeah," he murmured.  He brought me so I was squished to his chest, he tensed at first but then soon relaxed.  I could feel the warmth straight away. "Go to sleep River." He whispered into my ear, rubbing my back. I did as I was told and fell into a deep slumber.


I woke up the next day, on my own. I couldn't sniffle through my nose, my head was pounding and I had an awful cough.  I got up and padded into the bathroom, I couldn't go to college today. Not this sick. I left on my onesie and went out to the kitchen, still no sign of Reece.  Where was he?

I decided id go back to bed, so I went into my room. Reece was lying in the bed, what?

"What are you doing in here?" I asked, my voice hoarse.

"I told you River, it was only until you went to sleep, I've more respect for you." He shrugged.  He has more respect for me? Or maybe he's just disgusted by me look a the state of me right now.

"I'm not going to college today."  My voice was so hoarse.

"Damn right your not, back into bed for you.  Go to the side I was at, it's warm." I did as I was told and climbed into that side.  He was right, that side was incredibly warm. Partially because he was just lying their.

Why was Reece being so sweet? I thought he found me disgusting? I don't know what's going on.

One thing I do know though.

I like him.

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