31. Aria.

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I couldn't believe it'd been four weeks since I delivered Ava. I smiled as I looked at the one month photos I had just taken. She was knocked out, but I was still able to catch one with her smiling.

I locked my phone as I went back to the task of folding up some of Ava's clothes. I checked the time, seeing I had an hour until Landon's mom and I were supposed to go to lunch. Her and I had grown exceptionally close and I was grateful for her, she helped me tremendously when it came to Ava. We had a rocky start but we've came a long way.

I paused on folding clothes again knowing I needed to start to get ready. I went through a pile of my clean clothes trying to find something to wear when I heard the door open, I double checked the time again. I was pretty sure she said she would be back at three and it was only two and I wasn't even close to ready.

I continued searching through my clothes as I heard someone nearing the room. I looked towards the door and nearly jumped when Landon appeared in the doorway. He laughed lightly, "did I scare you?" I had my hand on chest as my heart was beating super fast, I knew someone was coming just didn't expect him to appear that quickly.

"You think?" I asked as turned back around to my pile of clothes deciding on a dress I saw. In the past month I was able to lose quiet a bit of my baby weight, a lot of it due to breastfeeding.

"She sleep?" He asked as he walked towards her crib. "Yeah." I responded as I looked up seeing him peek over her crib.

"You took some one month pictures I see, make sure you send them to me." He said as he took the one month sticker off of her onesie and placed it on the dresser.

Landon and I's relationship had grown in a positive direction since I had Ava. We weren't arguing and we got along great, sometimes too great. I felt like I was growing feelings for him that I had no business having. I often tried to remind myself of all the bullshit he put me through so that I can remember why it's a hell no when it comes to him. But of course part me wanted to try the family shit. But he had a girl, and I was not about to be one to express that shit to him anyways.

"You heard me?" He asked. I nodded, "yeah I got you." His text tone went off as he looked down at his phone, my eyes still focused on him. He had on some Chelsea boots with a shirt that closely resembled the same color. He had a fresh shape-up with a gold chain and bracelet on. He was looking dapper as fuck and I was curious as to why. I hated that I found myself attracted to him at the moment.

"Where you going?" I asked as he looked up at me, I looked him up and down making it clear why I was asking. He smiled that perfect smile as he connected eyes with me. "You like what you see, don't you?" I rolled my eyes, he could be so damn cocky.

"But nahh, Ashley wants to do some wine tasting or some shit around four. So just going on a little date and shit." I nodded wishing I wouldn't haven't even asked, there was no reason that shit should have bothered me but it did. See what I mean? Feelings I couldn't explain. Maybe it was because he was such a good dad. He came by every day, and even stayed some nights. Would easily give me some money and tell me to go do something for myself while he watched her. It was a whole different Landon. Completely different.

I took it upon myself to go ahead and make my exit as I grabbed the dress making my way out the room, "could you listen for Ava while you're here? I'm going to hop in the shower and get dressed." I turned, waiting for a response, not really needing it because I was going to do it regardless.

"Of course." He let out as he headed to the rocking chair in her room taking a seat.

By the time I was showered and dressed it was almost three o'clock. I exited the room I was staying in as I could easily hear Landon and his mother talking. I walked in, grabbing a bottled water as I took a seat on a stool that sat in front of the island.

"You look cute," Mrs. Powers spoke with a wide smile on her face as she looked from my head to my toes. "Thanks, so do you!" I smiled back as I opened up the water, taking a sip of it.

I caught eyes with Landon as he looked me up and down as well. I had on a long sun dress that flowed. My hair was out in It's natural curls and I gave my self a quick natural simple beat since I knew I was short on time. I thought I looked cute.

"I told Landon he should come to lunch with us, but he said he has a date soon." She rolled her eyes with a smirk on her face as she said it. She wanted to see us together, it was clear in her actions all the time. I caught it, so I know Landon did too. But neither one of us spoke on it. I didn't know why she had been pushing for it lately, it came out of nowhere honestly.

"Of course he does," I said with a smile, "they always going out."

He cut his eyes at me with a smirk before looking back at his mother, "I've been telling Ashley I'd take her there so we can tag along if you really want me to come."

His mom didn't dislike Ashley, she just found herself liking me more, her words - not mine. But once upon a time she disliked me so that didn't say much. I looked at her waiting for her response, hoping like hell she didn't tell them to tag along. The last time I had been around her was when I met her and I was fine with that.

She looked at me like she wanted to see if I was fine with it, I chuckled as I stood up, deciding I needed to go get Ava's diaper bag ready.  "That's between y'all."

"You don't mind?" She asked as Landon quickly butted in as he sucked his teeth. "Man I'm not about to bring Ashley to no lunch with my mama and the mother of my child. I was not being serious."

"And why not?" She asked, I was curious too as I looked at him, "yeah why not? We can't be around your girl?" I asked waiting for him to respond.

"No y'all cannot." He easily responded as I felt myself about to take offense. "And why not?" I questioned again as I crossed my arms over my chest.

He looked at me as a smile started to form on his face. He licked his lips before he spoke, "so you want to go sit down and eat with me, my mom, and my girl?" He asked.

No, I didn't. But I didn't like how he said we couldn't be around his girl. "I don't mind." I lied.

"You a damn lie." He laughed out causing me to laugh a little. He looked over at his mom, "if it was just you, sure. But I'm not putting Aria through no awkward ass shit like that. Shit, me and Ashley not married. That shit is not needed right now."

I was satisfied with his response as I finally turned to go and get Ava's diaper bag together as his mother responded. Not even a minute later Landon was in the room with me, I felt him watching as I added more diapers and double checked for things.

"What?" I questioned after he stood there continuing to say nothing. He shook his head, "nothing, just surreal as fuck watching you do this mommy shit. We really got a child."

"I know." I thought the same thing at times, like I have whole child to look after. Like they really just let you leave the hospital with no experience to take care of a human. That's wild.

"You a bomb ass mother though, forreal." He let out as he walked towards me. I stood all the way back up as I zipped up the bag, "and you're a bomb ass father too. I'll give you that." I said with a smile.

We stood there for a moment just looking at one another as it felt like electricity was running through my body, I quickly disconnected eye contact as I looked over towards Ava as she was starting to stir.

He looked over towards her too, but just as quickly as she started she stopped. "Can I ask you something?" He spoke as he placed his hands in his pocket.

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked as I looked at him again. Moving towards Ava to give us more space. I had to get her anyways, we were about to go soon.

"There's clearly been a shift in our relationship right?" Was he sensing my feelings? Did he have some of his own? No, I was tripping. There was clearly a shift, we hadn't been arguing and fighting.

I nodded, "a lot more positive. A good shift." He nodded in agreement, "yeah that's it ..." he looked at me as if there was more that he wanted to say. We both knew this shift was beyond it being more positive.


"I feel like Landon has grown a lot since becoming a father." Mrs. Powers spoke as she stuck a fork full of her salad into her mouth.

I nodded in agreement, "I think we both have. It's not about us anymore."

"Mhmm." She let out as she chewed, she finished chewing before she spoke again. "I think it's no secret with the signs I've been throwing out that I would like to see you and Landon work on your relationship."

It was far from a damn secret. "We have, it's a lot more positive. Trust me." If she knew half the shit her son did and what we argued about she would be very as satisfied with where we are now.

She gave me a look implying that I knew that's not what she meant. "Where is this coming from?" I asked. "You know he has a girl, you invited them to lunch today." I reminded her.  I took a sip of my water as I waited for her response.

"Yes, but do you like Landon?" She asked. I damn near choked on my water, "huh?" I asked.

She smiled a little as she chewed, putting her hand over her mouth to cover it as she repeated the question she knew I heard.

I looked at Ava as she sat in her car seat looking around and playing with her hands before focusing back on my plate. I stabbed into the broccoli on my plate. "No." I lied, "even if I did. It wouldn't be relevant."

She chuckled as she picked up her glass of wine taking a sip. "Well, I'm sure he likes you too." She let out as if I had just admitted to liking her son. I think she was losing some of her marbles.

I laughed and shook my head as I chewed, "what has been your sudden interest in Landon and I?" I questioned.

"You and his budding interest of one another, it's so obvious." She rolled her eyes, "you two try to act like it's not there, he doesn't even want to bring his girlfriend around you. And it's probably because she'll be able to pick up on it like I do."

I laughed, "you're crazy!"

She shook her head, "I am not! Sometimes he'll even
call or text me asking if you're there before coming and seeing Ava. Granted he'll come regardless or not if you're there, but why would that matter?" I had no answer to that, it was news to me.

"And let's not act like you don't get a little extra cute when he's there." She continued, I busted out laughing. "Mrs. Powers, stop! I do not."

She had a little smile on her face, "and then he tried to come over there today with his little hair cut and little jewelry on. Y'all not fooling me."

At time point I was laughing hard as fuck, I could not with her. She really was trying to read us. "But I'm going to let y'all continue to deny it."

"He has a girl and is very happy! I'm good with where I'm at. We aren't denying anything." I responded once I caught my breath.

"Mhmm." She responded, finally dropping the conversation as we started talking about my senior year coming up as well as when Landon's dad would be coming back. I still was not a fan of him, he was on tour with one of his artist and it was in my plan to not be staying with them once he got back.

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