01 | Hospitals & Fake Smiles

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" If you're in it for love,
you ain't gonna get too far "

- Grace Mitchell

One More Mistake
Chapter one

  ❱ When I got the news Sterling Haze was dead I didn't know what to do. It was insane, really, because the last couple of times I saw him, he was fine, and alive then he was gone missing. I remembered everyone talking about him, coming up with stupid reasons as to why he disappeared. We all believed that he was never going to be found, until a week later on a Wednesday morning he walked in so full of himself. Nothing was wrong with him, he looked so smug with a glint in his eyes that made me believe that this was exactly what he wanted. He loved the attention we all gave to him. He craved it as much as he used to crave drugs.

I started to hate him then. He thought this was fun. A sick joke he pulled on us.

Some of the rumors mentioned his obsession with drugs. They all thought he overdosed somewhere in the woods, his body laying hidden where no one would find him. They were all so sure it was that. But I didn't because I knew he didn't take drugs anymore. He hasn't for a very long time.

He had a smile on his face that fooled everyone, even me. He looked and acted like he hadn't disappeared for a week. Who would have known he was going to die that night. He was burned alive, they said. He was suicidal, they said. His body couldn't be recovered, they said.

I know I didn't know Sterling very well, he made sure to prove it to me, but one thing I knew was that something horrible happened to him. I just couldn't make myself care for the truth anymore.

At his funeral there were loud cries everywhere making me feel heartless because not a single tear came out. I remember thinking that these people were crying for someone who probably wasn't even in that coffin. His whole body was turned into nothing. My face was blank with nothing showing and nothing giving. I knew then that I really needed to get out of there. I hated funerals and that one was no exception.

When I walked into the city's Hospital I had already wanted to leave. Another thing I hated was hospitals. When I was getting closer to the room some nurse stopped me from walking in the room. She threw me a confused look before standing in front of me with arms crossed, eyeing me warily. "Excuse me, but only family members are able to go in" she said, her small scowl visible in her face.

"I'm his fiancée" I say with the same tone she used on me but only a little harsher. Her eyes only then widened and with a step back she let me walk in. I didn't say anything back and walked in the room.

"Thea Nightingale, will you please let me kiss that frown off that pretty face of yours?" A very familiar and comforting voice called out to me making my head whip to his direction. Once my eyes landed on the pale boy who was laying on the hospital bed I couldn't help but smile widely. All the anger I had was now gone and replaced with happiness, something I don't usually feel often. His bright beautiful gray eyes shined once they met mine and his smile widened a little more, if that was even possible. He was already smiling like an idiot but then again I was too. Soon I made my way towards him and hugged him like he was my lifeline.

"I've missed you so much" I say as I lay my head on his breathing chest and close my eyes, enjoying the moment afraid it'll be the last time. We never really knew when it came to Caine Maroon.

"Well I didn't" he said as he chuckled, his chest shaking softly. I looked up and smiled softly. He shook his head as he removed his bangs off his forehead. He suddenly leaned towards me with lips in a thin line.

"Now that kiss, Thea" he then said seriously and I almost thought he was actually being serious until he cracked a smile that he couldn't really hold anymore and then full on laughed. My lips soon curved up and chuckled.

"You should've seen your face, you almost looked scared. Am I really that scary?" He asked while I softly hit his shoulder. Caine is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. Though we may be engaged we don't share romantic feelings for each other. The engagement was only for business purposes and at first I didn't agree with that but after getting to know him I knew that if I were ever going to get married, he would be the one.

After three months getting to know each other, Caine and I got engaged. It wasn't after we all found out he got leukemia.

"Hey, hey, what happened?" He asked ever so softly. I didn't know a tear had slipped away until Caine wiped it with his cold yet soft hands. His face was now full of concern. I looked down trying to remove those thoughts away, cracking a fake smile. Suddenly his finger slipped under my chin and then smoothly lifted up face. I smiled as I met his eyes. I'm so lucky I've met him, I thought as I stared into his eyes.

"Nothing, it was nothing" I say and before he can ask anything else I stood up and composed myself. He threw me a concerned look but didn't comment anything.

"I just wanted to see you, make sure you were okay" I say as I glance at my watch. I needed to get home by five and it was 4:35 and it didn't help that it was a twenty minute drive away from here. Caine's face that was full of concern soon switched to an annoyed and angry one. He shook his head as he leaned back and leaned his head down onto the pillow. I sighed as I smiled softly and leaned in to give him a hug. He didn't do anything to hug me back but soon I felt his arms wrap around my waist. We took a moment before we both leaned away.

"I'll come by tomorrow, right after school as always but I promise I'll stay longer " I say as I twist the handle and open it. He nods his head and smiles but the smile looks forced. I wave goodbye before I walk out of the room. I wipe the tear that had suddenly escaped my eye and walk along the plain hall towards the entrance. Once I'm outside I feel the wind rush through me, making my arms subconsciously wrap themselves around me. I rub my arms and walk towards my car and get in. I put in the key in the ignition and soon turned it on making it roar to life.

Once I was out of the hospital property I headed home. All the while thinking about the consequences I was going to get when I get home. I could always say I was with Caine but I bet he wouldn't believe a single word that would come out of my mouth. I turned right and the home that I seemed to be living in was in view, ignoring the urge to turn the car the other way. The house, which could be also called a mansion, was one of the biggest houses around the block. Its beautiful flowers and trees made the house look full of love and family but little did you know it really wasn't like that, it was the opposite. When the gates opened automatically, I made my way through the drive way towards the front. Once I had parked the car next to the black slim car, I got off.

I looked over my watch and noticed I was ten minutes late. With a sigh I walked towards the glass door and right in. When I walked in I was met with loud silence. This is what I usually get home to, which sucks but I've gotten used to it.

"About fucking time" a loud yet calm voice said. I looked over the left over the staircase and saw his figure, lazily drinking, to what I assume is, champagne. His eyes locked with mine all awhile, making me shiver with fear. His cold blue glazing eyes didn't show anything at all and that's what scares me every time but I hide it every time. I subtly took a shaky breath and put on a smirk, the one I always wear whenever I'm around him. I confidently walked towards him and once I was near him I gave him a kiss on the cheek as a hello. I was so close to slipping away from him but he caught my wrist with his cold hand.

"I haven't excused you just yet" he whispered in my ear and harshly pulled me in front of him. My smirk soon disappeared from my lips and a scowl formed. I crossed my arms across my chest and gave him the coldest glare.

"Well why aren't you, uncle Bruce" I said mockingly and disgustingly as if being my uncle was the worst, which it was. His posture soon turned tense and I smirked in satisfaction. I took a step back and with him being frozen in his spot, I walked away. I go up the spiral staircase with a smirk plastered on my pretty little face.

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When I parked my car in front of Royal High a car next to me parked right after me and it was no surprise who it was, he always parked here. I actually parked him in purpose to catch his attention and surprisingly it did, a lot. I had gotten off my car with a smirk forming on my lips knowing damn well his eyes were on me, following my every move. I slammed the car door shut and walked straight into the building ignoring him, for now. When I walked in, everything was the same. It all looked the same but yet it felt different, so different. Without Caine nor...

I shook my head, I couldn't possibly be going there. I raised up my chin and set my eyes straight ahead. Once I got to my locker I took out the books I needed and put in the ones I didn't need. I shut it closed and wasn't surprised when brown eyes met mine. She smiled cheekily at me and I had the urge to just roll my eyes at her. I don't smile back and just stare blankly at her. She ignores it and pulls my wrist, pulling me with her down the hallway.

"I didn't see you at the party last Friday, why didn't you go? Me and Nate really missed you there" Alexis Wood said as I removed my wrist out of her hold. Then she looked at me with a smile and couldn't help the scowl that spread in my face.

Nate and her couldn't care less if I went to that stupid party or not.

"I didn't want to go," I said, not bothering to make excuses. She had a surprise look, as if she were actually surprised before smiling forcefully. "Oh okay...well I'll get going now, see you later, maybe at lunch?" She asked and her eyes had lit up with hope.

"Sure" I say with a tight smile. She squeals then walks away. I shake my head and make my way to class. Once I was close to my class when I saw Sterling walking with Alexandra. They had blanked stares and walked confidently across the hall. Once Alexandra left sterling I made my way towards him with determination. I don't waste time as I slip my hand onto his wrist and pull him in one of the empty classrooms. I closed the door then threw my bag on to the floor before looking up at him with a glare. His jaw was set as his eyes held a glare as well. I cross my arms across my chest and ask away.

"You were never dead" I stated and took a step back. I shook my head and threw him my best fakest smile. "How did you do it? I mean bravo, you fooled all of us. You fooled me. How did you get a body to replace it with your own? You killed someone, didn't you, I wouldn't even doubt it." I didn't expect him to react to my commentary but I practically felt his anger radiating off him.

"You don't-" he started but I cut him off just as quickly.

"Don't what? Know anything? Yeah you proved it to me. I know nothing, but honestly you must see how crazy all this is. But you must enjoy it, might even love the way everyone is looking at you. Is that fun to you? I bet it is." I spit out, venom practically coming out of my mouth.

"Who else knew? Alexandra? Oh no wait, Rory? That bastard was always on the loop for everything." I said, and for only a second, my anger was aimed at that bastard.

"I don't even want to know why you did all this. All I want to know is why you came back? It's been months, no one needs you now, I certainly don't. Why didn't you just stay wherever the hell you were at?" I said as I took a deep breath and avoided that feeling in my stomach. I was being mean, I was being cruel but he deserved this and I know he knew that.

I didn't wait for him to say and started to get my things. I walked towards the door but he held my wrist before I could actually walk away. My head snapped towards his direction and for the first time since I've seen him I've seen something besides the smiles, the smirks and the blank stares. It was sorrowful and I felt like the Sterling I once knew, was finally here.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry Thea, but I'm not sorry I've made up that lie. I had my reason, reasons you may not understand. I've let you down, I've let everyone down but I had what I had to do and I don't regret it any bit. What I do regret is leaving you, that was my mistake. Thea, I never stopped thinking about you for the two whole months I've been away, you were always in the back of my mind and you always found a way in my mind. Don't think I forgot you because I didn't, I would never" he said as his baby blue eyes leveled with mine. My blank stare soon turned into a surprised one. Once I felt myself letting my emotions out I backed away and removed my arm away from his tight grip.

"Don't say that, don't lie to me, you always used to do that" I said as his eyes had left mine. He shook his head and rubbed his face. "What was the reason you left?" I asked subconsciously. I didn't care. I don't care.

He wasn't surprised by my question but I got no response. His back was facing me and it angered me, really, it did. It was like he didn't want to let me see his emotions, he was hiding them away from me. I nodded my head and left the class before he could stop me once again and tell me how sorry he was because I know he wasn't.

I was so distracted that I didn't notice the person who was standing near the door and soon I bumped into them. My head looked up and wasn't surprised who was waiting outside, she was ready to launch at me like a lion. Her blue demon eyes didn't leave mine and I was almost imitated, almost.

"Look Thea Nightingale, you shouldn't get involved with us, again. You did it once and it didn't end well so I suggest you to stay the hell away from us" was all Ysabel Rossellini said before walking away.

I wanted to kill her.

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