13 | Regular Day

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People below Adam and me continue to yell and scream as the eighteen wheeler keeps backing up at a speed that it shouldn't be going at. Whoever's driving it must have their eyes closed at this point.

The guy who had loaded us onto the ferris wheel, stops the ride and pulls out his phone, hopefully to call for help. Even from all the way up here I can see how pale the kid is as he ushers the people in the lower carts off the ride.

"Vienna." For the first since I've met Adam, I hear how scared he is. Even when we climbed the tree the first time I met him, he wasn't scared, but now he definitely is. There's no denying it.

I wrap my hands around him and pull him closer to me, tucking his head into my side so his eyes aren't on the truck. Whatever happens, he doesn't need to watch it.

Everything seems to go silent besides the erratic beat of my heart as the back end of the truck collides with the ferris wheel.

The awful sound of metal bending and breaking fill the air. Wires begin to snap and slingshot into the air in every direction. The cart we're in starts to lean as the ferris wheel tilts to the side, leaning over the back end of the eighteen wheeler. I shift Adam and myself so our backs are on the seat and my feet are against the side of the cart.

If we lean anymore forward, theres nothing to stop us from falling out of the cart.

Adam's death gripping my sides as we wait for the inevitable, but thankfully it never comes. He peaks his head out as he glances around, wide eyed. "Did it stop?" he asks, his voice shaking along with the rest of his body.

I wait before answering him, letting my body feel if we're moving or not. "I think it did," I say back, my voice just as shaky as his.

Clapping sounds as people cheer. Adam and I to look at each other confused. To see what's going on, I place one of my hands on the back end of the cart and the other on the handle bar to peer over to see what's happening.

Below us I can see the drivers side of the eighteen wheeler is open with a guy laying on the ground unconscious. There's a couple of people around him, seeming to check if he's okay.

My anxiety from the situation going on goes down a notch when I see Jared step out of the eighteen wheeler. He must've stopped it from crashing any father into the ferris wheel.

He looks up at the ferris wheel. Using my hand that was gripping the back end of the car, I wave at him to get his attention. Jared's body visibly relaxes when he sees that Adam and I are fine.

The kid that was running the ride yells out. "The fire department and police are on their way. They said they recommend everyone staying where they are until they get here."

Just as the kid finishes speaking, the handle bar that my hand is on, gives and unbolts from out ride. My heart drops to my stomach and people scream as I start to lean out of the cart. By some miracle, Adam has grabbed my arm to stop me from falling out as we watch the metal bar clank its way down to the ground.

A loud pop sounds as more wires sling into the air. The weight of the ferris wheel shifts as more of the ride crumbles. Screaming and crying follows the loud noises, making it really hard to think.

"We need to get off," Adam mumbles against me. By now, Adam looks like a ghost. His skin is clammy and pale.

My phone in my pocket begins to buzz and I pull it out to see Jared's name on the screen. "Hello?" I ask, my shaky voice clear as day.

Jared pauses before answering, probably trying to think of what to say to calm me down. "Vienna, you and Adam need to get off that ride now."

"But you heard the guy, the police told us to stay still."

"Vienna," he says sternly. "This ride isn't going to be able to stand up much longer. The two of you need to get off of it now."


"Vienna." The way he says my name shuts me up. The situation we're in is bad. Jared doesn't have to tell me for me to sense that's what he's getting at. "The ride is going to come down any minute now. It's only a matter of time."

"What about the other people around us?" A few carts in front of us holds two kids who look like they're in middle school and the cart behind us has two teenage guys.

"You need to get down now." Is all he says before he hangs up.

I glance down and gulp at how far up we still are. The ferris wheel is bent at all different angles as it partially leans over the eighteen wheeler.

"Adam?" He looks at me with big tearful eyes. "You remember when we first met? How we climbed down that tree?" He nods his head. "Well, we're going to have to do that now, but down a ferris wheel. You think you can do that? I'll be with you the entire time."

Adam nods his head. "I can do that."

A small smile forms on my lips. That was easier than I thought it would be. Now the hard part. Getting down.

I pick up Adam and he grabs the railing that's above us, moving his body so he's on top of it. In order for me to get on the same railing, I have to use momentum to get my body on top of it. Making sure I have a good grip on the railing, I push off of the cart and throw my leg over the side of the rail so I'm positioned just like Adam.

The now empty cart squeaks loudly as it rocks back and forth. Below us I can hear people gasping. Slowly, I let my body slide down the railing with Adam following me from up above.

"Adam," I call up.

"Yes?" he squeaks.

"There's a metal rim that you have to get over in a second. Just take your time with it."

He nods his head ever so slightly as his small body approaches the rim. He gets over it like a pro as we continue to work our way down.

We reach the halfway point and Jared's standing a little ways underneath the ferris wheel. "Adam, Vienna! Scoot down a little more and then I can catch Adam."

Adam looks at me terrified. "Adam, he'll catch you," I say to reassure him. If there's anyone who could catch Adam falling from a ferris wheel, it's Jared.

The metal starts to crank a little more as the two teenage guys work their way down the ferris wheel, causing the seams of the ride to become even more unstable.

Without thinking, I grab Adam by the ankle and pull him towards me. Quickly, I wrap my arm around his waist and Jared's ready below to catch him. Adam screams as he falls into Jared's arms.

A wave of relief washes through me once Jared moves out from underneath the ferris wheel. "Vienna, slide down a little more and then you can jump down."

Before I can respond, a scream pierces the air as a railing gives way underneath one of the teenage guys. He falls to the ground with a thud as people around us scream. People rush to him and help him move out of the way as he grips his ankle in agony.

The other guy that was on the ride with him makes it to the ground safely and runs over to the guy, hugging him. From where I am, I can see that they must be brothers, they almost look identical.

Above me, more cranking starts as the ferris wheel starts to crumble some more. The two middle schoolers up above scream out for help, stick stuck in their cart.

"Vienna, don't do it!" Jared yells, but I ignore him.

Adrenaline must be taking over because I work my way back up without much of a struggle. I'm full out sweating by the time I make it to the middle schoolers, a guy and a girl. "Hey guys, I say softly to them.

They both look terrified when they see me, holding onto each other like their life depends on it. In this situation, it does. The way their cart is positioned at a ninety degree angle, it's a miracle they haven't fallen out.

A honking noise sounds as a fire truck drives this way. At the exact moment, the cart starts to break away from the ferris wheel, giving into the weight. The guy jumps up and grabs ahold of the railing, while grabbing on of the girls hands. She screams as she dangles from his grip with her other arm flailing.

"Here!" I hold out one of my hands for her to grab and she does. Together, the guy and I lift her to the railing as we wait for the fire truck. "We're almost there," I say, trying to reassure them.

Axel is on the ladder as it comes towards us, helping the girl off the ferris wheel first. He holds his hand out for me next, but I point to the boy.

"He needs to get off first."

Axel doesn't look pleased with my decision, but doesn't object as he helps the kid off next. Once the boy is in the clear, Axel holds out his hand for mine. "Come on, Conley, let's get you off of this."

I smile as I push my self up on the rail, trying to stabilize myself before reaching for Axel. Just as I'm about to grab his hand, the ferris wheel starts to crumble.

"Vienna! Jump!" Axel yells.

I do as told, pushing my feet against the railing as much as I can. Axel grabs my forearm and lifts me up onto the ladder. The momentum causes me to fall into his chest, but he's strong as he holds us there.

Together, we watch the rest of the ferris wheel as it bends in odd ways at it crumbles to the ground.

So much for just a regular day at the fair.

A/N: If you enjoyed, please vote! Next chapter will be up soon. :) Only a few more chapters left!

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