Pregnancy fun

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A couple of weeks later, I was finally given the all-clear to return to work. I was almost through my first trimester, and a little bump had formed. Luckily my clothes still fit somewhat, but soon I would need to go shopping.

Scott loved my pregnant body and the changes, especially my chest area. Yes, my boobs got more prominent, which he couldn't stop playing with, men.

My body was changing to accommodate the baby. I was still sick here and there, but it was okay. The thing that was our biggest problem was I was incredibly horny, damn hormones. I needed it all the time. Scott wasn't complaining. He was more than willing to satisfy me.

I dropped the kids off and made my way into work but stopped off to get a coffee. I stood in line, waiting when someone whispered, "What are you doing?"

"Getting a coffee," I whispered back.

"Caffeine isn't good for a baby," they whispered.

"I don't care. I need my caffeine fix. My crazy husband kept me up all night," I whispered.

"Are you sure it was because of your husband and not because of some crazy hormonal situation?"

I turned and gave him a look as he smirked.

"I am having a coffee," I told him.





"It's not good for the baby."

"The doctor said I could have at least one coffee a day," I grinned.

"The doctor and I are going to talk the next time I see him," he said.

I placed my hand on his dress shirt and fiddled with his buttons, "I will tell you what. If you let me have your coffee, I promise to make it up to you later."

He looked at me as I licked my lips slightly then relented, "Fine." I smiled.

It works every single time.

I walked up to the counter, and before I had a chance to place my order, Scott said, "The lady would like a coffee and can you make that decaf?" The barista nodded, and I glared at him.

"Hey, marriage is about compromise. You want coffee, and I don't want the baby to have caffeine," he smirked. Damn it.

The barista gave me a coffee and Scott grabbed him, and we walked out to our cars. He kissed me before getting into his car, and I got into mine. We pulled out of the parking lot and made our way to work.

I came back to people greeting me. It was nice to get back. Mel and I had lunch, and I told her about the pregnancy. She was excited for us. I figure I would say the others later.

After lunch on my way back, I saw some woman stop Scott. They were talking about something and smiling. Then she leaned in and whispered something to his ear, and he nodded with a smile. I watched as she turned and walked away.

What was that about with him?

I walked over to him.

"Did you have a good lunch?"

"It was fine. Who was that," I asked.



"Just a client I hired for a special job," he said casually to me.

"I see."

"I got to get back to work," he said as he turned and walked away. I turned to see the woman leave and sighed. It was starting to feel like how it was with Ben all over again. I was pregnant with Kami when things began not to feel right.

I walked into my office and got back to work. I didn't see Scott the rest of the day, and frankly, I didn't want to. Not if things were heading the way I think they were. Call it hormones but I didn't care. I didn't want to go through that again.

After work, I called Ben to pick up the girls. I needed to think, plus I didn't feel like going home. So, I went to the park and found a bench, taking a seat. I just sat there thinking about everything and wrapped my arms around my stomach. I let out a sigh and just sat there.

Scott's POV

That was a close call. I didn't want Lina to find out I had hired someone to design the baby's room. I wanted to surprise her. With everything she had been through, I just wanted her to be able to relax and enjoy the pregnancy.

I told Clarice that I wanted to do neutral colors for the nursery and a neutral theme. She said she knew just the thing in mind. It was something her husband and her decision for their child.

I finished up work and went home. When I got there, the lights were off. That was odd, Lina was picking up the girls and should be back. I opened the door and flicked the lightswitch. I called out for them and no answer. What the hell?

Then my phone rang. I answered it to Ben. He explained that Lina asked him to pick up the girls and didn't sound like herself. I told him to keep the girls that I had to look for my wife.

I walked out of the house and got into the car. I pulled out of the driveway and started driving around, looking for her. I drove all over the place until I saw someone sitting on a bench at the park. I pulled into a spot and got out of the car.

I walked over to the bench and took a seat next to her, "Mind telling me why you're here?"

She shrugged.

"Does this have anything to do with Clarice at the office?"

She shrugged again.


Then she started balling and rambling about how I was losing interest and going to leave her. She made no sense until she mentioned Ben. Then she made perfect sense.

I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her to me as she cried. You got to love pregnancy hormones. I chuckled.

"What's so funny?" She sniffed.

"The fact I can even surprise you."

"What?" She turned and looked at me with tear-streaked cheeks.

"I hired Clarice to do the nursery so you didn't worry and you could relax." I looked at her and then she started balling. I just shook my head at it. This pregnancy was going to be trying.

I finally got her to leave the park and we both drove home. We pulled up and got out of the car. I walked over to her and took her hands, "I think I will take your mom up on that offer of a trampoline."

"That's not funny," she said to me.

"It is if you're going to keep jumping to conclusions. Lina, I love you. I don't want anyone but you." She looked at me, "Now, come with me," I said, leading her into the house.

"Where are we going?"

"Someone has been a bad girl and needs punish," I said as she didn't say anything.

And punish I did. I gave her one hell of a punishment over and over until we both collapsed onto the bed, trying to catch our breaths.

I laid there as she rolled over to me and wrapped her arm around my body. I kissed her on the forehead as I stroke her hair.

"I'm sorry I overreacted," she said.

I looked at her, "I have a feeling this pregnancy is going to be a bit crazy."

She started laughing, "Probably."

"God help us all especially me," I chuckled as she laughed even more.

I pulled her close to me and drifted off to sleep. Note to self, do not surprise Lina ever. It never ends well, well then again maybe it does. Here we go.

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