Chapter 16: Her Act

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"You know I could lend you a hand?" He pointed out as he saw my struggling state to carry Jungwoo and my bags as we were now heading inside the building. 

I was getting pissed at him recently, he doesn't know when to shut up, you can say I've grown quite a grudge against him ever since that argument we had. 

I couldn't help it, he was a douche, only a cold, uncaring man! Ugh, and the fact that he's the father of Jungwoo! I couldn't even imagine how he could possibly fit to be a father-

I felt the weight in my arms suddenly lighten as I shifted my gaze from the front door to the man who had suddenly taken Jungwoo and my bags into his strong grip.

"You know you're quite stubborn, you were struggling, you could've just asked me," He let out, I couldn't help but have felt the red warmth crawl it's self up to my face.

But I didn't think too much of it as I was too focused on the image in front of me, the way he carried Jungwoo was just so natural, Jungwoo seemed comfortable in his arms and the way the older one gently caressed Jungwoo's head from behind melted my heart, it was almost as if Jungwoo was meant to be in his arms...

I shook it off as I let out a little "Hmph,".

"What's wrong princess?" he slyly asked as he switched his warm gaze from Jungwoo to me. What's this man doing? I thought as I felt my heart rate increase.

"Nothing, just been thinking of something..."




"I need to go back to the car to get my other bag, I forgot the registration form," I let out to Jungkook who was playing with Jungwoo as we waited outside the classroom to finally open.

"Oh," He let out as he looked at my frantic state searching through the bag.

"Here," He answered as he lent me the keys, but I kept my gaze on Jungwoo worried.

"It's fine I'll watch over Jungwoo as you get it," He reassured which gave me enough reassurance to go and get it, for some reason, I felt like trusting him now...




"Your mother is quite clumsy, isn't she? Jungjung?" I asked the little one as I carried the boy up to have a nose-to-nose with him to which he giggled.

"Eomma clumsy!" He exclaimed back along with the giggles, I couldn't help but have felt quite warm and bubbly ever since I picked them up and especially from this moment, It was interrupted by a familiar old woman approaching us as she stuffed the keys inside the doorknob.

"Wow, like father like son, such early birds?" She exclaimed back toward us as she signaled her hands in the classroom telling us to get in.

"Mrs. Park?" I let out to the familiar old woman, or may I say, my old elementary school teacher.

"Yes, Jungkook?" She replied as she only gave me a warm smile. before I even had time to say anything else, I felt the little one's strong grip on me as he suddenly pulled me into the classroom, taking me by surprise.

"Jungwoo!" I let out, surprised by the strength this little one had as he pulled me to a colorful small desk.

"Appa! This is my desk!" The little one exclaimed so joyfully at me as he pulled me down to sit on his small seat as he gave me a car toy from his bag.

"Play race car!" He let out as he drove around in circles. I couldn't help but let out a smile but something caught my attention. 

I looked at the empty name tag on his desk which got me curious, I took a glance at the other desks which had their names on it... why doesn't he have his name on the name tag yet?

"It's because you guys haven't brought the registration forms yet," Mrs. Park let out to me, to which I let out a small "oh," at.

"Come with me," She said as she walked toward her desk on the other side of the room. "Appa is going to talk with someone okay Jungjung," I informed the little one who understood as he continued to play with his toy cars.

"I never took you for the person to ever have children Jungkook," She retorted as she went to her desk and sat. It caused me to let out a scoff, as she remembered.

"I always remembered how you used to tell me how much you hated children and how you said you would never want one," She let out as she went through her paperwork.

"Ah, Mrs. Park I think-"

"You know I'm very proud of you," She suddenly let out, interrupting me.

"Oh, and why is that Mrs. Park?" I let out curious, passing what I was about to tell her.

"You've raised your son to become the sweetest little child in the whole class," She mentioned as she finally picked up a piece of paper.

I couldn't help but have felt that, it seemed as if she meant it so much, it seemed so genuine, I just couldn't bring myself to tell her he isn't my son...

"I am also glad you've been able to pass down your handsome genes my boy," She let out once more with quite a laugh.

"He's quite a charm, so much like you," She said as she gave me a piece of paper. This got me curious as I stared the boy down somehow bringing the realization to me, he does look like me very much, but I shook it off.

"You can register him here, just fill out the papers and he could officially have his name written on the desk.

This had suddenly taken a turn, I didn't know how to do these things.

"Need the wife to do it for you?" She exclaimed as she let out quite a joyous laugh as I stared at the paper. "I'm very sure you can do it yourself, my boy," She said as she went toward the door where others had begun arriving with their children.

I kept my gaze on the piece of paper. I filled in spots I knew, such as the first name, as for the phone number I put in my own in my personal phone number the section for guardian #1 but that was all.

"Hey, there little guy, still don't have your parents to accompany you to school?" I heard an adult's voice let out, I ignored it until when I heard Jungwoo's voice respond back.

"What do you mean?" His little voice let out.

"Well, just like yesterday, none of your parents were here for the briefing, I was just worried they might not care enough-

"That is none of your concern ma'am, I suggest you go on and mind your own business," I pointed out as I picked Jungwoo up from his spot, carrying up to my arms.

I was quite pissed at her, how could a woman ask that to a child, especially Jungwoo?!

The woman's gaze was kept on me, through her eyes you can absolutely tell she was... shocked?

"Mr. Jeon? So those rumors were true..." She let out, suddenly have reminded me of the rumors, I knew deep down that something was telling me to stop, the rumors will only get worse... but, I just can't help myself but stand up for the little one... and I guess to keep up with this act.

"As I said before, mind your own business," I let out again but with quite an annoyed tone this time which caused her to suddenly bring her attention back to her child next to her, walking away.

I looked down at the kid in my arms who only seemed confused as to what had happened.

"Don't listen to people like that okay Jungjung?" I let out to him who shook his head up and down as a yes.




"Who wants to go next?"I heard Jungkook's voice come from the classroom which got me confused. What's happening?

As I got closer I heard the chuckles from children getting louder and louder. "Me next! Me Next!" I heard they all exclaimed, at that, I quickened my pace only to see Jungkook lifting each and every child up into the air as he yelled "super kid!"

I couldn't help but have placed a warm smile on my face, never have I ever pictured him to ever be so playful like this... I still remember those words he used to tell me when we were younger...

"I hate children..."

"You know your husband is quite good with children," Jungwoo's teacher told me as she came up to me.

"M-my husband?" I let out curious, she must be mistaken-

"Yes, I know your husband, He used to be my student, he used to look at his classmates and look back at me and say how he hated children, but I guess he's changed, and I am quite proud of that," She let out with such a warm smile.

I didn't want to deny it. What she said caused me only to bring my gaze back to him, looking as he kept Jungwoo on his back the whole time he flung the children around, not leaving him alone, keeping him his first priority...

"Yeah, I suppose he has..."




"Hey there Suyoung," I heard an annoying voice come from behind, that same exact voice form that little bitch who made fun of me for being single, though I never confirmed I was.

"I see you haven't arrived with your husband, or do you even have one?" She let out giggling with her bunch of "mean girls mom groupie",(A/N: CRINGE)

"Well, who said I didn't have one," I finally let out, to which they all changed their expression.

"What do you mean?" They all paused as they asked me. I was flustered at first but I decided to call my "Husband" over.

"Jungkook!" I yelled out to the man who was still playing around with the children who seemed surprised to hear me and so were the parents as they diverted their gaze from him to me.

"That's your husband..." They asked. "He looks quite familiar," One of them let out.

I saw the way how he gently placed the kids down as he approached me with Jungwoo in his arms as he eyed the woman down, suspicious but came up to me just right next to my ear.

"What's wrong princess?" He asked ever so softly as he eyed them down.

"Just play along with me," I mentioned after bringing my gaze back to the group of mothers.

"Well, yes, he is, I just never brought myself to speak about it because I found it pointless to point out but, yes, this is my husband," I took the Jungwoo from the other one's grip as I rocked him in my arms. I suddenly felt Jungkook's arms wrap around my waist, which had managed to convince the group of women enough that they decided to finally leave me alone.

"Never took you for the one to lie, princess," he said as his face that was resting on my shoulder faced me. I couldn't help but scoff at that, he only chuckled as he took Jungwoo in my arms and went ahead back to playing with the kids.

I only chuckled at the smiles the boys had planted in their faces which caused me to spot a smiling old woman across the room, I decided to approach her.

"Mrs. Park, I forgot the registration form-" 

"It's fine sweetie, your husband already filled it out," She mentioned which got me confused. 

"He did? I'm sorry but can I check it real quick, heh you know for little mistakes," I mentioned as she just gave me the paper... hm, he seemed to have gotten everything right for the application for the second guardian, I was shocked, he put himself as a... parent?

"Hey Suyoung, we have to get to the office soon, I suggest we start heading there already," Jungkook mentioned from behind as he watched me with the piece of paper, his expression changed at that as he suddenly came up to me.

"Hope, you didn't mind," He let out at that as I only chuckled off what he'd done.

"I'll wait for you in the car," He lastly said before leaving the classroom, leaving me there to only gaze at him. 

He's... changed very much...




Jungkook was being unusually quiet compared to this morning ever since we got back from Jungwoo's school, I was just sorting out his schedule for him until I got a little phone call from a certain someone.

"Ah, Jin Oppa, What do you need now?" I said in an exasperated way but I stopped my playfulness when I heard the serious tone of his voice.

"Ms. Kim, I need you to come down to the second-floor meeting room, we need to discuss something serious,"

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