Chapter 47

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Brian pov:

As I exited my penthouse leaving my girlfriend all alone even though she is sleeping, because of her stupid brother, I headed down to find my men waiting for me.

"Two of you go and guard my penthouse from out. Make sure no one other than me enters. Also if you find anything suspicious, immediately call me. Got it?" I ordered them as I got in the car.

"Yes boss." I heard their reply.

I reached my club at 12. I immediately headed out to my office.

I opened the door to see Dawn having some more coffee and Sam sleeping while Will just stared at Sam.

"Thank fuck! you finally came. I was third wheeling these two love birds the entire time. It is not fun let me tell you." Dawn whined. Sam scoffed at her comment while William shrugged.

 I rolled my eyes and flicked her off before sitting on my chair.

"Sam! Brian is here." Will slightly shook Sam.

Sam groaned before opening his eyes.

"Oh hey! You finally came." He yawned.

"Yes I did. Now what is this meeting called for."  I asked, getting straight to business.

"Oh yeah.." Sam rubbed his temples.

"So?" Dawn asked.

"I think my parents are hiding something." Sam sighed.

"Uh okay and? Solve your own family problems.." Dawn scoffed.

" For a 24 year old you sure act like a kid." Sam scowled.

"Hey stop it! Getting back to the point." Will's voice boomed which caused Sam to.... shiver?

I raised an eyebrow at the two but didn't pay much attention to it.

"Well after Maya left my mom started crying saying stuff like it's gonna happen again and what if she leaves like he did and stuff like that." Sam explained.

"Who is he?" Dawn frowned.

"I don't know. But even Jax and Maria were vary of speaking about it. They are hiding something...or rather someone." Sam concluded.

"Did you ask them what they were talking about?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yes I did and obviously they turned me down." Sam frowned.

"Why don't you ask your previous leader?" Dawn asked as she took a sip of her nth coffee.

"Previous leader?" Will asked, confused.

"Wasn't there another person in lead of Noble wolves around 18 years ago? " Dawn clarified.

"What? NO. My father is the one in charge before my brother took control of Australia and some  Asian countries." Sam informed.

" Mr. Jackson had stepped down from the leader's position for a couple of years and came back up. This incident is apparently never spoken by any member of the gang and new members aren't even aware of it. It is almost a forbidden conversation. I tried snooping around but almost got caught. SO this kind of proves that there is something." 

"Wait, I had heard rumors about a person in Noble wolves. My cousin was talking about it to my dad. He is said to be one of the best assassins in our underground history." I interjected.

"That's the one I was thinking about. This incident isn't even spoken by other gangs. It must have been really horrible." Dawn pointed out.

"Why the hell don't I know about that person." Sam tilted his head in confusion.

"Let's ask someone who has been part of the underground for a long time." William suggested.

"I'll sneak around my house and try to find something." Sam informed.

"I'll ask Drake or someone." I told.

"What part of forbidden did you not understand? We could even be killed." Dawn warned.

"Oho! Is Dawn scared?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"I'll dig up history then. Don't say I didn't warn you." Dawn rolled her eyes.

"Alright! Can I go now?" I asked.

"Jeez okay. You better have not done anything  to Maya." Sam called out as I exited my office.

"Oh Shut up!" I yelled back.

I got into the car and zoomed towards my apartments.

I parked the car and got out only to find my men waiting there.

"Any disturbances?" I asked.

"None sir." one of them replied.

I nodded and moved to the elevator.  Once I reached the top floor, I rush towards the door to find two of my men keeping guard.

They noticed me and immediately bowed. I nodded  at them.

"No issue so far sir." One of them informed.

"Okay, keep guard and even if one person looks suspicious, interrogate them." I sighed as I unlocked the door and went in.

I find my way  to the room where Maya is and find her sleeping soundly with the blanket over her. I smiled as I walked over to the bathroom and removed my clothes leaving me in my boxers. 

I exit the bathroom and move towards the bed and lift the blanket before getting in and moving to Maya's side. I wrapped my arms around her stomach and snuggled onto her neck. She slightly moved and turned around coming even closer to me.

"Pumpkin? Your back?" She slowly looked up with really drowsy eyes.

"Yeah, sleep now. We'll talk in the morning okay?" I kissed her forehead.

"Hmm kay'" she hummed and snuggled closer.


I fluttered my eyes as I felt sunlight hitting my face. I turned to find Maya still sleeping soundly in between my arms. I smiled as I looked at her beautiful face before running my hand through her hair.

I softly kissed her cheek before removing my arms around her. Her face showed slight discomfort as I moved away which made my heart swell.

You're a creep now. 

I shook my head before going to the bathroom to do my morning routine and take a shower.


Maya's pov:

I groaned as I felt the sunlight hit my face all of a sudden. I turned around and search for Brian with my eyes closed as I tapped on to the bed and was disappointed to find it empty. I sighed before slowly opening my eyes to adjust to the sunlight. 

I sit up straight before stretching my arms up in air and twisting my upper body only to get a jab of pain right below my left ribs.

"Ah fuck!" I hissed as I placed my hand on top of the area it hurt.

I slowly got up to not increase the pain and rushed to the mirror. 

I stare at myself at the mirror for a good 1 minute noticing all the small bruises scattered around my body which made me think how Brian could even fall for me.

 I'm plain and the only thing I do is behave like a spoilt brat.

 My hair was a mess in its unruled wavy form and I realized that my hair had gotten longer. I hadn't kept it past my shoulders but now it was around two or three inches below my shoulder. 

Maybe I should cut it.

I slowly lift up the T shirt I wore since the day before up only to find a decent amount of black and blue spots. The place below my left ribs looked the worst of all.

"For my first match since training, I may have overdone it. Dawn's gonna be mad." I mumbled

"I also prolly need an ice pack. I didn't feel any pain yesterday. Maybe it was because of the adrenaline?" I sighed as I completely removed my T shirt only leaving me in my bra and shorts.

I turned around to search for more bruises on my back when I heard a click sound of a door unlocking.

Brian is here?

I turn back and face the bathroom only to find Brian staring at me...wet... with only a towel around his waist...with his eyes glaring on the place below my left ribs.

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