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For a while Olivia and Gilbert skate around talking about anything and everything. On their 10th lap around the pond Ollie slips, her form becoming unsteady. Gilbert doesn't hesitate to grab her hand, helping her from falling on her butt.

She smiles back and instead of dropping it like he expects her to, she holds on tight and pulls him along.

Everything is different. Instead of avoiding him like the plague, Ollie is actually hanging out with him and making small shows of affection. Gilbert loves it but there's a part of him deep down wondering what exactly had to have happened to cause this. Grace didn't want her around him and Ollie was very adamant on their relationship being a secret. In the time he's been back she hasn't brought up her parents once, nor has he seen them anywhere. He had a theory about what happened and he hopes to God it isn't true.

"You still haven't told me why you came back." Ollie says, turning to look at him.

Gilbert clears his throat. "I-uh...I got a letter from Anne."

"Saying what?" She asks him, eyebrow raised. She's worried. What if Anne told him about her parents before she was able to? That's something that deserves to come from Ollie, not Anne.

"Just that there was gold in Avonlea. Plus Bash and I wanted to get off the boat for a while." He answers quickly in an attempt to ease her worries.

Relief floods through Olivia. "Do you think you'll go back?" She asks, her eyes fluttering to the ground. As much as she wants to know, she's scared of the answer.

"I guess that depends." He inches closer to her. Olivia knows how close he is by the heat of his body radiating toward her. She finds herself wanting to step closer until she realizes she's supposed to respond.

"On what?" She asks breathlessly, eyes still trained on the ground.

" thing."

Olivia's eyes snap back up to his. "As in...?"

Gilbert opens his mouth to respond but is cut off by the sound of a squeal. They both look back to see Ruby inching toward them on the ice.

Olivia sighs but skates toward her to help the girl keep her balance. Once she reaches Ruby she hooks her arm around her to steady her. Gilbert skates over and does the same on the other side.

"Oh, thank you." Ruby says to Gilbert, her cheeks burning red.

Gilbert forces a smile. "Yeah, no problem."

Ollie holds back the urge to roll her eyes. Not like she was the one who helped first.

"Boy, I wish I knew how to ice skate, you're so good at it Gilbert." Ruby says sheepishly.

Gilbert scratches the back of his neck with his free hand. "Uh thanks, I guess I could...teach you?"

"Oh, would you? That would be amazing!" Ruby claps her hand, throwing herself off balance. The three teens wobble together. "Whoops." She giggles.

"I'll uh, leave you to it." Ollie says, pursing her lips. She drops Ruby's arm abruptly, causing Ruby to topple to the left. Gilbert drops her arm so he doesn't get pulled down with her and she hits the ground with a thud. "Whoops." Ollie giggles, turning around. She doesn't hold back her eyeroll as she skates back over to her friends.

Anne looks at her in confusion. "What was that about?"

"I guess I'm just clumsy."


"Please Ollie, it's only for a couple of days. We'll be back before you know it and you'll have the most splendid time!" Anne begs her friend.

"As much as I would love to I just can't, I'm barely keeping up with the cost of Evergreen as it is and I can't miss another days work for money that I can put towards the house. Isaac is doing his best to help me but he wants a formal wedding for him and Hattie and that's expensive." Olivia shakes her head, setting her things down on her desk. "Please send my thanks to Aunt Josephine and my deep regrets for not being able to attend."

"But-" Anne tries to protest.

"Just leave it, Anne." Olivia mumbles, taking her seat. "You haven't even gotten Marilla to agree to let you come."

"That's a minor detail." Anne shrugs, slumping back in her seat.

"My father's dead, sir." A loud eruption from the front of the classroom draws everyone's attention. Olivia sees Gilbert standing in front of Mr. Phillips.

"Well, the metaphor still plays." Mr. Phillips says, waving Gilbert off.

Gilbert clenches his jaw before walking back over to his seat. Olivia's eyes follow him as he goes back to his seat. She watches as he shakes his head angrily and slam open his book. The sudden goosebumps on his arms alert him to her gaze. He looks over in her direction.

'Are you okay?' She mouths.

He just nods and turns back to the front. She purses her lips in disappointment at his lack of conversation but does the same.

Suddenly, Diana rushes over to the girls, sitting down behind them. "Father has a cold." She says angrily. "We're not going to Aunt Josephine's party either."

"He's sick?" Olivia asks, her face furrowing in concern. "Have you called for the doctor? Will he be okay?"

Diana reaches out and places her hand on Ollie's story. "It's just a cold, he's okay. He just needs some rest and he'll make a full recovery."

Ollie nods. "Update me on how he's doing?"

"I will." Diana smiles. "Promise."

"Alright, bright little minds, open your readers. Let's pick up from where we left off." Mr. Phillips says.

"Will you join us in the hut after school?" Anne whispers to Olivia.

"Yes." Ollie nods. Mr. Phillips sends her a death glare at her interruption.

Ugh, The end of the day can't come fast enough.


Sorry for this shitty update. I just wanted to get some sort of content to you guys.

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