21. pussy party

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This new layout is trash, period. 

Anyways, new chapter! My goal is to write two more tonight so they can go up this week. Also, a made a new cover, lemme know what y'all think!

Oh! Even though we're in March this is still taking place in December and it'll probably skip a little to February in a few chapters. This is a shorter chapter (at least for me), the next one will be longer!


"Wait, y'all are dating dating?"

"Bro I had no idea you were into guys!"

"Are you the boy or the girl?"

"Does his dick get in the way when y'all fuck?"

"Since you're gay do you think you can help me pull hoes?"

"So who wears the pants?"

"You know, I always knew you were a lil' sweet."

"Everyone shut up!"

There were around thirty kids surrounding our lunch table bombarding us with the most uncomfortable questions I've ever heard. 

Didn't y'alls momma's teach y'all that some things aren't meant to be asked?

Amour and I decided to skip half the school day and join everyone else during lunch. Was it the best idea? No. Was I surprised that everyone didn't suddenly hate me? Yeah.

It took a lot of will power to walk into the lunch room hand in hand with Amour. I expected to walk in on a riot with pitchforks and torches, not a normal lunchroom with literally no one paying attention to us. Well, except for Reese, the moment she seen the two of us she started clapping excitedly with the cheesiest smile on her face. 

We passed the sea of students, earning a few glances but nothing too major. Devany smiled at us which surprisingly calmed my nerves down a lot. Once we reached our regular lunch table with Reese and Drake everything was weirdly normal, except for the fact that I have a boyfriend now. 

There was still this thought in the back of my mind though, wondering when someone is gonna come up and say something ignorant. 

That someone was Jeremiah Johnson, a.k.a the infamous JJ. Head football captain, track star, and occasional dumbass.  

It started with: "Wait, y'all are dating dating?" and suddenly here comes JJ's football friends, the cheer team, then my basketball team, and now there's a crowd. 

As much as I hated getting asked if I was a top or bottom, it was nice to know that most of my classmates weren't homophobic, just really curious. 

"One at a time!" Reese demanded. "If y'all wanna ask questions then we bout' to do it in an orderly fashion! Kaleigh, you go first." she pointed to Kaleigh, who was a cheerleader I dated freshman year.

"Did you break up with me because I didn't look like a boy?" she asked.

I furrowed my brows. "I still like girls, Kaleigh. I just don't like you like that." I told her honestly. 

She frowned and I shrugged. It wasn't like she was ugly, Kaleigh was far from it actually. It was just that we were fourteen and I thought she was too clingy considering the fact that she never left me alone. 

Like, never. 

"But why?" she probed, sticking out her glossed bottom lip. "We were such a cute couple!"

"Bitch, go sit yo thirsty ass down somewhere," Reese scoffed. "He said he don't like you."

Kaleigh narrowed her big eyes. "Shut up Reese I wasn't talkin' to you." she snapped, causing the whole lunch room to 'oooohh'. 

"You lucky I'm on the other side of this table cause I swear I'll fu–"

"Okay!" Amour said, putting his hand over Reese's mouth. "Questions! Who has a question?"

Twelve hands went up like we were in a "Let's Talk About Isaiah and Amour's Sex Life" class. 

Amour furrowed his thick brows and stuck out his bottom lip, he always did this while he was thinking and it was cute as hell. 

"Umm...Jaiden." Amour said, pointing to a darker skinned kid with short dreads.

"So you're like a hundred percent gay right?" he clarified. 


"Bro, how though? Like, haven't you seen titties? Or Rihanna? You can't tell me you think Rihanna is ugly, bro." Jaiden said, making Amour's eyes roll. 

"Listen, I know Rihanna's fine but she doesn't make my dick hard." Amour shrugged. 

The whole lunchroom went wild with laughter as Jaiden's eyes went wide at Amour's response. The shrugged it off though. "Aye, that means more Rihanna for me." he said, giving Amour a dap before moving to the back of the crowd. 

Our makeshift class was cut short by the loud ringing of the five-minute bell. The crowd started to disappear into the hallways where their green lockers sat waiting. Amour, Drake, and I parted ways with Reese since she didn't share the same anatomy class with us. She says that AP isn't "her thing" when she really just doesn't want to do the extra work. It's funny 'cause anatomy has the least work out of any of the AP classes at Geroge High School. 

"Isaiah come to our locker with me," Reese ordered, throwing away her lunch tray. 

I furrowed my brows. "Naw, my class is on the opposite side of the school." 

She squinted, giving me those "do what I say before I hit you" eyes. I sighed, kissing Amour on the check before going to stand next to Reese. "I'll meet y'all there, tell Mrs. Jackson I'm talking to coach or somethin'," I say. 

Reese grabbed ahold of my wrist and dragged me into the hallway before I could say anything else, muttering something about how she needed to tell me 'tea' before locking us in the janitors closet. 



"What's up with Reese?" I ask, closing my locker. 

Drake shrugs. "Ion know man, I think somethin' is up with her brother," he says. "He hasn't been around her house in a min so I gotta feeling her parents kicked him out." 


Every time we hang out at Reese's place her parents are nowhere in sight. She says they travel a lot and are hella busy but I always thought it was weird that they would travel without their only daughter. She never talks about her family that much, I mean, I know her brother works at this burger place but that's pretty much it. Isaiah told me the two are really close, so if Drake is right about her parents kicking him out I would understand why she's upset. 

"Yeah," he sighs. "It sucks cause her birthday's coming up and I wanna cheer her up. You know, make her feel special and shit." 

"When's her birthday?" I question as the two of us walk through the crowded hallways. 

"December fourteenth." 

"Hey, that's the same day as Isaiah's birthday!" I smile.

Drake chuckles. "I know, they have the same birthday. They've celebrated it together since middle school." 

"Then we gotta do something!" I chirp. "They're turning eighteen! Oh my god, we gotta throw a surprise party for them, Reese will love that!"

I was practically bouncing with excitement now. My brain was thinking a million things per minute with ideas for Isaiah and Reese's birthday party. It'll be their last high school birthday and the day they're finally considered an "adult", it has to be special.

"Do you remember the last time I threw a party?" Drake said sheepishly. "A girl died and I got shot in the shoulder." 

Right. That kinda killed my whole mood. 

I scratched the back of my neck. "Maybe we can have it at my house?" I offered. "It's big enough for a good amount of people and I can have my dad monitor the door so no one uninvited gets in." 

"I don't know Amour..." Drake trailed. "What if something happens? I can't have something else like that on my conscious bro."

I grabbed a hold of Drake's shoulders and stopped him so he could face me. We were around the same height so I was easily able to lock eyes with him. 

"Listen to me, I promise nothing will happen at this party." I held out my pinky, waiting for him to intertwine his with mine.

Drake let out a breathy chuckle shaking his head. "You're so childish," he joked, connecting his pinky to mine. "Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise." I smiled.


Mrs. Jackson handed each table a pan full of tools and a dead cat to go with it.

She let us pick groups of three, so of course, Isaiah, Drake, and I were all at a table together staring at the dead animal with wide eyes. It was cold, pink, and sticky. The fact that its mouth was still agape with it's frozen tongue sticking out didn't help either. There was an uncomfortable feeling in the bottom of my stomach causing me to think about my cat, that was alive and one of my favorite things on earth. 

"Damn Amour, I didn't know Kiwi was gonna be joining us in class today." Drake joked. 

He let out a yelp when I punched his shoulder. "No jokes about my cat or you'll be the next one on this dissection table."

Drake put his hands up in surrender while Isaiah laughed. Mrs. Jackson cleared her throat, getting the attention of the rest of the class. 

"Alright, if you hadn't noticed we're gonna be exploring the anatomy of cats today, sorry for any of you who have furry friends at home. One person will fill out the worksheet while the other two conduct the dissection, follow the directions and Y'all will be fine," Mrs. Jackson explained. "I'll be walking around to observe and help anyone who needs it. Get to work!" 

"I'll write!" I said quickly. There was no way I was cutting into a dead cat.

Isaiah flipped through the instructions while Drake picked up the animal and started to play with it. Moving its arms around to make it hit the woah, the folks, and the thotiana dance. 

"Bust down thotiana, bust down, I wanna see you bust down," Drake whispered to himself, dancing along with the cat.

Isaiah groaned loudly. "Nigga, put the cat down, we needa pin it to the tray," he ordered. 

"Hol' up woah," Drake laughed, holding it up to Isaiah's face so it could hit the woah.

"Drake!" Isaiah barked. "Get that shit outta my face!" 

Isaiah pushed the cat away, making it brush against Drake's face, causing him to drop it and screech loudly. I watched in horror as the dead mammal hit the floor, splattering cat juice everywhere. Drake was frantically trying to wipe the feeling of the wet cat skin off his face, he ran to the sink, splashing water everywhere. 

"Mister Honoret!" Mrs. Jackson screamed. "What in the world do you think you're doing! Why is your cat on the floor?" 

"It touched my mouth!" he screeched, dunking his head under the sink head.

Isaiah was in hysterics, laughing so hard that he had to hold onto the table. He attempted to walk over to Drake to make fun of him some more, but he slipped on the cat and fell hard on his ass. Soon enough the whole classroom was filled with laughter, I couldn't help but join in. The sight of my boyfriend sitting there clutching his ass because of a dead cat was too much to handle. 

"Karma's a bitch huh?" I snorted. 

Isaiah looked up at me from the floor, a devilish grin forming on his face. Before I could react, his large hand was grabbing onto my wrist and pulling me down with him. I shrieked, kicking the dead cat away from us so I couldn't have to look at it's squished, broken face. 

The rest of the class decided to participate in the foolishness, students started to make their cats dance, speak, and even fly as one cat got thrown across the room. Thotiana was playing from some girls speaker and soon all the cats were grabbing their junk and swinging it around. Mrs. Jackson attempted to get the class back on track but one teacher against twenty-five seniors throwing a dead pussy party wasn't a fair game. 

"Put the cats down!" she yelled, but there was no use, Blueface was overpowering her.

Isaiah and I were still sat next to each other behind the lab tables, his goggles were halfway on his head and his apron was covered in cat goo. 

"You look a mess," I chuckled, taking the goggles off of his head. 

"At least I'm your mess." he beamed, a wide smile spread across his freckled face. 

I rolled my eyes. "Really? You're doing this now?" I ask, trying to hold back a smile.

"Yup," Isaiah said, popping the "p". 

I shook my head, chuckling. "God, you're annoying," I say, leaning in to connect our lips. 


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