Chapter Four- Effie

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Chapter 4

Harry's POV

After being incredibly late to the bonfire and the armoury meeting, I was finally done for the day. I had many thoughts flying round my head at this point in time, we needed more resources to keep this camp running the way it is at the minute. I shook the thoughts from my head and headed to the medical unit. Hopefully the girl hadn't killed Zac, but it wouldn't surprise me seen as she seems pretty psycho. I open the door to see Hardy stood talking to Zac and the girl. Zac sat on the chair beside the bed, the girl was sat up on the bed and Hardy was talking to them about some shit that they seemed to both be laughing over.

"I didn't realise you were quite the comedian Hardy" I say as I cross my arms over my chest causing the laughter to die down. Which pretty much happened in whatever room I walked in at the minute.

"Harry, we were actually just talking about you!" He says as he walks over putting his arm around me patting me on the back.
"Talking about the time you got stuck on the barb fencing when you first got here, what were you? Like 16?" He says patting me on the back as I watched Zac laugh along with the girl.

"Probably, are you ready to go?" I ignore them looking towards the girl just wanting to get this over with.

"Me?" She frowns for a second.

"Yes you" I roll my eyes.

"Where are you taking me?" She sits up folding her arms over her chest.

"If it was up to me I would take you back to where we found you, but these guys won't let me so-" I say as gesture to Zac and Hardy stood watching my every move. It's not like I was going to kill her.
"So you can stay here" I say and Zac smiles at me.

"Did you find somewhere?" He asks almost seeming excited. To be honest I didn't look very far for the girl. I could of tried harder to find her somewhere to stay but it's been a long day and I couldn't be arsed if I'm being honest. What do I owe this girl? Fucking hell I didn't even know her name!

"She can stay in the barn on-"

"Harry!" Zac cuts me off yelling at me in disbelief. I didn't understand why he was so caught up on this girl. She barely saved his life anyway, for all we know this girl could be part of those twats who were firing at us. I was going to find out exactly who she was but Zac didn't need to know that yet.

"There is nowhere else" I lie and Hardy shifts awkwardly.

"There has to be somewhere!" Zac argues and I sigh. I notice the girl eyeing me carefully, observing every move that was made in room. She reminded me of something. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was though.

"Harry don't you have a spare room in your hut?" Hardy says cocking his eyebrow at me making my eyes widen. Was he serious? He was willing to leave me alone with this stranger? She's already tried to kill me!

"Woah no no no, absolutely not" I shake my head instantly as I look away from all of them. Not a chance this was happening. I couldn't let it. I couldn't be alone with her. I didn't know her. I don't care to know her. All I wanted was for her to go and now I was being asked to basically babysit her!

"Dude come on-"

"Harry even if it's just for one night until we find somewhere better?" Hardy interrupts Zac as they both nod in agreement. Of course they would team up on me. Try and make me feel bad for her but I simply don't. I only helped save her because I knew Zac wouldn't let it go.

"The barn is comfy-"

"Come on..." Zac looks at me pleadingly, cutting me off instantly. I pause for a second looking at him with a stern expression. God I hated him. He knew I couldn't say no. I had no excuse. One night would be it though. And if the girl has to stay after that, well then she sleeps in the barn.

"One night" I sigh and a huge smile appears on Zac's face. Almost made me want to punch him. Or Hardy.
"That's it" I warn as the girls gaze falls from me. Yes I knew she had been staring at me this whole time. I wasn't stupid. Or oblivious.
"I'm not kidding, one night that's it" I stand my ground when Zac starts to smile at Hardy putting his thumbs up at him. He was annoying. To say the least.

"I know, I appreciate it bro honestly" Zac says as he walks over to me before patting me on the back comfortingly. I quickly slip out of his grasp taking one last look at the girl before heading for the door. This was going to be a nightmare I could feel it.

"Are you coming?" I stop looking back at Zac as I reach the door of the infirmary. I didn't have all day. Especially when I still needed to shower and shit.

"What? Oh yeah!" Zac looks at me in realisation as my voice basically pulls him away from the mystery girl.

"Grab the girl" I snap a little harsher than I intended.

"She has a name Harry" he glares at me and I roll my eyes. I wanted to scream at him that it didn't matter but I knew it did to him. He probably wanted to make her feel extremely welcome and if it was up to him he probably would have her stay with him. But they wasn't possible. Zac shared a house with a few others from here and he didn't complain. Not that he should though. We are lucky we have this place.

"I don't care what her name is, just get her" I sigh shaking my head at him causing the mystery girl to look up at me instantly.

"My name is Effie" she spits through gritted teeth, this being probably one of the first thing she has said to me. Well except when she tried to kill me obviously.
"And Do I not get given a choice in this? Why can't you just take me back?" She stands up from the bed swaying slightly as she tries to stand her ground. Points for bravery, I don't think most people would stand up to people like us. She was head strong to say the least.

"See! She gets it!" I say looking to Zac as he helps steady the girl. Effie. Her name is Effie. I probably would not remember that.

"Your injured you wouldn't last five minutes out there" Hardy says and the girl frowns.

"Debatable" she glares at him making me smirk. Even I didn't talk back to Hardy. Rarely anyway. She has balls to do that. I could tell Hardy was shocked too but bites his tongue holding back.

"If she wants to go back, let her" I smirk and both Zac and Hardy glare at me. I didn't understand why they were so obsessed with this girl. She was a stranger. We didn't need this.

"Harry" Hardy spits catching my attention.
"That is enough, your staying until your well healed, end of story. Now go, I don't want to hear any more of this shit got it?" Hardy snaps and I roll my eyes. I push the door of the infirmary open instantly leaving. As if I didn't even get a say in this. Surely I could do one night. I didn't have to talk to her so that would be fine. I hear the infirmary door open behind me and I know who it is instantly.

"You know this is all your fault" I snap glancing back at Zac as he helps the girl- Effie- walk. She seemed pretty unstable but I mean she had just been shot badly.

"My fault? Sorry for just trying to do the right thing and help someone!" Zac yells back at me causing me stop spinning around to face them both. Was he serious?

"So you pick a fucking stranger?!" I yell back at him as he stops. Effie looks away awkwardly as she tries to gain balance as Zac holds her up fully. She was weak. She was not even of any use to us because of the situation.
"I'm sorry if I'm not as excited as you fucking are, but I didn't realise we were just letting any fucker in now" I snap at him harshly and he frowns shaking his head at me.

"It's not like that Harry" he sighs and I roll my eyes.

"Right Course not" I say sarcastically. 
"She saved you- didn't you Ella?" I look to the girl but she doesn't look up at me. Instead she just looks at her feet.

"It's Effie" she mutters and I roll my eyes.

"Same thing" I snap. Course it was Effie.
"You saved his life and now he feels like he owes you something" I spit at her. She tucks a piece of her long brown hair behind her ear letting the moonlight hit the high points of her face.
"Well guess what? He doesn't owe you shit-"

"Harry stop-" Zac tried to cut me off but I don't listen.

"Because you don't know this girl. She isn't your friend, she's a stranger. A stranger who we have let into our camp because of your stupidity" I snap at him and he looks away.
"She tried to kill me-"

"She was scared! Can you blame her?" He yells and the girl flinches at the volume of his voice. She was scared, weak and frail. She didn't have a place here. Nor would she.

"Can you guys stop talking like I'm not here?" She snaps looking up at the both of us catching us both off guard. I didn't expect her to say anything but yet she was full of surprises. The air falls silent between us all and all you could hear was the insects roaming round the camp, not a soul in sight.

"Effie I'm sorry-" Zac tries to say more softly but she shakes him off.

"Just let go-" she pushes him off her harshly causing Zac to stumble back. She goes to take a step and I place my hand over the gun I keep on my hip ready for anything. But before she could get anywhere she stumbles to the ground hitting the dirt floor hard. It was pathetic to watch. Zac quickly kneels down to her level making me roll my eyes.

"She's weak Zac, look at her!" I snap at him but he doesn't even look up at me.

"Shut the fuck up Harry" he spits trying to help the girl.

"She's weak, she's no use to us- you know she'll probably die from infection anyway because we don't have the fucking resources we should" I say as I fold my arms over my chest causing them both to look up at me. Zac narrowed his eyes at me just as I catch glimpse of a tear running down the girls face. Oh now she really was pathetic. Didn't take the girl for a cryer.
"You know I'm right, you can't deny that" I shrug and I could practically see the anger boiling under Zac's skin with every word I spoke.

"Harry I said shut the-" I laugh cutting him off.

"Or what? You don't like hearing the fucking truth? This girl isn't going to last a week, so I suggest you start digging her grave now- preferably outside the gate if you must" I snap at him as I start to back up away from them. The girl looks up at me with wide eyes as Zac looks away from me.

"We only bury our own on the inside"

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