chapter one

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  -Jane Fox's POV-

   "Hurry up Janie! Practice is starting!", my best friend Adam Banks yells across the locker room.
"Go on without me!", I finish tying my left skate and walk over to Adam. "Great, now coach is gonna make us do laps.", he groans as I roll my eyes, "You didn't have to wait for me you know." "Now, what kind of best friend would I be if I did that?", Adam slings his arm around my shoulder.

     "Banks, Fox, you're late!", coach yells from the box. "No, really I didn't know that.", I mumble and Adam just laughs. "20 laps around the rink at the beginning and end of practice.". "Whoever finishes first gets to chose the movie tonight.", he challenges, "3, 2." All I hear is Adam groan as I elbow him in the stomach.

     We eventually finish and I beat Adam by a long shot. No matter how hard he tries, he has never beaten me in laps or races. "Deuces, come here.", I skate over. "What's up coach?". "You need to start arriving on time for practice, or you'll lose your starting position.", he goes on, "And I really don't want to start McGill at center.". "You could start Adam in center and start McGill in left wing.", I recommend. "I could, but you are the best center. And I want you to start.".  I nod and he shoos me away. "I can't believe you lost to a girl, Banks.", McGill taunts while coming to a stop after skating circles a round the two boys, "It's embarrassing. This is a mans sport.". I pick up speed and head straight for McGill. I come to a complete stop and spray him with ice. "If this is a mans sport why are you playing it?". Larson and Adam laugh while McGill skates toward me. "I'm a man.", he puffs out his chest in attempt to make him look tougher. But, in reality it just makes him look stupid. "Oh please, if your a man than I'm god.". "Well, your just a-a stupid spoiled little princess.", he shoots back. "He's right about something. She is little.", Larson balances his arm on top of my head. "And she is a princess.", Banks adds putting his arm on top of Larsons. I elbow both of them in the stomach making them fall it the ground. Adam and Alex Larson are the only people I talk to outside of hockey. Adam more than Alex but that's because he lives right next to me. The other people on the hawks are my friends when it's hockey season but otherwise they are acquaintances. "Hey! I'm not little or a princess. One, I'm the same height as you Larson. Two, if i'm going to be a princess, might as well be an ice princess."

     The hawks start heading off the ice after a two hour practice when coach yells out. "Banks! Fox! You still owe me 20 laps.". We both look at each other and groan. No challenge this time, we both just wanted to get it over with. I go as fast as my tired legs can take me, and finish the 20 laps. "Hurry up Addy! If you take any longer, we are going to have to walk home. You know how my mom doesn't like to wait.", I finally close my tired eyes. The rink is completely quiet other than the faint sounds of Adam's skates. The sounds of his skates become louder and louder until I feels two arms wrap around my waist and lift me of the ground. "Put me down, Adam Banks!", he skates in circles as my feet dangle. "Not a chance Janie!", and with that he carries me off the ice, "You are not light.". "And you are not strong.",  I say putting my feet on the ground.

     "Where is my sweatshirt?", Adam says digging in his hawks bag. I try to hide my laugh after pulling the hood up, "I have no clue!". "Jane, give me my sweatshirt." "Uh nope.", I say popping the p. Adam begins to pout while I just slap the back of his head. "Sorry man. It's cold out there and I forgot my sweatshirt.", I pull him out the locker room. "What about me! Now I'm going to be cold.", he pulls me back so we are walking at the same pace. "You said it yourself, I'm a princess. Princesses should never be cold.", we swing our arms back and forth. "But, you're an ice princess. Shouldn't you be used to the cold, I guess it's fine. I'd rather be cold then have you be cold.", using his free arm he opens the door to the outside, "after you m'lady.".

     "Look there is my mom's car!",, once again I start to pull him towards the grey car. "Here they come!", my thirteen year old sister yells from the passenger side. She must have just come from dance practice. My sister is one of the best ballet dancers I have ever seen. Nina dances at my moms edina studio. She has one other location in Minneapolis. I used to dance but went full time with hockey. "Bee, can you help them put their bags in the trunk?", my mom asks.

     Once my bag is in the back I get into the backseat. "Hey mamas, how was practice?", my mom asks. "Pretty good. I was late again so we had to skate laps at the end, but still fun.", I buckle my self in. "Was it fun for you Adam?", she asks as Adam shuts the door. "Yeah, I had to do laps too. Because I waited for Janie. Thank you for asking Mrs.Fox.", he smiles politely. As my mom turns back to the front of the car, "I have known you since you were 2 Adam. You can call me Sadie, Mrs.Fox makes me feel old.". My
mom was only 18 when she had my brother and sister, so I guess she was pretty young. Especially she had just turned 18 a few months prior to giving birth to the twins. I was snapped out of my thoughts by my sister sayin "That's because you are mom.". "I'm not old! 31 years is very young.", my mom complains. "31 is kinda old.", Nina laughs. I decide to enter the conversation, "If it makes you feel any better momma, your mental age is fifteen.".

     Adam runs off across the yard to go get his sleepover stuff. We are having our weekly sleepover since today is Friday and we have a game tomorrow. It's against district 5, the worst team in the league. I really don't have a problem with them except for one of the Hall brothers. He likes to call me names so I punched him in the eye. It was funny when he ran off crying for his mommy. But, McGill and the hawks have a massive problem with them. I have no clue why, they haven't done anything wrong. I don't really involve myself when they do that but Adam does. Addy only does it because he wants the approval from his friends.

     "Come on inside bug! You're going to catch a cold!", my old brother Vincent gives me a shove towards the door while he takes my hockey stuff the mudroom. "Did someone turn the heat on! I told you not to mess with the heat on while I'm gone!", a low voice shouts from the other side of the house. "Daddy!", I run through the hallways of the house and reach the living room. My dad is standing there fixing the heat, when he sees me. I run and jump into his arms and give him a hug. My dad is Joshua Fox, he is one of the best hockey players in the NHL. Dad plays for the Minnesota Northstars.At only 21 years old, he made the olympic team. Now at 32, he is still fresh as ever. "Hi bug. I missed you so much.". I have a couple of nicknames like bug, mamas or janie which is what a lot of my friends call me. "It's only been a week and a half, pops. But, you didn't get that excited to see me when I got home from a month long hockey camp.", my brother Vinnie says turning to me. I shrug. "Maybe it's because I'm her favorite male in this family.", my dad sets me down as I hold onto his arm. "No way, pops! Bug, who is your favorite?"

     "I-uh.". Adam walks through through the doorway, "Welcome back Mr.Fox. I cant believe you scored 2 goals in the first 5 minutes.". No matter how many times Adam comes over, he fangirls. You would think he would have gotten used to it by now, because we have been best friends for 9 years. Guess not. "Thanks kid. What do you guys plan on doing tonight?", he asks. "Probably just watch a movie and maybe play some hockey in the basement.", I say pulling Adam away for my family, He had already brought his stuff to my room, so we could just go straight to the basement.

     "The score is tied 3-3.Banks with the puck, as he goes between his legs as he approaches the goal. He is about take the game winning shot.", Adam announces. I giggle to myself and go up to him and steal the puck. "Jane Fox goes up and steals the puck before he even got the chance to shoot. Takes it to the opposing net. She shoot; she scores!", I narrate as I shot the puck into the goal, "And the crowd goes wild.". As I imitate the wild crowd, Adam throws me over his shoulder. "Banks picks up Fox and throws her on the couch.". I close my eyes and when I open them I'm on my family's brown leather couch. "Movie time! You get the blankets and pillows, I'll pick out the movie." I suggest. "Why do you get to pick out the movie?" "Because I won our race, you dork."

     I run up the stairs to our collection of movies,
"Vinnie! Nini! Can you make us some movie snacks?". "Magic word?" my brother pops his head out from behind the doorway. "Pretty please.", I turn and pout. Soon enough, Nina's head pops out from behind the other side. "How could you say no to that cute little face?", my brother asks turning to Nina. "Like this." she turns to me, "No." With that she walks off towards her room. "Pretty please bubba.", I beg. "Of course I can!", he kisses my forehead and walks off to the kitchen. "You have him wrapped around your finger, don't ya bug?", I turn to see my brothers two best friends standing in the doorway. I run over to them and hug them. They are like my older brothers, I have known them since I was like well a baby. "Hi Ricky and Scooter. What movie should me and Banksy watch?", I ask. "Banksy and I, Janie,Banksy and I.", Scooter corrects ruffling my hair. "Definitely The Little Mermaid.", Rick hands me the disc. I smile up at the two boys. "Hey guys, i'm going to bring the food downstairs and than we can go.", my brother says walking downstairs. "Bye boys!", I rush down the stairs.

     "What movie did you pick?", Adam asks while covering me up with a blanket. "The Little Mermaid. Well, I had Vinnie's friend pick it out. Remember Rick and Scooter, yeah those friends.". "I mean any movie is better than what my mom chose a couple weeks ago. Snow White is awful.". "I agree. She is like fourteen while he's in his thirties. Pedo alert.".

      After awhile, I lay my head in Adam's lap. He plays with my hair as I attempted to watch the movie. "Tired?", he's asks. I hum in response and let sleep take over my body.

-Sadie Fox's POV-
     I quietly walk to the basement so I can check on Adam and Jane. Once I arrive, I see Jane asleep in Adam's lap while he has his head leaned back.
His hand is tangled in her hair, he must have fallen asleep in while playing with her hair. There is a bright flash from my camera as I take a picture of them. As one of my hobbies, I take pictures of my kids in their childhood to put in a scrapbook and give it to them when they graduate. "If these kids don't get married.", I shake my head and kiss both of their foreheads before leaving the basement.

authors note:
first chapter is up. i'll try and post everyday but we'll see. I'm thinking this book will be about 15-20
chapters long. Jane will meet the Ducks very soon.I hope you enjoy!

word count: 2153 words

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