Chapter 17

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It's been rough. Well for me anyway. I don't think I've slept since he's been taken. Alex will make me lay down but I still don't sleep. It doesn't bother me. They train us to where we can work on no sleep.

My day still starts at three I do my training but since I don't have Sammy I go to the school. Luckily I found a spot where I can see three areas. I spend all day there and when they get out I haul ass to bet them home and act like I was there the whole time training. Zack and I tail her after school. Usually shopping. The bitch hasn't made a move yet. Oz and Blake take nights. During our training we let them sleep until fifteen minutes before they have to leave then I'll get them up, they get dressed and I'm waiting on them by the door with some kinda of food. They go to school then come home and sleep for the rest of the day. Take over again at night. Everyone does their job.

We play Blake and Oz off as they found themselves a girl that's why they aren't at training so no one will ask questions. It's alright for me to ditch when Alex and I mess around why not them?

I stand on my branch ready to jump down when Lee calls me.

'Anissa school now' he says thru mind link. They don't know I sneak up here. Well Tate and Trenton do.

'what for' I ask jumping down.

'she's not coming straight home' he says. This is different. She always comes straight home.

'how do you know' I ask.

'I heard her talking to one of her friends. Saying something about she has something she needs to take care of' he answers. This could be it. I hope so I miss my little boy.

'here' I say running to the school.

'that was fast' he says.

'been here' I say as I reach them. I take the keys out of Alex's hand. "Thank you." I say pushing out of my way. "Zack move it." I say getting in Alex's car. I don't think he comprehends what's going on. "The rest get Alex home. I'll call if we need back up." I say starting the car.

"Well hello to you too." Alex huffs.

"Sorry babe no time." I rush out when I see Tiffany pulling out of her parking spot. He leans over giving me a kiss.

"Be careful." he tells me. I nod putting the car in reverse.

I back up, put the car in drive and follow her. We drive to a different town not far from where we already were. Fifteen minute drive. She stops pulling into a parking lot. I pull up to a curb far enough away so I can see her but not close enough to where she can see me. She gets out and walks into a coffee shop.

"Back door." I tell Zack.

"Yes ma'am." he says getting out of the car. I watch thru the coffee shop windows as she kisses some guy in greeting. Oh my god he isn't even hot.

'Blake.' I call.

'yes ma'am'

'I need you and the rest of the guys here now. A town called Huntington' I tell him.

'what's going on' he ask.

'nothing yet but I have a feeling about this' I tell him honestly. I do too. There's just something about this guy. 'Zack is there anyway you can get in without being seen' I ask him.

'no ma'am the door leads into a very busy kitchen' he answers. Shit. I nod knowing he can't see me.

I sit there for I don't know how long as they drink coffee talk and laugh as I do I give Blake directions to my location.

I hear a tap at my window and look over to see Trent there. I roll down my window.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"Back up. What's going on?" he ask me. I point to the coffee shop where she's sitting. "He looks kinda shady." he comments.

"That's what I thought." I tell him.

"So what's the plan?" he ask.

"Wait." is all I say. He nods running to the passenger side side and gets in. We wait for a little while longer than she gets up gives him a kiss then starts walking towards the door. 'Zac move it' I say. "How many cars did you guys bring?" I ask Trent.

"Two." he answers. I nod an okay. "Plan Anissa." Trent says.

"We follow him." I answer. He nods an okay. 'Tate let us know if Tiffany doesn't make it home in fifteen twenty minutes' I say to everyone. If I'm not right and this guy lands up to be a bust and Tiffany doesn't make it home it means I failed.

'okay' he says. I watch as Tiffany pulls out and drives away then I watch as he comes strutting out. I watch as he gets in a car and pulls out.

'switch' is all I say starting the car.

Who ever is driving the other cars know that every so often well change positions so that he won't think he's being followed. I get behind another car following him. We follow but not for to long before he turns off a dirt road. We slow down just enough to scan the area. I see a house off surrounded by trees.

'drive' I tell them. We pull up a little way pulling over the cars. We all get out and start walking towards it. We scan the area as we go. Luckily nothing.

We keep going until we are far enough to see the house but still far enough away that they can't see us or smell us.

'trees' I say. We scatter getting into different trees around the house so we can get a good look around. I spot two from my view point. 'two' I tell them.

'one' Darren answers. I get a couple of nones.

'one' Zack says.

'three' Cannon says. I get more nones.

'one' Matt says.

'any sign of Sammy' I ask with hope. I get some nos back. Shit I fucked up.

'she's back' Tate tells us. Well that's good.

'keep an' that's as far as I got when I see him. Sammy. My baby is being man handled by that creep. I growled lowly.

'Anissa stand down' Trent orders.

'I know rescue mission' I say. 'there's eight of them guys'

'we can take them' they choir. I have no doubt.

'tell alpha and Alex they have a dead pack member on there hands. Keep her there and don't you dare let her out of your sight' I growl at Tate.

'found him' he ask.

'found him' I answer. I hear him growl. Damn he must really be pissed. Usually we don't hear the growl unless the person is fuming mad and right now I'm hearing Tate as if he was standing right next to me. 'doors' I ask the guys.

'back' Oz answers. Then there's a front. I nod thinking as I watch that prick.

'Blake, Zander, Lee you shift. Darren, Matt, you guys go in behind them guns drawn thru the back door. Zack, Oz, Simon you guys shift. Trent and I will go guns drawn thru the front. Understood' I say.

'yes ma'am' they choir.

'who ever gets to Sammy first gets him out of there." I growl.

'yes ma'am' they choir again.

'on my mark' I say. I take a couple of deep breathes as I pull out my gun preparing it. 'NOW' I roar.

We all immediately jump down. We either start shifting or running. We don't stop running until Simon, rams on the door opening it. We storm in taking them by surprise. I just shoot anyone that's standing. From the corner of my eye I see the creep throwing Sammy down and shifting and see Zander running to him. That creep is a dead man. I load my gun again just as a shot rings out hitting my arm. Son of a bitch. Who just shot me? I look up and see a guy coming down the stairs with a smug look on his face. You only hit me in the arm dumbass. I lift up my gun hitting him right in the heart. Yeah take that stupid jerk.

Then I aim it for the creep hitting him right between the eyes. Oh yeah. And that was it.

'clean up on isle four' I tell Tate.

'done' he ask.

'done' I answer. I breath a sigh of relief when I look around and see all see dead. Shot or throat ripped out.

"Anissa." Trent says.

"Yeah." I answer.

"Sammy." he reminds me. Oh right. I run out the door.

"Zander!" I yell.

"Right here." he says coming around the corner. I run up to him taking Sammy from him. Sammy is crying his little heart out. I look him over and get more pissed. He's covered in bruises. That bitch!

"Shhh I got you little guy." I coo bouncing him.

"I'm going to go get us clothes." Zander says. I nod an okay bouncing Sammy. I coo patting his back, bounce him everything can think of. It breaks my heart listening to him cry like this. It's a totally different cry than what I'm use too. This isn't a I'm hungry, I need a diaper change or even I think I'm being neglect cry. This is a pull at your heart gut wrenching cry. I don't know how long I was doing it for.

"Come on let's go." Trent says. I look up and see all the guys dressed or half dressed with their guns in there hands.

I nod an okay as Trent puts his arm around my shoulder steering me to Alex's car that's now up in the drive way. Yeah I wasn't paying attention. We get in and take off with the boys following us. When we reach the town.

'you got her' I ask Tate.

'oh yeah the bitch is something else' he tells me.

'where' I ask.


'bring her outside I've got a big surprise for her' I say. He says nothing back. We drive a little bit more then pull up to the drive way where Alex, Tate, alpha, beta, Zane, Alisha, Vanna, the betas wife, Alex brother and sister, several pack members and she's waiting.

The stupid bitch is smiling like she's won the lottery pressing herself up against Alex not even paying attention. Alex is watching the car. I step out with Sammy.

"I suggest you get away from him!" I growl menacingly. She giggles putting her hand on his neck.

"He's leaving you for me." she says. Alex smiles at me. Ah played a game.

"Well played Alex." I comment to him.

"Well you know I couldn't let the bitch leave." he says stepping away from her.

"What?!" she ask confused then turns around and sees me with Sammy and pales.

"Oh you so fucked up." I tell her. "See." I say walking to Alex and handing Sammy to him. I start stalking towards her. "First you try to pass Alex off as yours knowing damn well he isn't. Second you threatened to kill me which for some stupid reason on my part. I let you get away with it. Third you kidnap a baby. A baby that I just so happens that oh I don't know kinda partial too. Fourth you turned your back on your pack. Then you have the balls to act like nothing ever happen. Once again going after my mate. I don't know about you but I don't see anyone that wouldn't mind seeing you dead right now. But guess what? I don't care about any of those people. No sweet cheeks you fucked up by fucking with the wrong girl!" I growl at her. "But I'm going to give you a five second head start. So you better make it quick." I say deadly calm. She make a run for it and I grab her hair yanking her back slamming her to the ground.

"Oops I lied." I chuckle. "Alex get Sammy out of here." I tell Alex. I don't want him or Sammy seeing this. "Anyone else that does not want to see this I suggest you leave." I tell them. I wait until its quiet.

"Anissa you want someone else to do this?" Tate ask me.

"No." I answer. "The bitch is mine!" I growl.

I look around real quick and see half the pack gone. Everyone else is glaring down at Tiffany. I'm sure they are pissed. One of their own set them up to be slaughtered and kidnapped a baby. I lean down.

"Make your peace with god and the wolf spirits." I say as I put one hand behind her head the other on against her chin. "Although you don't deserve it. I'll make it fast." I say then snap.


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