Ch.39 We're Doomed! part 2

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"Why if it isn't Meadow." she sneered at me.

"Meadow what's going on." I heard Jay whisper to me. I glared at them so they'd be quiet.

"What are you doing here. I didn't think a nerd like yourself would come to a place like this."

"This is actually my.........part-time job." I said leaving a pause between my and part-time.

She just looked at me. I sweat-dropped.

Thank goodness Mother Doomsday came back.

"Oh hey Mother Doomsday."

"Hey MC. So who's this?"

"This is-"

"I'm Rochelle. Does Meadow really work here?" She interupted me.

MD looked at me and back at her. Rochelle was on my right side so I winked with my left eye.

I think Mother Doomsday got the idea.

"Yes actually." he said.

(time skip to after mean bully pays for manga)

Jay and Lloyd got up after she left.

"You guys were hiding there the whole time?" Doomsday looked at us.

We told him my story, about how she likes Lloyd and hates me hanging out with him, and about trying to stop us from hanging out.

"That's some story."

Jay was about to say something but got cut off by a scream. Of course we couldn't just stay there so Jay and Lloyd did Spinjitzu and were in their gi.

"Look in the box." was all Lloyd said before running out the store.

I took it out and opened it. A purple ninja gi.

(I didn't make this)

I just put it over my clothes and pull the mask over my face while I ran outside.

"It looks good on you." Jay said.

We ran over to where the scream was. In an ally.

"This is going to be awesome!" Jay before running in.

"Meadow you should stay out here and keep guard." Lloyd pull his mask and ran in.

I heard blows being landed and some shouts and screams.

"Who am I kidding to stay here." I said running in.

It was 7 guys trying to hurt a little girl. Kind of a poor idea if you're trying to stay away from the police.

The guys were fighting some of the guys each. While one guy tied up the girl and put tape over her mouth.

I sprinted foward and aimed my elbow into his stomach. He grunted and held his stomach but then eyes on me.

"Hey look it's a mini ninja. Lets see how much damage you can do." he laughed and took a knife out of his pocket.

I regret running in. I want in front of the girl and lowered my stance.

"Meadow!" I heard someone said. I ignored it. I started something now I'm gonna finish it.

I felt a sharp pain in my back and realized one of the bad guys stabbed me.

Lloyd's POV:

I saw Meadow holding onto her sides and kneeling down. I ran to Meadow and started defending her. Jay joined as well.

Even though we tried to keep them away from her they kept fighting back. We couldn't keep this up alone.

Then a purple bubble covered us. The bad guys were confused and tried to hit it.

"Meadow?" I questioned.

"I can't let you guys fight when I know the chances are low." She said.

"Meadow you can't waste your energy." Jay told her. She looked like she was going to say something.

But instead she turned and untied the little girl. She ran and hugged Meadow.

Meadow hugged her back and soothed her.

I couldn't help but stare.

"Stop being love-struck and help me. I don't think this bubble's gonna help much." Jay got me to snap out of it.

He was right though the bubble looked weaker. Like it was going to break any second.

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