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'I'll say it loud and clear! BECAUSE I HATE HER!!!'

'It was nothing but just lust. And it has no connection to us.'

So I'm the only one thinking that you actually loved me? How ridiculous.

Rheyna was in the sofa. Just staring at the wall. Her eyes puffy and looking lifeless. When she heard what Felix said, her whole world crashed. How stupid of her, to think that he actually loved her. That night was nothing. What did she even expect? She doesn't even know what to feel anymore. Her heart is too heavy. She's tired of everything. She laid down on the sofa facing the back of the sofa. She closed her eyes, praying that this is all a dream. Meanwhile Felix entered the room. His eyes red and puffy from all the crying. He's having a hard time too. He saw her skinny figure laying on the sofa. He went up to her and covered her with a blanket. He caressed her hair before leaving her alone to sleep. He sat on the bed. He signed heavily.

Everything was too much. He doesn't even know what to do anymore. But both were hurting right now. He has no idea how to fix everything.

Felix: Zeke please... Come back to me...

He muttered quietly. He began to sob quietly. He covered his mouth with his hands and cried silently in the dark. Both's hearts were broken. Crying in the dark. Everything is a mess. He looked at her sleeping figure. Sometimes he just wants to apologize. Apologize to her. But a half of his mind was telling him not to. He signed and wiped his tears. He wishes that he couldn't feel anything. He just wish that he couldn't feel a damn thing. He lowered his eyes to the ground. But in the corner of his eyes he saw a shadow. He gasped and looked up but no one was there. But he did saw a piece of paper. He narrowed his eyes and picked the paper that's laying in the railing. He looked around but saw no one.

The paper was folded. He furrowed his eyebrows. He opened the paper but was confused when the paper was empty. Just a white piece of paper. He got inside. And sat on the bed. He also got the same paper this morning when he was looking for his clothes in the morning. What concerned him the most was who was that shadow? He knows he's not imagining things. He saw it clearly. He went to the balcony window. He decided to close the window and lock it just in case. He also untied the curtains. He covered the window and signed. But he still doesn't feel safe. He could feel that something is watching him. He turned around but saw no one. He signed for the millionth time this night. He got to the bed, he laid down and staring at the ceiling in the dark.

Same old empty feeling in his heart. His heart sinking deep down inside him. He could feel his eyes getting heavier and heavier. And now he decides to close them and let sleep take over him.


Felix woke up. He signed and groaned lazily. He got up and went straight to the bathroom. He leaned on the sink and looked at the mirror on front of him. He looks like a mess. He had dark bags under his eyes. His tanned skin was now a bit pale. It lost it's color. He signed. But in the corner of his eyes he saw a piece of paper. Again. He picked it up and saw that it was just empty paper again. He flipped it all over again. But it was empty. Now he's starting to wonder where this is comes from. He looks around. But there was no more paper around anymore. He went back to the bed and opened his drawer and hide it there. Just in case. Then he heard the door open and he flinched and grabbed the dagger under his pillow and prepared himself.

But he signed in relief when he saw Rheyna. Already dressed and her crown in her head. He signed in relief and placed the dagger back in place.

Rheyna: Good morning.

Felix: Mm.

He said simply. She walked towards the closet and took out something before placing it in the bed and closing the closet soon. Felix looked at it.

Felix: What is this?

Rheyna: It's my stuff. Nothing you should be concerned about.

Felix: Why is it in a case?

Rheyna: It's where I keep my stuff.

She opened the case and took out an old notebook and a pen. Felix furrowed his eyebrows. His eyes widened for a bit when he saw a white plain piece of paper again. He walked up to her and grabbed the piece of paper.

Rheyna: What's that?

Felix: I should be asking you that.

Rheyna: Well I've been seeing a few piece of paper. Last few nights.

Felix: You receive one too?

Rheyna: Yeah. Why do you?

Felix: Yeah. Actually I found one already in the bathroom.

Rheyna: What? I didn't.

Felix: Well I did. Do you uhh, know someone who would do this?

Rheyna shook her head. Felix stared at the piece of paper that's in his hand.

Rheyna: It's probably nothing.

Felix looked at her, unsure if it sure is nothing. But he decides to let it go for now. For now. He nodded and she locked her case again and place it to where it was hidden in the first place. Then grabbed her notebook and pen then finally left without saying anything. He was left dumbfounded. Usually whenever she'd leave, she would at least inform him that she'll go. This was the first time she had ever done this. He signed and shook his head and went to the drawer and place it there before closing it. He then grabbed his robe since he was shirtless. Then went to the bathroom.


She was sitting on the bench. Scribbling on her notebook. Then she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked up and saw that it was Hailey.

Hailey: Hey? What are you doing?

Rheyna: Nothing.

Hailey sat next to her and watched at how Rheyna was drawing and sketching a dandelion.

Hailey: A dandelion?

Rheyna: Yeah.

Hailey: You know you could just pluck one and wish right? Rather than drawing?

Rheyna: I know. But you know how much I love drawing.

Hailey: Of course. How could I forget?

Both chuckled softly.

Hailey: Speaking of which, did you pluck one of the dandelion?

Rheyna: I did.

Hailey: Well did you make a wish?

Rheyna: I did.

Hailey: Ooh~ what did you wish?

I wish that everybody would see the truth and I wished that Felix will see it too and love me just like how I love him.

She smiled sadly.

Rheyna: Ahh nothing, just wished that hopefully everything will be okay.

Hailey: And everything will be. Don't worry.

Rheyna: I hope so.

Hailey hugged her and Rheyna leaned her head on her shoulders. Both smiled softly. A one sad lonely, and broken tear left her eyes. Everything will be okay. That's what she hopes.

Meanwhile Felix was fixing his outfit while fixing his leather gloves. Then he heard the door open. And saw that it Jonathan.

Felix: Can I help you?

Jonathan: My apologies I thought no one was here.

Felix: It's okay. But do remember to knock next time. You're lucky I am dressed. Otherwise you know.

Jonathan: I'll keep that in mind. But speaking of which, are you going somewhere? Should I come with you?

Felix: No. It's okay. I'll be fine. I'll just be visiting Zeke's grave.

Jonathan: Oh. Are you sure you don't want me to come?

Felix: It's okay Jonathan. I won't be long. And plus I need some time alone for myself. Plus, your students need you. They aren't gonna learn well if they don't have their general to train them.

Jonathan: You're right. But they have Draken and Skye. I'm pretty sure they can learn from them too.

Felix: Jonathan, it's your duty to train them because they rely on you. It's for their future and for the innocents too. They need their greatest teacher to teach them.

Jonathan: Ugh well you have a point.

Felix smiled softly making his dimples pop out.

Jonathan: Well, I'll be going now.

Felix: Okay. Have a good day.

Jonathan: You too my King.

Jonathan bowed and left. Felix looked at himself on a mirror. He had a few dagger and his sword with him just in case for defence. He then grabbed his black coat and then put it on. Then he nodded at himself and then proceeded to leave the room. He went to where the horses were kept. Then he took his horse out of her place. The house neighed loudly and he caressed her head.

Felix: Good morning Sora.

He got on top of the horse then the horse ran. Meanwhile with Draken, he was teaching a student who was having a hard time fighting back. Draken saw the man kicked the poor guys thighs and made him fall down. Draken saw that he was in pain and was in the verge of crying. The guy looked like a teenager and the man was maybe around 20.

Draken: Leave him!

He yelled out. The big man huffed and left. Draken went up to the poor boy who was limping. Draken helped him and then sat the boy down.

Draken: Hey kid look at me.

Boy: I-I'm s-sorry sir. I'll try harder again.

Draken: Hey it's okay you can take a break. You okay?

The boy nodded but hissed when he moved. Draken saw that he had a few bruises.

Draken: You did well boy.

Boy: I did?

Draken: You did. I'm proud. And I believe you do better next time. And beat that guy.

Boy: You think so? I don't think I can though.

Draken: Hey, rule number one; never let anyone get in your way. Rule number two; you do not think about what anyone thinks about you. They can talk crap all they can. While you keep you standing up and fighting back. Hardwork will never betray you. That's what you need to always remember. Now you stand up and beat him. Who knows, maybe someday you'll be stronger then him.

He said while keeping a smile. The boy smiled brightly and then nodded.

Draken: C'mon now. Let me teach you a few things you need to remember.

Draken said and then got on his fighting stance. The boy did the same.

Draken: Prepare yourself.

The boy nodded. Hopefully he won't die. Meanwhile with Felix, he got off Sora then tied her somewhere. Yes, his horse is a female. Then, he walked towards the cliff. When he got on top of the cliff. That's when he saw Zeke's graveyard. Felix went up to him, then kneeled down to him and place the white flowers on the ground. He signed and just stared at his graveyard. They were in the same cliff years ago. The place still hasn't changed. The view was still beautiful. He smiled softly and enjoyed the peaceful view.

Felix: How have you been Zeke? I hope you're doing better. I hope you're in peace now. Hopefully you're doing well. Don't worry about me. I'm okay. Well, not really but... I can manage.

He spoke while looking at Zeke's graveyard.

Felix: It's beautiful isn't it? Just like how we used to do when you were here. Ignore all the problems and set them aside and come up here to relax. Just by looking at the view makes everything better. It makes me feel lighten up for a bit. But not as much like before. When you were still with me. Everything has changed ever since. Everything changed. I have changed. That's what they say. They say that I changed. I'd say pain changed me. Could you believe it? One moment we were together, sitting here peacefully watching the clouds move along with the wind. The snowflakes falling from the sky, it's paradise. But everything came crashing down when suddenly, we heard that woman's scream. We shouldn't have saved the deer. That way this wouldn't have happened. That way, you should've been here all these years with me. I guess good things has to come to an end too huh? But I didn't want it to end. Especially not in that way. And when I saw Rheyna, holding you with the dagger. I honestly didn't know to do. I thought you were just unconscious but no... You were far more than just unconscious. You were dead. I didn't see the shine in your eyes. What I saw was dullness. I was hurt. You promised. You promised me Zeke. *Sobs* You promised me that you will be here with me! Why?! Why did you go?! Why didn't you wait for me?!

Felix said loudly and cried. He fisted his fist tightly in the snow making the snow form into a ball of fists.

Felix: YOU PROMISED!!! You promised... Why didn't you fulfilled your promise?

He asked the graveyard but he never got a response. He screamed and threw the snow that was in his fist on the cliff.

Felix: I hate you for leaving me like that. But at the same time I miss you. Please come back to me Zeke... I beg you.

He cried while lowering his head to the ground. He kept hitting the ground with balled fist while screaming his broken heart out. He sobbed and lifted his head up.

Felix: Zeke, please help me. Because I'm having a hard time catching up. Help me please.

He begged. But no response. He signed and sniffled.

Felix: I hope you rest well.

He looked at the sun that was setting. Making the sky orange. He signed. Then he stood up and looked at the graveyard for a goodbye.

Felix: Goodbye. I'll see you again sometime.

He said and walked towards his house. He got on top of the horse but not before looking at the graveyard one more time. Then proceeding to leave.

Felix: Let's go home Sora! Yah!

He yelled out making the horse obey. The horse neighed loudly and ran. Unaware of the man that is in black, watching everything. He jumped off the tree and landed swiftly on the ground. The unknown man in black watched how his figure disappeared. Then he looked at the flower on the ground and he picked it up and tore it apart. He tore the white flowers apart and stomped on the last flower petal. He smirked under his mask and left. Then he left another piece of paper on the ground. And picked a small stone and set it on the side of the paper so the wind won't blow it away. Then he left. Meanwhile Felix got back to his castle and brought Sora back to where she was. He let her drink water and eat wheat. It's her reward for being a good girl. Then he proceeded to walk to the room to change.

He took off his clothes and picked a royal clothing that's color dark blue. As he was changing his clothes. He heard a knock on the door.

Felix: Enter!

He said without tearing his eyes off from the mirror. Then he heard the door open and he looked at the person who opened the door and saw that it Draken.

Felix: Draken. Can I help you?

Draken: My King, the Queen wants to speak to you.

Felix: About what?

Draken: She doesn't look like she's in a good mood so I think it's probably something serious.

Felix: What is it this time?

Felix muttered under his breath and shook his head.

Draken: And by the way, where were you? I searched the whole place just to look for you.

Felix: I visited Zeke. Sorry if I bothered you.

Draken: It's okay. But still, your mother still wants to see you. This instant.

Felix: Why is she in a bad mood again?

Draken: Well from the looks of it, when you left without her permission that seemed to pissed her off. Especially when King Dante and Queen Halia visited. They both wanted to talk to you but you were out.

Felix: Permission? What does she think I am? Nine? Tch.

Draken: I was looking for an excuse but I just didn't find one.

Felix: Why would you need an excuse?

Draken: To get you out of your situation. For example now.

Felix: *Laughs* Draken, I appreciate that but I don't appreciate you lying to somebody. Thank you for trying to get me out of this situation but I can handle myself.

Draken: As you wish my King.

Felix signed.

Felix: I'm ready. Let's go.

They both left the room and went to where Queen Valinrina was waiting.

Felix: Mother.

Valinrina: Finally you decided to show up! Where were you?!

Felix: I visited Zeke.

Valinrina: Without my permission-

Felix: I don't need your permission to visit Zeke. I'm not a child.

Valinrina: *Sigh* Do you know, how you have kept King Dante and Queen Halia waiting?! It was embarrassing!

Felix: It's your fault for not telling me. It's not my problem.

Valinrina: Why, do you have to always disappoint me-

Felix: I've always been a disappointment to you! Why are you curious about that?! You said that I am a disappointment when I was a child right?!

Valinrina: Shut up! *Sigh* Where's your wife?

Felix: Why? So you're going to insult her again?

Valinrina: So I can talk to her-

Felix: Why? You can talk to me right here right now. You don't need to talk to her-

Valinrina: She's my daughter in law-

Felix: *Sarcastic* And insulting her, sure is a best way of showing it. You know what? If you're going to waste my time, don't bother talking to me. I'm busy. Okay?

He asked. Before she could reply, a scream interrupted her. The three were startled. Felix and Draken followed the sound of the scream. Then saw a few maids and servants crowding the stairs that leads to the library. He pushed through and his eyes widened with what he saw.

Rheyna was on the bottom of the stairs with blood everywhere.

"Remember, when I call you brother, it means that you have earned my respect and my trust."

-Kalyx Iole Gomez

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