Part 13

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It's been 3 days since Colby and I last hung out. He ended up kissing me and apologize. We also haven't even talked. We would just pass by eachother at home and smile.

"Are you working today?" Devyn asked me as i looked up from my laptop

"No, why?" I questioned her

"Wanna hang out with the girls?"

"Yeah, just let me put on my shoes"


Devyn and I ended up going to Kat's house. Tara was already there so they were basically waiting for us.

"I've seen you and Colby hang around a lot lately" Kat said as she winked at me. The girls agreeing with her.

"Has he made a move on you?" Tara asked

"Actually.... Yeah, like 3 days ago..." I said nervously picking at the end of my shirt.

"NO WAY!" Kat exclaimed

"Yeah, we were swimming in the beach and he pulled me in for a kiss and we haven't talked or hung out since" I said shrugging my shoulders as i took a sip of my water.

"Yeah ive notcied that" Devyn said nodding

"He'll get around" Kat said

"What about you and Jake?" Devyn questioned Tara

"I don't think he's into me, we haven't really talked" She said as she shook her head

My phone rang and i saw a text from Colby


I texted Y/N asking if she wanted to talk. I ended up kissing her that day at the beach when we were hanging out. Ever since that day, we haven't talked to eachother and i don't want things to end up more awkward between us.


I pulled up to Kat's house cause she was hanging out with the girls. I se ever coming down the steps and towards my car.

"Hop in" I said

She nodded and hopped in my car.

"Hey...." i nervously said


"Look Y/N... I'm sorry about what happened the other day... And i don't want things to be weird around us...." I told her as she was looking at me

"I- Uh- No its ok... I understand"


"Look Y/N... I'm sorry about what happened the other day... And i don't want things to be weird around us...."

"I- Uh- No its ok... I understand" I nervously said

I wonder if he actually likes me.... Is that why he kissed me? Should i ask him? what the fuck is going on

"I'm just gonna say it.... I- I like you..."

Well that answered my question....

"It's ok if you don't feel the same... You're probably talking to someone already" He said as he shrugged his shoulders

"Yeah i am..." I said as he looked down trying to avoid making eye contact

"And it's you, cause i like you too Colby"

He looked back up at me with a huge smile on his face.


Remember all of this is fake!!! I hope you are loving this story cause i am proud of this one. I'll also be posting more stories once i'm done with this one!! Please leave comments so i can know you are loving this!!!!!

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