2: The Plan

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"So can you tell us the last time you saw Regina?" Snow asks you. You glance around the loft as you think, David, Snow, Emma, Hook and Henry watch you closely.

"Well- me and Henry had finished up Operation Field Mice for the day, so we headed home for dinner. Mum was there, we talked and then she said she'd just duck out and that she'd be back soon. I presume this is when she was supposed to come here?" Emma nods so you continue. "After she left, me and Henry went to bed. Next thing we know she's not home this morning and her bed hadn't been slept in."

Snow and David exchange a worried look. "You did the right thing coming here. I called around while you were on your way and it seems no one saw Regina return home last night. I think it's safe to say she is an official missing person." Emma's bleak analysis makes the back of your neck prickle as an eerie feeling settles into the room.

"We need to find her!" Henry declares as he stands up. Emma immediately puts a hand on his shoulder. "Wow kid- where do you think you're going?" He turns to you pleadingly. "This is our mum y/n! We have to look for her!!" You stand up too. "Hen. I said nothing about not looking- let's go." Snow clears her throat and stands up too. "Henry can't go! He should stay here with David. The rest of us can handle this." Emma nods but David stands up indignantly. "Hey!" You rub a hand over your face as you watch the adults begin to argue.

-5 minutes later-

"SHUT UP!!" Everyone turns and glares at you, surprised. "Look. Henry is right. This is our mum! No way is it fair to ask him to stay back while the rest of us look- and before you say I can't go either, as much as I love you all you are not my parent. Don't forget that I know how to use both a sword and a gun as well as a few magical spells. Henry can go with me and Snow. The rest of us should spilt up. Mum could be hurt or in danger for all we know. We need to stop wasting time!" By the time you finish Henry is grinning at you and the grown up's are looking at you, impressed.

"Well y/n- it seems you have quiet the persuasive tongue." Hook finally stands up and claps Emma on the shoulder. "Listen love- y/n knows how to handle herself. Let's just listen to her ok?" Emma stares at him before sighing. "Fine. Let's gear up and move out."


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