Never Look Back (A Harry Potter Time-Travel Fanfic)

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Summery - Teddy, Victoire, James, Albus, Rose, Hugo & Lily are transported 20 years back in time to the year 1997 following a misadventure with a Time-Turner. Stuck in the past with no way out, they decide to help their teenage parents along the Horcrux hunt and in the process, prevent the deaths of their dear ones. Their mission : Defeat Voldemort sooner.

Harry, Ron & Hermione made plans for the Horcrux hunt, but their lives were thrown off gear with the entry of the time-travelers who claim to help them. Will they accept their help, and in turn risk the lives of their future children?

Chapter 1 - The Unexpected Visitors

Harry couldn't bring himself to the fact that Mad-eye was dead, and so was his beloved owl, Hedwig. The muggle Britain was in chaos with an increasing number of innocent victims becoming a casualty everyday. He was frustrated to be stuck at the Burrow, and was itching to get away to hunt the Horcruxes. He couldn't care less about Bill and Fleur's upcoming wedding if it weren't for the trace on him which wouldn't break until his 17th birthday.

Ron and Hermione insisted they would come with him. He was touched by their concern and commitment to the highly dangerous task Professor Dumbledore had set him up with, but it made him scared for their lives.

"We know the stakes mate, and the risks involved. It'd always been the three of us since our first year. I see no reason why we must break that tradition!" Ron said lightly.

They were sitting in Ron's bedroom with the Ghoul sleeping peacefully in the attic. Ron and Hermione had just told him of the measures they had taken to keep their families safe.

"I don't know what to say," Harry admitted truthfully, unable to find the proper words to convey just how much they both meant to him, "Thank you!"

Hermione flunged her arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. He awkwardly patted her back. She pulled back quickly wiping away her tears.

"Ok, before this gets really soppy, we must head down for dinner." Ron said with a roll of his eyes, "Remind me to stock up a whole bunch of handkerchiefs for the hunt, Harry!" he added, looking pointedly at Hermione.

She smacked him playfully on the shoulders in response, but not before Harry caught a tiny smile playing at her lips. Harry got up from the floor, mentally shaking his head at their stubbornness to admit their feelings for each other.

As they made their way downstairs, they could hear a mixture of voices hissing at each other. When they entered the living room, Harry came face to face to a hoard of newcomers who looked back at them with blind shock written on their faces.

Mr and Mrs Weasley, Bill, Charlie (who'd come a day before), the twins, Ginny, and Fleur were already in the living room, looking equally distracted and surprised by the newcomers.

There were totally 7 in number, all of them appeared to be in their pre-teens, teens or late teens. The eldest of them looked slightly older than Ron and had turquoise hair. He looked vaguely familiar. Next to him was a pretty blonde whom Harry would have sworn was Gabrielle Delacour if it hadn't been for the fact that the blonde girl was about the same age as himself.

He saw Bill and Fleur take a tentative step towards the mysterious blonde, their eyes wide while the newcomer stared back at them with equally awestruck look.

He continued scanning the seemingly younger lot. The teenager beside the blonde woman had the same jet black hair as himself, except it was curly and he'd brown eyes. The boy was gaping at him, blinking rather rapidly at himself and Ginny.

Harry turned to face Ginny, but she was watching someone else, his gaze followed hers to the boy standing beside the teenager. An audible gasp escaped him before he could stop it.

He found himself staring at the face of his replica, only without the glasses, the scar, and looking much younger. The boy was gawking back at him, with those green eyes; his mother's eyes....his eyes! Harry suddenly felt dizzy, like someone hit the back of his head with a bludger.

It can't be. But, he had a younger brother? Was it even possible? Every nerve in his body told him he was being irrational about this. There were few things impossible; even in the magical world. But everytime he looked at the boy, something stirred deep inside of him.

To distract himself, he forced himself to tear his gaze away from his young replica to the girl on the other side of the turquoise haired boy. A slow smile spread across her features as she looked at him, and something about the way she watched him; through those big brown eyes and flaming red hair tugged familiarly in his chest.

Harry turned to Ginny who met his gaze head on. He found it hard to hold her steady gaze, she had that same hard, blazing look about her. Maybe, she had a younger sister who looked like her too. It was possible, wasn't it? After all, Mrs Weasley was known to be a fertile woman! He blushed crimson at the thought.

Harry saw his best friends wearing identical expressions of confusion and dizziness about them, but they weren't looking at Harry's replica or the other kids. They were staring at a ginger colored, bushy haired girl, who looked about the same age as Harry's replica, and a younger boy who hid behind the girl, his face flushed at the audience before him, but he like the bushy-haired girl, had eyes only for Ron and Hermione.

If Harry was shocked a moment before, it was nothing compared to seeing these strange set of newcomers who either resembled him or Hermione or one of the Weasleys or seemed vaguely familiar like the turquoise haired boy.

Everyone in the room were speechless, perhaps taking note of that fact like himself. Mr Weasley cleared his throat as if to speak but nothing came out. It was a photographic, yet almost comical moment were the two groups were taking each other in.

Finally, it was the eldest newcomer who broke the silence, although the question he asked surprised Harry.

"Which year is it?"

When everybody seemed too confused to venture a response, Harry answered him, "1997"

"20 years" the boy muttered to himself in disbelief, "20 years"

A murmed of whispers rang among the newcomers who wore identical expressions of disbelief. But, Harry could also see a trace of fear in them. Besides him, he could hear Ron ask Hermione accusingly, "You never told me you'd a younger sister!"

"I don't!" she shot back but the usual steam in her voice was absent, as she stared at the bushy red head before her, "atleast not that I know of."

"Oi, Gred and I are supposed to be the only twins around here!" George said in mild amusement. He seemed to have recovered enough to find the situation funny.

"Maybe, these people took Polyjuice mingled with youth potion, to make themselves the younger versions of Fleur, Ginny, Ronnie, Hermione and Harry here!" suggested Fred half-heartedly. He felt uncomfortable under the scrutinizing gaze of the newcomers who stared at him as if he were a ghost, their faces turned visibly white.

"And perhaps transfigured later, so that they may not look their exact copies!" added George scientifically.

That remark caught Mr Weasley's attention who along with Bill and Charlie, pointed his wand at the strangers.

The turquoise haired boy spoke calmly, "Mr Weasley, we mean no trouble. Give us a chance to explain and you may decide!"

"Arthur, they're just kids!" Molly said aghast, her eyes not wavering from the woman who resembled Fleur so much.

"Not all of them." Bill mumbled darkly, watching the turquoise haired boy and the blonde girl suspiciously.

"We are from the future. Our Aunt invented a time-turner which could travel years--"

"Impossible!" Hermione cut sharply, her expression somewhere between disbelief and curiosity.

The boy gave her a strange look, a tiny smile playing at his lips, "Not for our Aunt, I believe. She's a brilliant witch!"

Hermione flushed at the looks she kept receiving from the strangers at that statement, although for what she wasn't sure.

"Anyways, these boys" he pointed a stern finger at the jet-black haired boy, Harry's replica and the shy one behind the bushy haired girl, "found the time-turner at our Aunt's place. Thinking they could turn back the time by a day or two, they had spun it two turns not realizing it was the newly invented one, and that they had infact set the time two decades into the past. Nothing happened for a while, that's when I came in, along with the girls, to reprimand the boys when we were transported back in time. Well, here we are!" he finished gesturing to the surroundings.

"We're very sorry, Teddy. We didn't know it was the newly invented one!" Harry replica tried in a placating tone at the eldest boy, who was called Teddy.

"Sure, you didn't realize it, but playing with time-turners in itself is dangerous." Teddy hissed, "Look where it got us Al and now, we're stuck in 1997! You boys are going to have a lot of answering to do to your parents, when we get back!" he threatened.

So, Harry's replica was called Al. He wondered what the full name was. The threat seemed to be working wonders on the boys though, as they hung their heads in shame.

Arthur Weasley finally taking things into control demanded Teddy, "How do we know you're telling the truth? Your story is too ludicrous to be feasible, and the times are getting dark, son! Unless, you've a way to prove it, we will be forced to believe you're not what you claim to be!"

Mrs Weasley gasped loudly, realizing something, "Arthur, they came to the Burrow, which must mean they're related to us!" watching all the red-head children in awe, as they grinned back at her.

Arthur although caught off guard by that revelation, didn't lower his wand. For one thing, it was totally disconcerting, if he were totally honest with himself to see his future family, if at all that was even true, but the resemblance is hard to be mistaken.

Teddy looked at the blonde girl, silently communicating with her before finally speaking, "We will reveal snippets of your life known only to you, and that will settle any doubts you may have in regards to our story. Using truth serum will reveal too much, and may jeopardize the time-line!"

Arthur nodded in agreement, "I guess that's fair enough!"

"I will go first, Ted!" the blonde girl said cheerfully, walking towards a surprised Bill and Fleur, and stopping a foot away from them, "You hooked up with your curse-breaker colleague Deborah Robbins, whom you never had interest in, just to make Fleur jealous!"

Harry had never seen Bill Weasley turn red before. He had to say it was kind of creepy. He also couldn't help wondering where the Weasley men got their weird idea that making their loved ones jealous was the way to go about winning their affection.

"And you," pointing at Fleur, "were so furious with that woman and hated her that you slipped vomitus sloughus into her drink and then, made poor Bill propose to you 7 times before you finally accepted!" the girl went on with a knowing smirk.

Fleur couldn't hold back her surprise, "'ow did you know zat? It was our special secret!"

The blonde girl turned back to Teddy once again, and when he gave her a reassuring nod, she answered Fleur with a huge grin on her face, "It's lovely to see you again, Mum!" looking at Bill she added, "and Dad, don't you look dashing!"

To say they both were shocked would be an understatement. Fleur was unsteady on her feet while Bill looked dazed. Here they were being greeted by their 17 year daughter, even before they got married!

"You're my daughter" Bill said blankly. It wasn't a question.

"Sorry, dad. I just had to blow your secret." the blonde said looking not at all regretful. She swiftly turned to her mother, taking both her hands in hers, "I don't know how long I will be here, but if I make it till your wedding day, can I do you up, Mum? I swear you will look tres magnifique, and I don't think if any daughter ever gets such an opportunity! Please?" she pleaded, eyes alive with excitement.

Even from a fair distance, Harry could make out the Veela charm working its magic as Fleur accepted the girl's offer with a weak smile.

Mrs Weasley teared up at the touching scene, "We have a grandchild, Arthur. Such pretty one too!"

"Yeah, we have!" Arthur Weasley mumbled, unable to contain the shock that he was a grandfather. Somehow after preparing for days to have his eldest son married, he'd atleast counted until the war ends to become Granpa. Being one so soon and so abruptly was quite overwhelming for him.

"If you're all satisfied, then we can establish that we're indeed from the future and if anybody still harbors any doubts regarding it, we will be obliged to quell the fears to rest by imparting our knowledge of your deepest secrets!" Teddy said brightly.

Nobody contested, fearing their embarrassment. It was pretty clear these kids were from the future; the expanded Weasley family by the looks of it.

"Well, before we begin the introductions, we must inform the Order members. They will want to hear this!" Arthur said quietly.

"I will message them in!" Bill said, making a hasty exit. It was obvious he was in very serious need of some air. Fancy being called a father by a beautiful young woman even before you'd admitted 'I do' to her mother.

Harry noticed Teddy's face drain of all colour at this announcement. He seemed to be fighting for composure, fisting his hands at his sides until the knuckles turned white. The blonde girl seemed to have noticed it too. She walked towards Teddy and placed a supportive hand on his shoulder. It didn't take a genius to tell that they were a couple. Teddy tried to smile at her but faltered. Harry looked away. It felt as if he were invading an intimate space.

Mrs Weasley couldn't contain herself anymore, "I know we have to wait for introductions, but there's no harm in knowing a little bit. Just tell me how many of you are my grandchildren."

To Mrs Weasley's absolute pleasure, all of them except Teddy raised their hands. She looked at him in polite enquiry.

"I'm not one of them, but I still call you, grandma!" Teddy supplied looking uncomfortable, "Infact, the kids who're here are only half of your grandchildren present. You have more back in our time."

That answer seemed to satisfy Mrs Weasley who smiled warmly at all of them and beckoned them to the kitchen. Once there, the timid boy filled his plate to the brim in a gesture so reminiscent of Ron while the bushy haired, redhead girl looked at the boy in disgust.

"What? I'm hungry!" the boy defended himself, while munching on his food reverentially, "by the way grandma, your cooking is as delicious as I remember!"

Mrs Weasley flushed happily at being called grandma so much so that she further filled the young boy's plate. It had been a while since anyone had seen her look so happy.

The girl was plainly annoyed and caught sight of Ron and Hermione staring at them with their mouths wide open. She grinned at them, flashing her teeth that were a bit large in the front. Ron looked just about ready to faint, because the resemblance between the woman standing next to him and the young girl was unmistakable.

That young, bushy haired, red-head had to be Hermione's daughter and the horrifying possibility of the father being one of his own brothers occurred to Ron. It was like being trampled by a herd full of elephants. He felt suffocated.

An aching pain washed over his chest, the intensity like no other he'd ever felt before. It was the agony of heart-break that threatened to overwhelm him. What was he even thinking? Vying for her attention, trying to woo her. She was too smart, too beautiful and too damn kind to belong with someone like himself who lost his temper at the least provocation, had self-esteem issues, and constantly swore.

No, Hermione was classier than that. She had chosen one of his brothers who'd all excelled in their own away. Charlie was strong and adventurous, Percy although admittedly a prat, but has knowledge and skill to challenge her, the twins were hilariously funny and were smart enough to manage their own business and lastly, there was him with his lanky profile and countless freckles, wanting to become an Auror just because his best friend wanted to be one too. He was pathetic, there was no way Hermione would've chosen him.

Blinking back tears threatening him, he turned to face Hermione whose gaze was fixed on the young boy hogging the food. It was like looking at a younger version of himself. She caught him staring at her, and looked at him with a burning intensity in her eyes that made his throat go dry.

Ron tore his gaze away from her to his younger version. Only then, did it hit him. He had a son. Blimey, he had a son. He barely registered that fact when something else occurred to him. He was a father which meant there was a woman involved. A woman who was clearly not Hermione. He had a sudden urge to throw up. He was certain of his eternal love for Hermione, and yet his future self had still went on and had...well...relations...with another woman, and as a result fathered a child.

He didn't know what sort of a monster his future self was. He was a scarlet man. He felt disgusted with himself. Why had these kids come? He'd hoped, atleast a little, that he'd a chance with Hermione. But, all the dreams he'd built around her had come crashing down. Ron could hardly breathe. He needed to leave and quickly stormed away from the living room, mumbling some incoherent excuse.

Harry was surprised by Ron's sudden exit and was about to follow him, when a gentle hand on his shoulders stopped him.

"I will talk to him." Hermione said softly, and Harry understood she needed to this. He nodded with an encouraging smile.

As Hermione approached closer and closer, she heard the unmistakable sound of Ron crying from the room. Her heart wrenched painfully and before she could stop herself, she pushed open the door to find Ron on his knees, lying on the floor. His fringe hair stuck to his forehead, his eyes bloodshot from crying, tear streaks visible on his face.

"Hermione?!" he called out hoarsely.

She made her way to his bed, throwing her arms around in a tight hug, "Ron, what's wrong?" she asked concerned. He felt warm and she placed a palm on his forehead.

He pulled away from her looking at her with unconcealed pain. For some reason, Hermione felt like she was the cause of his misery, and whatever it was she was desperate to take it away. She'd hardly ever seen him crying except at Dumbledore's funeral.

"Please tell me, Ron. What's wrong?" Hermione implored.

Ron just stared at her for a full minute before he spoke. And when he did, he was relieved his voice came out steady.

"You married one of my brothers!" he said in matter-of-fact tone before he lost his nerve, "I mean in the future. That makes you my sister-in-law. You shouldn't be here comforting me like this, Hermione!"

Hermione froze infront of him. Her eyes went wide and her face drained of all colour. Her eyes were glistening with unshed tears and after what seemed like ages, she finally spoke, her voice barely a whisper, "W-why do you say that?"

"Because the girl with the bushy hair looked so much like you, only she had red hair and blue eyes. The girl's father had to be one of my brothers." Ron said quietly, not meeting her eyes. Even to him, his voice sounded so

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