Chapter 11: Haku's Secret Jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors

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(Part of Team 7 and Tazuna are on the bridge having a stare off with Zabuza and Haku)

Kakashi: Well, well... It seems my prediction
was right on the money.

Tazuna: Prediction?

Kakashi: That little mask...

Sakura: Oh!

Sasuke: I knew it... Heh!

Tazuna: So the Elite Shinobi of the Hidden Mist thing was a bald faced lie!

Kakashi: No matter how you look at him, he's gotta be a comrade of Zabuza. Standing together with him and all...

Sakura: How dare he show up like that after what he did!

Kakashi: I hate brats who think they're so cool...

Sakura: He's better than you, Kakashi Sensei.

Kakashi: Oh... really?

Sasuke looks sternly and not scared.

Sasuke: I'll do it.

Sakura: Huh?

Sasuke: With his bad acting... I hate brats who think they're so cool!

Sakura: Oh, ok, Sasuke, be careful!

Kakashi's Mind: Hm, she's acting strange recently.....

Haku speaks up to them.

Haku: He's an impressive youth.

Zabuza: Hmm...

Haku: Even though those water clones have only 1/10th the strength of their original... To think he went that well.

Zabuza: However, you made the preemptive move. Go!

Haku: Right.

She disappears in the blink of an eye.

Haku spins towards Sasuke like a cyclone tornado.

Sasuke: What!?

(The two guards enter the Tazuna, Inari, and Tsunami house as they slash through the door)

Gatos guard #1: Are you Tazuna's daughter? Sorry, but you're coming with us.

Inari is washing his hands in the bathroom as breaking, and tsunami screams can be heard.

As Inari rushes over but Kyllian stops him.

Kyllian: Stay here, Inari.

Inari follows behind Kyllian.

Kyllian: I said stay. Ugh, fine.

Kyllian goes out to meet the two guys.

Kyllian: Can we help yous?

The guard with the eye patch speaks up

Guard #2: Say, how about 3 hostages?

Guard #1: One hostage is fine.

Inari speaks up, shielding behind Kyllian.

Inari: Hostage...!?

Guard #2: Then... Shall we kill him?

He unsheathes his Blade.

Tsunami: Wait! If you lay a hand on my boys....

Kyllian: Her boys?

Tsunami: I'll bite off my tongue and kill myself! You want a hostage, right?

The guard with the eye patch Sheathe his blade back in.

Guard #1: Thank your mom, kids.

Guard #2: Oh, man... It's not enough...

Guard #1: Knock it off. You just tried out your sword earlier. Forget it already, and let's take the woman.

Kyllian's Mind: I should be able to kill them both, but I'm very much in pain, so I gotta do this precisely.

They tie her up and go outside.

Kyllian: Inari, stay here

Kyllian around to the back and heads to the roof as he looks down at them.

They continue to walk with tsunami as the guard with the eye patches stops her and speaks.

Guard #2 Looking at that beautiful skin of yours makes me want to cut you.

The guard with a hat wanks on her ropes.

Guard #1: Hey... walk faster.

Inari: Wait!

Kyllian is on the roof looking at them.

Kyllian's Mind: That idiot!

Tsunami: Inari!

Guard #2: What? It's just the kid from before.

Inari: Get... get away from my mom!

Guard #1: Man... This brat's hopeless. Let's do it!

They unsheathes both their swords.

Tsunami: If you do that, I'll bite off
my tongue and....

The guard with the hat knocks her to the ground.

Guard #1: Shut up. Go to sleep.

Tsunami: I... na... ri.

Inari keeps charging towards them.

(Back at the bridge)

Sasuke and Haku are clashing, Sasuke holding a kunai and Haku holding a needle.

Zabuza: Well, well... He can see that speed, eh...

Kakashi: Yes...

Kakashi: Sakura surrounds Tazuna and doesn't move away from me. Let Sasuke handle him!

Sakura: Okay.

Sasuke and Haku begin clashing Ninja tools.

Haku: i don't want to have to kill you... I'd like for you to back down.

Sasuke: Nonsense...

Haku: I knew it... But you won't be able to keep up with my speed. Also, I've already made two preemptive moves.

They both struggle with their Ninja tools.

Sasuke: Two preemptive moves?

Haku: The first one is the scattered water. The second one was blocking one of your hands... Therefore, you'll just be able to defend my attack...

Haku uses one hand to do his Jutsu.

Sasuke's Mind: What?! With one hand, he's...?!

Kakashi looks over shocked.

Kakashi's Mind: A one-handed Sign? I've never seen such a thing before...

Haku: A Thousand Needles of Death!

He finishes the Jutsu as he steps on the ground as water jumps up.

Zabuza's Mind: So he doesn't want to kill him... eh. I wonder if that's how he really feels...

Sakura: Sasuke!

Kakashi looks shocked and very worried.

The water turns into needles.

Sasuke has his eyes closed as he holds out a hand sign.

Sasuke: Remember... that training... Build up Chakra at one burst...

The needles head straight towards him.

(Back with house with Inari)

Inari turns into a wooden stump.

Guard #1: The Substitution Jutsu...?! The woman... Hmm?

They look up to see Naruto as he's setting down tsunami.

Naruto: Sorry I was late. Heroes usually appear on the scene late, so...

Inari: Naruto!

He puts Inari down.

Naruto: Inari, you did well!

Inari: Huh?

Naruto: Thanks to you, distracting them, I was able to save your mom.

Inari: Naruto... how did you know that those samurai were here?

Naruto: In the forest, there was a boar that had been cut up with a sword. Other than that, there were trees with lots of cuts. They headed in the direction of your house... so I got worried.

Inari: I see.

Naruto: Inari, where's Kyllian.

Kyllian appears behind them.

Kyllian: Im here. You know I could have taken them.

Naruto: I know. I'm sorry.

He chuckles as Kyllian smiles.

Kyllian: Come on, let's take them together.

Naruto: Right. Wait, what about your injuries.

Kyllian: It's fine, I've learned a new technique first. Let's deal with these guys.

They get ready for a fight.

The guard with the eye patch speaks up.

Guard #2: Well....If it isn't the no-good Ninjas that Tazuna hired...

Guard #1/#2: Let's do it...

They both charge at Kyllian and Naruto.

Inari: Here they come!

Naruto tries to throw shurikens at them, but they deflect it.

Guard #1: Hah! Something like that won't work!

Kyllian/Naruto: Fools!

They both chuckle.

One clone of Kyllian and Naruto.

They kicked them from the back, causing them to bleed, sending them to the ground.

As their clones disappear.

Inari: W-wow! You guys are really Ninjas.

Naruto: You fool. I was a Ninja to start with!

All three of them laugh.

(Back at the bridge)

The needles are coming towards Sasuke.

Sasuke: Build up Chakra at one burst... to the feet!

An explosion happens as Haku is sent flying backwards.

As the explosion disappears, Sasuke is nowhere to be seen.

Haku: He vanished...

Haku looks up to see Sasuke as he throws 3 shurikens at Haku, but he dodges backwards, avoiding them all.

Sasuke surprises as he teleports behind him.

Sasuke: You're surprisingly stupid... From here on... you'll only defend my attack!

Haku dodges back slightly as Sasuke tries to land an attack with his right hand, Haku gets behind his attack, blocking it with Sasuke's arm with his elbow, and his hand grabbing it.

As Sasuke throws a kunai from behind with his other arm trying to hit him. But Haku dodges out of the way as he tries to go low, Sasuke kicks him in the face. Sending him back to Zabuza.

Zabuza looks shocked.

Zabuza: To think Haku would
lose in speed...

Sasuke: It seems that I'm faster than you...

Kakashi: I can't have you mocking our team, calling them brats... He may not look it, but Sasuke is the number one rookie of the Village Hidden in the Leaves tied with our best ninja rookie Ninjutsu Expert Kyllian And Sakura is our sharpest...

Sakura giggles.

Inner Sakura: Hah! Serves you right!

Kakashi: And the other one is the number one hyperactive, knucklehead Ninja, Naruto Uzumaki.

(Back at the house, Naruto and Inari are having a conversation while Kyllian is tying up the two Samurai guards)

Naruto sneezes.

Inari: You have a cold?

Naruto: I'm okay. Anyway... Sorry about yesterday, Inari.

Inari: Huh?

Naruto: Branding you a crybaby...
Forget I ever said that.

Naruto puts his hand on his head

Naruto: You're strong!

Inari: Dang it! I... decided never

to cry again, but... Now you'll laugh at me again and call me a crybaby.

Naruto: What're you saying...?! It's okay... when you're happy.

Naruto: It's okay to cry when you're happy!

Naruto smiles with a big smile.

Inari: Naruto...

Kyllian is finishing up tying up as he Tsunami wake up.

As he rushes over to her.

Kyllian: Hey, you ok?

He helps lift her up.

Tsunami: I'm fine, thanks.

Kyllian: That's good, Mom.

Tsunami blushes at this.

Tsunami: I'm sorry, Mr. Kakashi told us about you, and Naruto never had parents growing up. I've seen that Naruto seemed to be okay he seemed cheerful, but you didn't.

Tsunami: I just thought maybe you'd want a mother figure.

Kyllian giggles.

Kyllian: I'd really like that, thanks.

Tsunami eyes light up as she hugs Kyllian as he hugs back.

Inari: Does this mean you're my brother?

I let Tsunami go as I look at Inari.

Kyllian: Would you like that?

Inari cries again but hugs Kyllian. All Kyllian can do is embrace him.

He lets go after a bit.

Kyllian: Inari, me and Naruto will head to the bridge for the time, and we'll be back soon.

Inari nods.

Naruto: Inari, now then.
I can leave the rest to you, right?

Inari nods and wipes his tears.

Naruto and Kyllian run off.

Naruto: Man, it's tough being a hero!

Inari: That's for sure!

As they hop through the trees, Kyllian stops.

Naruto: What's the matter?

Kyllian: Hold on, let me try to fix my chest.

Kyllian places his hand, hovering over his chest as his entire wound heals itself.

Kyllian: Perfect!

Naruto: Wow, that's awesome.

They carry on to the bridge.

(Back at the bridge)

Zabuza chuckles.

Zabuza: Haku, do you know what this means? At this rate, you'll be defeated by your intended victim...

Haku: Yes...

Haku stands back up as Blue aura starts appearing around him.

Sasuke: What...?

Haku: It's unfortunate...

Sasuke: Is this... cold air...?

Haku puts her hands together to make a Jutsu as he puts his index fingers around to me X's.

The water starts turning to mirrors.

Haku whispers.

Haku: Hidden Jutsu.

All of the water turns into mirrors as it wraps around Sasuke.

Haku: Crystal Ice Mirrors!

Haku drops his hands to the side.

Kakashi's Mind: What is it? What's that, Jutsu?

Haku walks through into the mirrors as his body appears on all the mirrors.

Sasuke's Mind: Are these... mirrors?! What... in the world...?!

Kakashi's Mind: Damn it!

Kakashi tries to run to Sasuke bit Zabuza blocks him.

Zabuza: I'm your opponent, aren't I? Since that Jutsu has appeared...
he's done for.

(Inside the dome of ice mirrors)

Haku: Now then... I'll start. I shall show you... my true speed!

He throws needles at him, causing cuts on his clothes.

Kakashi screams out to him.

Kakashi: Sasuke!

Sasuke is impaled from sides hurting him as he screams in pain. One of the needles hits his hand, making him drop his kunai landing at his feet.

Sakura: Sasuke!

Needles pierce him from every side, making scream out more as it's cutting through his skin.

Kakashi: If you make a move,
I'll kill those two!!

Sakura: I'm sorry, Tazuna! I'm stepping away from here for a bit.

Tazuna: Sure. Go!

Kakashi: Sakura!

She runs as she picks up a kunai.

Sakura: Sasuke!

She leaps in the air and throws the kunai towards Sasuke.

Sakura: Take this!

Sasuke looks over and tries to grab it, but Haku grabs it instead.

Sasuke is kneeling there on the ground, covered in blood as he falls to the ground.

Sakura: He caught it!?

Sasuke looks over to see a Shuriken fly past and hit Haku over and over as he falls out of the mirror.

Sakura: What!?

Everyone looks over to see Haku on the ground as he picks himself back up.

A massive explosion appears.

Sakura: Who is it?!

Sasuke is lying on the ground.

Sasuke: It's that idiots... that showoff...

Haku: The number one hyperactive, knucklehead Ninja...

Fireworks keep going off as the smoke clears Kyllian and Naruto are standing there.

Naruto: Naruto Uzumaki and Kyllian....

Naruto: ...Are finally here!

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