Trouble in the hospital

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Your P.O.V

"Heeeey Mystery- why don't you go back to sleep?" I said as I pulled him from his arm, his hissing became louder and he began to make these weird noises, "Why are they here?" He growled, "I-I don't know Mystery..." i took a short pause "But.. lets go-" I insisted an kept pulling him away, he huffed and did as I said, we walked back to the room he layed down and waited for me to do so too, so I layed down and pretended to be asleep, once he was asleep I slowly got up again, it didn't take him that much to sleep, not even two minutes, I did something different this time, just to make sure he doesn't get up, I looked for his doll, what did he call it- oh right, Mago. I looked for him all over the room until I found him, "there you are" I said in a low tone, I grabbed him and placed it next to Mystery, Mystery moved a but but proceeded to hugging Mago and going back to sleep, I walked out of the room and wondered if Kao and Alfred were already inside of the hospital, I looked into the distance and saw a flashlight, guess that answers my question, I rushed over to where the light was at, "Y/N where are youu!" I could hear Kao calling for me, I speedwalked even faster and accidentally bumped into Alfred who was turned around, He gasped, "Y/N?" He asked as if being unsure it was me, "Yes yes Alfred.. It's me!" I smiled at him, "Y/N!!!" Kao jumped at me and hugged me, I hugged him back, "I am so glad to see that you're ok y/n!" Kao exclaimed, "yes yes I am glad to see you too but please keep it down!" I whispered, "What? Why? You're already here with us! Let's go before that stinky cat finds us!" Alfred agreed with him.

"Guys... I really appreciate you coming back for me but-" i paused, I think.. oh no- I can hear his footsteps from a distance, I quickly looked back and.. he looked- Emotionless and empty,"Mystery..?" I asked worried, It was silent... until he spoke, "Leave..." he said, his tone in voice was as emotionless as he looked "We will, we just came back for our friend don't worry-" Alfred responded calmly, "No" Mystery replied, "Leave her here!" His eyes had a dangerous look to them, his body language changed from nothing to defensive pose, as I looked at Mystery worriedly I could see from the corner of my eye that Kao was taking something put of his bag, I looked over at Kao and saw that he had a Taser gun ready in his hooves, "Kao-" I said trying to keep my voice calm "Why did you take that out-?" I asked him, "To tase him of course! We can get you out easier!" He smiled, Mystery seemed like he was ready to attack, and to make things worse so were Kao and Alfred, "If you get near us or her... you're going to get electrocuted, and I don't think you want that" Alfred told Mystery, Mystery just hissed at him, and he slowly got closer to me.

"Stay back!" Kao pounced in front of me and pointed the taser gun at Mystery, Mystery didn't care that Kao was pointing the gun at him, Alfred just observed quietly, My heart was beating quite fast, I was unsure of what to do, if to say something or to stay quiet, I just watched, then all of a sudden Mystery jumped at Kao, Kao fell on his back "OW!" Kao said as fell, He tried moving one of his wings but he had injured it, "LEAVE!" Mystery yelled at Kao, "NO!" Kao yelled back and tased Mystery on his arm which caused him to stumble back "MYSTERY!" I rushed over to him, "WHY'D YOU DO THAT FOR KAO?" I yelled angrily as I held Mystery's head on my arms, "He was going to attack you- he attacked me and he also made me injure myself, so I have my reasons" he explained, "Kao... he isn't a bad person- he is.. lovely-" I said as I looked at Mystery, "excuse me what?" Alfred asked looking a bit confused, I looked up at them "Guys.. Mystery isn't mean... he's just lonely... how would any of you feel if you were stuck in an abandoned place by yourselves for a long time?" I asked them, they only kept silent, I then looked down at Mystery, he seemed sad, He wasn't talking, just... listening, "Where'd you get tased at Mystery?" I asked him, all he did was point to his left arm, "Please don't hurt him again" I begged them, Kao dropped the taser gun "Fine..." Said Kao.

When Kao dropped the gun Mystery's eyes widened, then a huge smile formed on his face "Hoo... you can't take her" he then quickly stood up and knocked Alfred down, He lifted his hand getting ready to scratch Alfred on the face "Hee hoo, Why don't we get you some matching eyepatches" Alfred tried pushing Mystery off but was unable to for some reason, Mystery hissed and swung one of his hands at Alfred but Alfred caught his hand in mid air, Mystery then began to slowly choke Alfred "Kao--" Alfred said as he struggled, "T-the taser gun"  He held out his other hand, Kao was about to hand him the taser gun but I stopped him, "Kao please no-" I was worried for Mystery, I mean..for Alfred too but.. I think I know how to fix it, "Kao hand over the damn taser gun!" Alfred exclaimed breathless, Kao backed away "uh-" he looked at me and then looked at Alfred who was struggling,he covered his face with his only wing that worked "I don't know who to help" he whimpered, I shook my head and walked over to Mystery, I slowly walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder, his hissing faded slowly and he stopped forcing his hand, his ears lowered and he just stayed still, "Mystery..." I told him, "You don't have to behave like this... we can find some sort of solution,trust me.. I am not leaving you by yourself, you won't be alone ever again, I promise, just.. please, Get up" Mystery didn't reply, he just moved to the side and stood up, he looked down at Alfred who was catching his breath, then he looked over at Kao who was sitting down on the ground with his wing covering his face while he held the injured one, Mystery then put his hands over his face, "hoo... Mystery didn't mean to harm them.." he said with a shaky voice, he then uncovered his face, "I can't say that what you did was ok-" I told him "But at least you acknowledge that it was wrong" I added, "Does Y/n really mean that?" He asked,"meaned what?" I replied, "that Y/n won't leave Mystery" He said, "Oh of course I won't Mystery, I promise" I smiled, He smiled back at me, "Hee hoo, how does Mystery fix this?" He asked me, "Well.. don't ask me that- you should ask them" I pointed at Kao and Alfred, Mystery looked at them and took a deep breath, he walked over to Kao who was grabbing his injured wing, "Hoo... is cow ok?" He asked Kao as he crouched down, Kao lifted his head and let go of his wing and spoke, "Well.. not really- But I get better eventually" He still looked insecure, "Mystery is sorry-" Mystery told Kao, "Oh.. don't worry! I can see that you really mean it, and that it's not a fake sorry, so I forgive you for that! I think that those who are good at heart need a second chance" Kao smiled, "So don't worry about it friend!" He added, Mystery's eyes grew as Kao said that, "Cow is... Friend cow?" Mystery asked, "Yes! I am your friend!" Mystery smiled widely, "Hee hoo! A new friend!" Kao stood up and so did Mystery. Mystery now walked up to Alfred, but.. Alfred didn't seem to want to talk to him, Mystery was about to talk but Alfred stood up and cleaned himself, "I don't necessarily need your apologies... Mystery-" Alfred said as he walked over to Kao, "Hoo... I will still say sorry-" Mystery replied.

"I guess I can forgive you too-" Alfred growled, Mystery smiled as he said that, "Hee hoo, Are you my friend too now?" Mystery asked curiously, "Yes.. I supposes I am now your friend, Name's Alfred by the way" Alfred crossed his arms, "Hee hoo! Freddy Is now Mystery's friend!" Mystery exclaimed, "It's Alfr-" Alfred stoped himself, "Yeah.. I'm Freddy I guess-" Alfred finished his sentence, there was long silence for a bit "Sooo..." Kao broke the silence, "What are we going to do then?" He asked, "hmmmm...." Alfred placed his hand on his chin, "Well... it's up to Y/N-" he said as he looked over at me, "I think..." "I think we should leave this place, and... take Mystery with us" I said as I held Mystery's hand, Mystery's eyes widened, "What about Mago?" He asked concerned,"hehe, Don't worry, he will come with us too!" I assured him, "Hoo! I want to come then!" Mystery said excitedly, "Whatchs think Alfred? Think one more can come with us?" I asked him, "First of all I guess.. yes, and second of all, who is Mago?" Alfred replied, "Mago is a doll, don't ask too much about him please" I replied, "Ok then- well it's settled, Mystery will come with us" Said Alfred, "Yay friendship!" Kao yelled as he hugged all of us he soon let go of us, "we better get going-" Alfred said, "Well.. what if we stay here overnight? You must be tired from all of that driving and well... from being almost killed ahahah" I let out a nervous laugh "I guess I am fairly tired- it won't be safe to drive, so we could stay, but where would we sleep?" Alfred asked, "Well... you and Kao can sleep on a bed- and Mystery and I can sleep on the ground! We've done that before" I smiled "Oooo I like the sound of that!" Kao added, he then realizes that he said that outloud and blushed a bit, I giggled, "How's that sound for you Alfred?" I asked him, "Sounds good to me" he replied, I could hear Kao silently squealing, "Well let's get some rest now before it becomes day" I said as I began to slowly walk towards the room, Kao and Alfred looked around as they walked behind us, they seemed interested in exploring this place, and I don't blame them, this is a fun place to explore, and it's also a great place to play hide and seek, I looked over at Mystery who walked besides me, he at least looked happier than he looked an hour ago, which... was a good thing! Everyone was happy and calm, we finally reached Mystery's room "It's not much... well I don't think that was expected- but it's something, I think you and Kao will fit perfectly on that bed!" I told Alfred, "And if we don't... we might need to get reeeally close to each other hehe" Kao laughed, "Hmm...I think we can fit just fine Kao" Alfred replied, So Alfred walked over to the bed and laid down at the far end of it, Kao followed along and laid down next to him, he seemed very happy, I laid down on the floor with Mystery, he wrapped his tail around me, and that made me smile, "Well... goodnight everyone!"I exclaimed "Goodnight" Kao and Alfred replied, "Hoo goodnight Y/N!" Mystery replied as well, So I closed my eyes, and fell asleep once again.

A/N: wooooah this chapter is over 2000 words ;0; I hope it was good! I am not so good at writing fight scenes lol, anywho.. I do have two announcements to make.
first one is.. this might be one of the last chapters of the book, it seemes that it's almost time to end this, and by the looks of it, it will end on a good note!

And second one, as you may have seen I added something to the title, reason is, I don't really have wifi at home anymore, (Using someone's hotspot at the moment) and my school sadly blocked wattpad, so I am not sure on how I will update it, but I will try my best on updating it.

And well.. thank you so much for reading my book, it means so much to me, and seeing your guys's sweet comments just bring me lots of inspiration to write more and more! I wasn't expecting this book to get this far, so thank you all so very much for that, again... hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I love you all and hopefully... I will see you all in the comments <3

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