Chapter 37

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Y/n and BTS hugged their parents one last time before they left to their flight back to Korea. Like what happened last night, Hyunjin was going to be traveling with them back together.

Everyone had boarded the private plane and the flight took off. Y/n sat beside Hyunjin in the back of the plane where no one was.

"Hey let me eat the last chip in the packet!" Y/n exclaimed, stealing the bag of chips fork Hyunjin

"No, they are mine!" He exclaimed and stole it back

Y/n would do anything for the love of her food. She tackled Hyunjin and tired to grab it. Hyunjin held the bag in the air with one hand so high for y/n to reach. He blocked her with his other hand. Suddenly, the plane shook a little due to the weather.

Y/n fell on top of Hyunjin, with lips almost touching each other. She could feel his hot breath on her and his heartbeat was surprisingly fast. Hyunjin was shook and stared at y/n's doe eyes when she fell on him. They stayed like that for a minute straight before y/n realized what happened.

"Ah sorry, I didn't mean to fall on you" she spoke

"It's okay. Let's share the last chip ok? Here" he spoke and broke the chip in half

"Thanks" y/n smiled

Hyunjin walked out to the front of the plane, leaving y/n alone at the back completely flustered. Y/n replayed the moment in her head 20 times before realizing Jin, her brother was calling her.

"Uhhh I'm coming!!" She quickly got up and left too

The air hostesses delivered the lunch plates to them with variety of options to eat. Y/n sat alone in a table in the corner but later on hyunjin joined her. They both chose to eat steak and fries.

Y/n took her fork and knife while Hyunjin took his own. She tried to cut the hard steak with her knife and it took her 5 minutes to cut one slice only. Meanwhile, Hyunjin already cut the whole steak. He got up slightly and switched his plate with y/n's.

"You can have the one I cut" he spoke

"I- thank you" she spoke, definitely not blushing πŸ™ƒ

"Mhmmm! This steak is delicious!!!" Y/n excitedly stated

"You should try it with this sauce!" Hyunjin spoke

Y/n didn't have any sauce, so Hyunjin took his fork and fed her instead with his own fork he was eating from. (A/N's mind right now: INDIRECT KISS πŸ˜ƒ)
Y/n ate the steak like a little kid. She nodded, satisfied with the taste.

"Y/n! Let's go see the front view of the plane" taheyung said, coming into the room

"Sure let's go" she said

Once they reached the front of the plane, taheyung spoke something y/n totally did not expect. She choked on her own saliva and stared at him with wide eyes.

"You like him, don't you?"


"It's okay, I'm not strict like those other brothers of yours. You can stop lying" taehyung said

Y/n didn't dare to say a word more and ran out of the scene. Was she being that obvious?! No...she had to hide it somehow otherwise Hyunjin would find out.

When y/n came back, she was surprised to see Hyunjin and Jungkook playing a game of chess. She walked over to see who was wining but that was a bad idea because both of them were neck-to-neck competitive.

"Y/n you're on my side right? Because I'm clearly winning! Hyunjin said

"No, she's on my side because I'm her brother. Right y/n?" Jungkook spoke

"But y/n you are my best friend before his sister!" Hyunjin spoke

"I'm not on either of your sides so stop acting like little kids! I'm going to take a nap, my head is spinning due to tiredness" she said.

"Oh ok. If you don't feel well, call me there" jungkook and Hyunjin spoke at the same time

"Ok....." y/n said. She was definitely never ever going to call any of them after this behavior.

Everyone sat at the dinning table together this time for dinner. Y/n sighed knowing what was going to happen.

"Here we go again"

"So Hyunjin...what do you plan on majoring on?" Namjoon asked

"Currently, I think I want to go in the modeling field" Hyunjin stated

"And what's your age? Is it the same as our dear y/n's?" Jungkook asked

"Yeah. I'm 17 but I'll turn 18 in a few weeks time" he answered

"Ah do you have any siblings?" Jimin asked

"No. I'm an only child. My parents already died a long time ago, so I'm living alone" Hyunjin spoke


"Guys it's already 9pm. Let's get to sleep!" Y/n spoke. She wanted to stop them from making Hyunjin uncomfortable by their questions.

Everyone arrived back to Korea safely. Hyunjin went to his own house whereas y/n went to hers. It was morning so the Kims dressed up for school.

Y/n was so excited to meet Lisa, yeri, jackson and all her friends again. The moment y/n arrived at the school, she ran to the hallway and hugged Lisa so tightly and endlessly till Lisa couldn't breathe.

"Miss gurl, calm down" Lisa spoke also excited

"I just missed my beautiful bestie so much! Please let me hug youuuuu" y/n said

"There are more important things to be done first" Lisa spoke

"And that is??"

"Where's my Japan sweets you said you'd bring?"

"Aw don't worry! I bought them. And even a shell necklace"

"Omg! Thank you!" Lisa smiled

"Thank you for caring more about the sweets than your own best friend" y/n dramatically cried

"I guess you must be on your periods today right?" Lisa asked

"You know me too well" y/n chuckled

"I'm going to go meet Yeri. You coming?" Y/n asked

"Yeah sure, let's go" Lisa said


During the period, y/n dragged along Hyunjin with her to see her acting skills. He agreed because he didn't have a class then too. It was a bad idea though.

The scene y/n had to do was going to a date with Jaemin at a restaurant. Obviously, it was fake for the drama but someone was burning on the edge of his seat. He couldn't stand the two being all smiley smiley to each other.

"That should be me" hyunjin scoffed in his thoughts

In the scene, Jaemin had to slowly hold y/n's hands. They did that. By now, hyunjin was a melted ice cream cone. He accidentally tripped on one of the wires by being too distracted to see and shut the lights off, causing the scene to pause.

Finally after the acting period was over, Hyunjin sighed of relief. The director of the drama, taemin, complimented y/n on her splendid acting.

"Alright everyone! Our drama will finish soon. Everyone is doing an amazing job. Clap hands for yourself! And y/n, I love your acting..maybe you could be a real actress in the future" taemin spoke

"ME?! Aw my gosh, this is the best thing I've heard today. I've been waiting to hear it" y/n smiled happily

Hyunjin dragged y/n away because she was talking for too long.

"Yahhh, don't drag me" y/n said

"You were taking too long chatting with others. What about me? You invited me there in the first place and then left me" Hyunjin pouted

"Don't act like a little kid Hyunjin. Come on, let's go to Lisa" y/n spoke, but hyunjin didn't move

"Are you gonna stay there?" Y/n asked turning back

Hyunjin didn't answer her and went to the cafeteria by himself while stomping grumpily like a child who didn't get his lollipop. Y/n face palmed herself seeing her best friend acting like a little kid and ran to the cafeteria too.

She sat beside Yeri on their lunch table. Lisa was in front of y/n and Hyunjin next to her. They were talking about so many things and it came to the point where they were talking about couples.

"Y/n, you should go on a blind date" Yeri spoke

Hyunjin almost choked on his food meanwhile y/n continuously shook her head to say no.

"Pretty girls like you shouldn't be single" Yeri spoke

"I'm remaining single. I will never go on a blind date ever! My brothers would kill the guy and me if they knew" y/n spoke.

Hyunjin was relieved to hear y/n wouldn't go on a blind date. He was slowly coming to realization that he should man up and finally confess to y/n. The only thing stopping him was the risk of breaking their friendship. He nudged Lisa and asked her to come with him the next period.

"So you finally decided to confess to her huh" Lisa laughed

"I'm still having second thoughts. What if she only thinks of me as a friend. What is she doesn't want to continue this friendship anymore" hyunjin asked

"I know y/n. I'm sure you two would definitely be great together. If you don't make the next move, you'll never know what happens right?"

"You're right....I'm ready. I'm not changing my mind anymore. I will confess"


"I need your help though. Help me plan this. I don't know what to do. Should I buy her flowers and take her on a restaurant date? Or maybe go to a park?? HELPPPP"

"Calm down lover boy. I'll help you. So let me tell you the plan..." lisa spoke


"Thanks for your help Lisa. Hopefully this goes well" hyunjin spoke

"No worries. You better not back out now! I'm not letting you get with another girl unless it's my bestie. Remember, If you ever decide to cheat, I'll kill you myself. SHE SHOULDN'T BE UNHAPPY ANYDAY, OR ELSE" Lisa said like a overprotective best friend

"Ok ok- you're scaring me now. Do you think I would want another girl after crushing on y/n for the past I don't know years of my life! Of course not!" Hyunjin said

"Good. Break her bed, not her heart" Lisa laughed mischievously

"Please get your dirty mind away from me" hyunjin fake puked

"Let's go now. Bell has already rang!" Lisa spoke excitedly

"Come on!" Hyunjin spoke

"Where were you two all day! I was looking for you. You left me all alone, in the dark and scary world" y/n spoke dramatically

"Ok sorry drama queen. Please forgive us" Lisa said

"No. Tomorrow you have to buy me ice cream for breakfast" y/n said

"But it's not good to eat at breakfast" an overprotective Lisa spoke

"You'll get sick" an overprotective Hyunjin spoke

Y/n sighed and dramatically fell on the floor. Not only were her brothers overprotective but also her friends were starting to act like moms.

"Yah! Get up from the dirty floor" hyunjin laughed

"My life is over." Y/n cried dramatically

"Don't worry hyunjin, you know how this girl is on her strawberry days" Lisa said

"Ohhh" hyunjin said in realization

Jungkook walked to where y/n was sitting on the floor.

"Why on earth are you sitting on the dirty floor" jungkook asked

"I want ice cream for breakfast" y/n said

"Well, we will leave now. You deal with your dramatic sister" Lisa said and left with hyunjin

Y/n got up from the floor finally and walked back to the car with Jungkook. They finally arrived, but everyone in the car were arguing about something just like any usual day.

"What took you all so long!" Jimin asked

"Don't blame me. Ask your sister, she was sitting on the floor crying about ice cream" jungkook spoke

"Huh???" Jimin asked

"Please Jimin oppa! You always are late to everything, your name has become a synonym of late! Don't blame me" y/n spoke

"Who was crying about ice cream?" Yoongi asked, who was driving the car

"This girl" jungkook pointed at y/n, sitting beside him

"Well..." Yoongi suddenly turned the car in a u-turn

"Ahhhh where are you going? Our house is that way" Jin asked

Yoongi stopped in front of a ice cream shop. Y/n eagerly looked up with happiness sparkling in her eyes. Jin sighed and complained about how Yoongi always got what y/n wanted and was spoiling her.

"Hyung you're just jealous cause he is her favorite brother now" hobi spoke

"Am not. I could buy y/n every ice cream factory in the whole of South Korea! I'm just trying to keep her from getting sick" Jin stated

The order that Yoongi asked for came. He took the nine cones of ice creams and gave it to his siblings, one for himself and the last one for the author πŸ˜‹

"THANK YOU! YOU ARE THE BEST OPPA" Y/n cried with happiness

"I'm the best!" Jungkook huffed

"This ain't about you. I'm the main character here" Yoongi scoffed

"Let's just go home already! Y'all argue there" Namjoon spoke, exhausted

"Yeah I'm tired too! Tired from carrying all this handsomeness" Jin spoke

"Please yall! Stop this or else I'll die" taehyung spoke

"Shut up tae! Your socks are so stinky" Jimin said

Y/n chuckled eating her favorite ice cream while the car drove off back to their mansion. She was having the best time, laughing and watching the intense dramatic fights between them along with the author.

Laughing without knowing what would happen tomorrow...

hello everyone πŸ₯°πŸ’…πŸ»
How are you doing?

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