Chapter 57. The Beach

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♡♡♡♡sometimes love is just a whisper only you can hear but strong enough everyone else can feel.... the photo above is all Brody♡♡ Yourbookslut♡♡♡

I walked out to Jase's truck and sat in the passenger seat. He should be landing in London soon. I'm starting to feel a little sad. It's going to be a long week without him. I open my bottle water. I'm probably getting my period and that's why I'm getting all sensitive.

I put my feet on the dash and lay my head back. I close my eyes and just sink into my thoughts. So much has been happening and I've been clinging to Jase for support. Maybe I need someone who I am not that close to, to talk about it.

"Boo" Tyler screams as he throws the driver's door open. I jump so high that I hit the ceiling and start screaming.

"You stupid fucker!!!" I say catching my breathe and rubbing my head. Natalie climbs in laughing and then Tyler. Steve and Jeff came out.

"Stacy and Lauren are on their way here." Steve says and climbs in the back seat with Jeff following.

"Good, I'm going to beat your asses at pool." I say.

"Yeah right. I'm like the best." Steve says.

"I don't think so." Jeff says. "I'm going to beat you all."

I turn the radio on and put my head on Natalie's shoulder. "Less than eight months and we're all out of high school. "

"I need to get trashed with that kind of talk. Steve will you hold my hair while I get sick?" Jeff says while looking at Steve and batting his eyelids.

"Of course, your my other girlfriend." Steve says back making kiss faces.

"Tyler your sober tonight, We're all getting plastered. Maybe we should sleep at the beach? "

"Nah I'm good brah. We can all just pile back into the truck and come back here."

Stacy opens the door to the back seat and climbs in with Lauren. "Hey, glad you could finally show up!"

"Hey we had stuff to do today." Lauren says as Tyler turns on the truck. Chase knocks on my window.

"Hey follow us over there. Dani your phones dead, it's Jase." Chase says handing me his phone. I grab his phone, " Thanks"

I get out of the truck and walk away. Wondering when Jase and Chase swapped numbers. "Hey, how was the flight?"

"Good, long. Brody says hi. He was driving me nuts. He hates flying. I can't wait to get to my grandparents and pass out. Their sending a car for us. "

"Why didn't your parents pick you up? "

"They had some dinner party. They actually want us to change in suits and go. I'm too tired and Christopher is at the house waiting for us." Jase says sounding annoyed.

"Oh, well you have fun and get some rest."

"What are you doing tonight? "

"Going to play pool with the group and then the beach. Tyler's going to drive your truck. "

"Stick with Tyler and keep your clothes on."

"Hey I might want to go swimming. "

"Just stick with Tyler, keep your clothes on. Now I'm wishing I was home. Don't drink to much. "

"I plan on drink alot though, have a good night. I will call you in the morning. Love you. "

"Dani...Love you more."

With that he was off the phone. I walked back to the truck. I got in feeling a little better after talking to him. I just couldn't shake this feeling like something bad was going to happen.

We got to the pool hall after ten minutes of loud singing from Steve. We walked in and Chase came up to us. "Come on we got tables in the back. "

We followed him to the back room. Where Alex and more guys from the team had set up. I noticed there was more girls hanging out. It was Tonya of all people and her group of skanks. They were hanging all over the guys and wearing close to nothing. Great like I really needed this tonight.

Tyler takes my hand and pushes me behind him. Chase looks at her and then me. You could see the thought process going on for him.

He stops at a table closer to the bar. He then waves me over. "Hey just tell me if she starts shit. Joe said he was going to call some girls, I just didn't realize it was them. I'm going to get us some drinks, do you know what you want?"

"Yeah get me a Yeager bomb."

"Just come with me and I will do a couple shots with you. " Chase says.

"Ok. " I follow after Chase and he grabs my hand, pulling me up to the bar. I watch him talk and he then introduces me to his cousin. Now I see why they wanted to come here. Chase and I do three bombs together right in a row. He gets enough beers for my little group and heads over with me. I take a sip of my beer still tasting the Yeager.

Chase hands out the beers and then racks up the balls."We're playing teams. Dani and I against Tyler and Natalie. "

"Oh this is going to be good, Chase you better be ready to eat dust." Tyler says as he picks up a stick. I lied earlier, I've never even played pool before. Sorry Chase, I will probably be Lucky if I can hit the balls.

Tyler breaks up the triangle and gets a stripped ball in the pocket. He keeps going. I finish my beer and go to leave for another one. Chase looks over and yells out to Alex to get more drinks. I sit back on my stool.

"Your up, you can do this." Chase says to me. I look at him and give a confident nod. How hard can it be. I go ahead and grab the stick and copy Tyler. I take aim and hit the white ball. It smacks across the table into the wall. Hitting the black ball. The black ball rolls into the corner pocket. I look up smiling. Tyler starts laughing and Chase shakes his head.

"We should of placed bets." Tyler says.

"Why?" Natalie asks.

"Because we just won. She hit the black ball in. Eight ball is supposed to be last ball to go in for the win." Tyler says and starts drinking his soda.

"Ahhh I'm sorry Chase, I never played before. "

"You said you were going to beat everyone. " Tyler says laughing.

"Yeah that was just game talk. The better you think I am, hopefully the worse you are." I say and shrug my shoulders. Chase starts laughing. Tyler racks the balls back up. Alex comes over with more beers and I start drinking my new one.

Chase's cousin turns the music up louder. A song comes on and I get excited. "I'm a little bit sheltered, I'm a little bit scared, I'm a little bit nervous of going no where. .."

I start singing along with Natalie. The beer is going down fast and I'm really buzzed. I put my arm around Natalie as we sit next to each other singing.

I look at Chases phone, I left mine in the truck on the charger. Its now one in the morning. "Lets go beeech." I slur out. I'm ready to get moving. I've played pool and I sucks.

Chase grabs my arm helping me off the stool and Tyler helps Natalie. I'm not going to lie. I'm trashed but I'm hyper from the red bull. Tyler calls the rest of the group over and we all kinda fall in the truck. Its been a long night of drinking already.

Chase buckles me in and then goes to his truck. I lay my head against the cold window. Tyler starts the truck up. I see everyone pile in vehicles behind us.

We get to the beach and Tyler drives right on the sand. I get out and pull the tailgate down. I grabbed blankets out the back seat and wrap one around me. Then sit on the tailgate.

Chase comes over and sits next to me. I lean my head against him. Tyler and Natalie jump into the bed of truck. Blankets are thrown all over. Steve starts a bonfire. People start making a spot and someone turnd on a radio. More beers are passed around.

"Not a bad way to spend the rest of the night. " Chase says to me as he passes me another beer.

"Its a good night."

"Me too." Chase says.

"Shit...we need to go swimming still..."

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