Chapter Two

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By coming back to Luton to support Gwen in her exciting, new, business adventure, I had set myself up to be at her mercy. Apparently, because I was the current and reluctant face of the small company, more LGBTQ identifying people signed up than ever thought possible in such a small town. I could hardly say no to the 'free of charge' help from Camp Black, especially when Gwen sent Walter to drag me up onto the stage to show off her charity case.

I came to learn Gwen was just as ruthless when it came to business as she was at board games and that was saying something.

The party overall was a huge success. Investors were interested, nearly everyone downloaded the APP, and a significant amount of people joined the camp itself. When it ended, I grabbed as many pastries as I could and held my head high as I headed out, ignoring the highly amused eyes that belonged to Vivian on my way out.

Later on, when they cleaned up and returned to the house, I was sat on the couch, watching nothing on the television, consuming the entire contents of the 'treat cupboard, not feeling guilty in the slightest.

While Mr. and Mrs. Black were away at Camp Mapplewood for the summer, their children and I were allowed to stay in their home. The sentiment was nice in theory but staying here was another ball game. There would be no escape from the crazy that was their lively, chaotic and somewhat twisted children. Except for Walter. Walter was someone to be protected at all costs. He was an innocent soul wrongfully placed with the demons.

The front door creaked open and with that came the enigmatic voice of Gwen and the more subdued voice of Vivian. I sat up, prepared to take down whatever they had planned.

"Hi Emma," Gwen greeted cheerfully. "How are you?"


"Aw, my sweet Emmykins," she cooed.

Vivian briefly smirked. "This is too...tooth-rottingly sweet for my taste."

"No," I said vehemently when they entered the room. "You can force me to be the temporary charity case but not an on-going one."

"But Emma," Gwen dragged out, her signature pout in place.

"I'm putting my foot down."

"Emma, you're in sweatpants and wearing sugar on your chin. You're in no place to deny me helping you."

"Yeah, I can."

"You can't stomp with fluffy socks on."

I closed my eyes, willing myself not to scream. "I can be in charge of my own destiny and still be a mess!"

She came over and ruffled my hair. "Sure you can."

"You there, by the door, I don't know why you're laughing." I tried my best not to smile at Vivian's silent laughter. "She called me touch starved! That's more of an attack against you than it is me! Feel outraged. Retribution is in order. Touch me up! If you're not going to defend my honour, then at least defend your own!"

"You're doomed to be alone forever," mumbled Gwen, plopping down onto the couch beside me.

"Oh, my God."

"I can sense these things. With my help, at least you have a chance."

Vivian shrugged. "I made a choice to take a break from dating you. It's not my fault the ramifications were this mortifying... for you."

I snatched the pastry Gwen went for and held it captive. "Gwen, sweet, sweet, Gwen. This isn't you. Vivian, I can believe, but you?"

She brushed off my words. "You'll break up with Vivian to be my show pony, won't you Em?"

"No," I cried out.

"You're my best friend."

"That doesn't equate to being show pony!"

"I think you'll find that it does."

I took in a deep breath. "You may have been able to trick me before because I had no friends last summer, but I've experienced the college life! I made friends. I know what's expected of me. Gwen, sweetie pie, no. But the Gwen from last summer never would've tricked me. You've changed."

Gwen reached over and stole the pastry easily. "They're city folk. Different rules."

I threw my head back and groaned. "I give up."

Clearly, the demon child thought that was her cue to pull all the pastries over to her side of the coffee table. She whipped out a napkin and gently placed it beneath her chin, shooting me pointed looks as she flattened it down over her chest. The other evil-doer decided to sit in the middle of the couch, leaving only two inches between our bodies.

I felt tension at the back of my head and I didn't care that we were apparently broken up, I leaned my forehead against Vivian's shoulder and wrapped an arm around her waist. It wasn't like I drew comfort from her touch or anything! The fabric of her blouse was cold and holding onto her waist kept my body steady. And I was only inhaling her scent because it was my way of breathing. It wasn't like I enjoyed the smell of roses or anything. Nope. All those privileges had been taken away.

"Our relationship means that much to you that you'll give up on it within three hours?" she asked.

"I lasted longer than you," I muttered.

"Emma, how many points had you when we dismantled our relationship?"

If I could've shot her a dirty look, I would've, because that was a low blow. I mumbled into her shoulder, "You're all delusional."

"I'm sorry guys, but you can't be cute grumpy stumps together anymore," Gwen declared, prying me away from Vivian and squashed herself in between us on the couch. She then dragged my head down so it leaned against her shoulder. "Vivian might not be able to be physically affectionate but she can get some paracetamol for you. Isn't that right, sissy?"

Vivian didn't respond, but I did hear footsteps. She either left the room and wasn't coming back or she heeded her sister's advice. It could've gone either way when it came to the likes of her.

I hated to admit it, but Gwen was freezing as per usual and it did wonders for my headache. When her cold hand patted my hair like an obedient dog, I didn't whine like my rebellious side wanted, instead I curled up a little more onto the couch and allowed her to feed me the occasional piece of pastry.

I only noticed Vivian had returned with two painkillers and a glass of water when she kicked one of my bags on the ground out in the hallway. That action raised the question of, which room would I be staying in? I watched as Vivian left the room again and contemplated speaking my thoughts out loud. But that would be admitting to defeat in helping Gwen out in the long run and I wasn't quite prepared for that.

Eventually, Gwen shifted, not the type of person that could sit for ages and stood up. She smiled down at me and said, "Be prepared for our meeting. It was supposed to be at eight, but I'll give you until nine. Kay?"

She flew out of the room because I had the chance to comprehend her words, never mind respond to them. With a sigh, I too got up and picked up two bags from the floor and made my way up the stairs. I stood there awkwardly for a moment before a door swung open. Without a word, Vivian turned back around and inside her bedroom. I rolled my eyes at her confident set of awkwardness and followed her inside.

By the time I carried all the bags upstairs, I was huffing and puffing all the while Vivian lounged on her bed, reading a magazine.

"You could've helped," I complained, throwing myself onto the end of the bed.

"I'm sorry, did I invite you in here?" she asked, one eyebrow arched.

"No wonder Gwen said I was a touch starved gay."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me." I grinned at her outrage. "Sexually frustrated Emma. I guess Gwen will help me out with that. Ew. Not Gwen. Not directly. Indirectly. That doesn't sound any better. Ew. Ew. Ew. Knock me out please."

Even without trying, Vivian won the argument, leaning her cheek against the palm of her hand, with that damnable smirk on her face. "I would've been Gwen's first choice, but that would've been seen as playing favourites."

I climbed up the bed until I laid down beside her. "Putting aside your endless smugness, what do you actually think about all this? You don't think this is a good idea, do you?"

She shrugged, smirk finally fading. "Gwen's found something she's passionate about. She has one chance. We have college. She has this."

"And you want to help her."

"Don't you?"

"Yeah," I said, not even thinking about it.

"Even if you live a life of eternal celibacy?"

"Oh, Vivian," I said, noticing the tension in the room had increased. "You wouldn't survive. We both know that."

Vivian brought her hand up to my face and nodded, eyes gleaming. "I know."

I licked my lips. "Glad we can agree."

Noses bumping in what almost felt like a caress, I sighed against the soft lips that followed. Vivian removed her hand from my cheek and settled it in the crook of my neck, stroking my skin as we kissed.

A hand on my chest brought about the end too soon. I pouted but then Vivian pushed herself up and her knees levelled either side of me on the mattress. Vivian, upon noticing that she, in fact, straddled me, her eyes grew wide in realization.

"No sex," she said sternly.

"No sex," I repeated, already nodding because I was pretty sure Gwen was somewhere in the house. When it did happen for the first time in this house, I grew more certain now then that I wanted to take my time, and I definitely didn't want to do it with either Walter or Gwen in the house. "Who needs sex? We don't."

I captured Vivian's mouth before she could respond, instantly deepening the kiss and drew a little moan, the likes of which I promised myself I would cause again when she could react to it with all the enthusiasm the sound demanded.

For the time being, I slipped my hands beneath Vivian's skirt and stroked the back of her thighs, inching higher as the kiss wore on, but not quite as high as I'd like. Vivian reciprocated, only her hands were underneath my shirt, fingers playing over the notches of my ribs and causing my skin to prickle with pleasure.

When those same fingers skirted around to dance along the undersides of my breasts, I sighed softly and broke the kiss, allowing her lips to move to my jaw and kissed a trail down my neck, all the way to my collarbone where she spent ample time bestowing as much attention as I would allow.

I, as it turned out, would allow a lot. I only stopped her when she bit down, and only to inform her that if she continued, I will not be hiding what she has done to me and that was the opposite of the promise I had made today.

The warning only spurred her on and when she bit down for the second time, I groaned out. "Vivian."

Bathing the bite with her tongue, she hummed before she allowed my head to flop back onto the pillow and Vivian stopped supporting herself and laid down to lean against my chest. Vivian's phone buzzed which made her huff as she reached for it.

"You're the most eligible bachelorette in town, according to my source. Second to me, of course."

"Who's your source?"

"Someone reliable."

"It's totally Gwen." I laughed. "You're telling me, as I go on dates with people, you're not going to complain one bit? You're totally supportive of this idea?"

"If she features you in a Bachelorette event, I'll be the happiest girl in the world."

"You're the devil incarnate."

"Oh, Emma, I only have your happiness in mind. It's entirely circumstantial that I'll be made delighted in the process."

My eyes narrowed. "My pain and misery are your favourite things."

She wore this smile like she was a cat that trapped a mouse in the corner. "They certainly are and always will be."

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