Chapter 29

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Shen wei almost choked on his coffee after hearing Yunlan shouting. He ran into the bedroom.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Shen wei panicked as he flung the door open, and then looked surprised to find Yunlan standing in front of the walk-in closet, crying.

"I can't get these damn jeans on!" Yunlan wept. "Or any of those!" He pointed to a pile discarded on the floor.

It was only a couple of weeks later, and despite a slightly slow start, he was definitely showing now. It has been 12 weeks now, his sickness had subsided, but the bump was getting harder to hide.

"Oh...It's okay, we can get you some more." Shen wei smiled. "We'll go shopping."

"And what am I supposed to wear out? My underwear? Should I go naked?!" Yunlan asked angrily.

"Well, I'd enjoy that." Shen wei joked, but Yunlan just looked at him, bewildered.

"I'm staying here. I'll only outgrow whatever we get today anyway in a few weeks, so what's the point?" The Omega sank onto the bed.

"What about sweatpants?" Shen wei suggested, checking in his mate's side of the closet and pulling out a pair of black ones.

"But I'll look sloppy." Yunlan pouted.

"Nobody will care what you're wearing."

"I'll care!" Yunlan shot back with narrowed

"Right..." Shen wei rubbed his neck, thinking. "Um...Look, you stay here and I'll find you something. Okay?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"No, not really." Shen wei smiled. "I'll even get you your favourite Beef Burger" He added.

Yunlan's mouth watered instantly; currently his favourite was beef burger, which usually wasn't his choice of food at all, but cravings were cravings.

"Yes please! Oh and some of those waffle cake things, whatever they're called?"

"You're supposed to be eating healthily. I'm not sure if..."

"Pleeeeaaase?" Yunlan pulled a perfect signature puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." Shen wei rolled his eyes, his smile betraying his annoyance. "Only because I can't resist those puppy eyes." He kissed Yunlan on the lips.

He wrapped his scarf around his neck. "Ill be back soon."

Before he left the room, he bent down to place his hand on Yunlan's stomach "You be good in there!"

Upon returning, Shen wei saw Yunlan was carrying a pile of his jeans out of the bedroom, moodily, and dumped them into a bag.

"Yunlan ...What are you doing?" Shen wei frowned.

"These are going." He sniffed, "I can't fit in any of them, so what's the point?"

"You'll fit in them again once the baby is here."


He signed and went near Yunlan and folded his arms. "Yunlan, stop."

The Omega looked up, his face red and eyes wet. "But...But nothing fits me, Wei." He said, barely above a whisper, tears threatening again.

"Come here. See what I picked up." Shen wei coaxed gently.

"Okay." Yunlan sniffed, wandering over and sitting beside his mate on the sofa.

"I found some of these; they're elasticated." Shen wei held up several pairs of jeans.

"Are these women's jeans?"

"No, they're men's. Just...They're urn..."

"For fat people!?" Yunlan burst into tears, and Shen wie looked alarmed.

"No!" He waved his hands frantically,

"They're just...Bigger. That's all." But Yunlan was still unconvinced.

"Hey, look! I got you the burgers you wanted. And the wafer cakes." Shen wei sang, emptying the grocery bags onto the kitchen counter.

"To make me even fatter, huh? So I can fit into those...Fat person jeans!? Well thanks. Thanks a lot!" Yunlan ran to the bedroom and slammed the door.

Shen wei stood there blinking for a moment.
He slowly approached the bedroom door; "Yunlan? Darling? You've got it wrong. I just wanted you to eat the food you and baby like, and you to have some comfortable clothes! You're not fat! Just pregnant. Can you come out?"

He waited a few seconds, wondering if Yunlan was even listening. He was about to walk away when the door opened again.

"I'm sorry. You did such a nice thing for me, and I'm so grumpy and stuff. I'm really grateful and sorry..." Yunlan kissed him lovingly, before pulling away and looking at Shen wei seductively. "Can I thank you properly? I want you so bad."

"Urn...Well I've left the meat out on the counter, and I should really put it in the..."

"Okay, you do that and then you come back and put your meat in me. Don't be long."

Yunlan sat on the bed, and Shen wei hovered in the doorway in disbelief. They weren't joking about mood swings! Shen wei returned to the bedroom and took a deep breath, before noticing that Yunlan had fallen asleep. He chuckled softly to himself as he gently slipped onto the bed and put his arms around his mate and closed his eyes dreaming about 100 babies around him.


Yunlan's next appointment took place three days later. Shen wei was almost late due to being at a meeting. He ran into the waiting room, panting. "Sorry I'm late. We over-ran."

"It's okay." Yunlan replied

Before Shen wei could say anything else, Yunlan was called in. Sweeping his dark hair out of his face, he got to his feet and stalked off into the office with Dr Kairi. Shen wei followed on behind.

"How are you feeling this week?" The midwife asked.

"Uh...Moody, emotional, hungry..." Yunlan checked the symptoms off on his fingers.

"Tired." Shen wei put in, "He's been sleeping a lot more."

"Oh yeah, I've been exhausted!" Yunlan confirmed.

"Have you had any problems at all?" Dr Kairi asked next.

"No, not that I know of. No pains or anything."

"Great! Now, we'll give you a quick scan just to make sure everything is okay, and see if baby is growing well."

"Oh it is." Yunlan laughed awkwardly, "I've definitely got bigger, and nothing fits me anymore."

"Well, we'll just check anyway." The midwife said kindly, leading them to the ultrasound room.

It didn't take long before Yunlan was laying on the bed, the Doppler rolling over his abdomen.

"Ah, lovely!" Dr Kairi smiled, "It's growing nicely!"

"Wow!" Shen wei's mouth fell open, "It's looking like a real baby now!"

"It is a real baby." Yunlan laughed.

"You know what I mean. Oh look! it's waving! Can't you feel it?"

"No." Yunlan shook his head, watching the monitor.

"It's usually takes a while for the baby's movements to be felt; usually somewhere
between 16-20 weeks." The midwife said.

"Oh." Shen wei's face fell. "Well, we can see it for now."

"You certainly can! Now then...You're 12 weeks and 5 days, Yunlan. I'll print a couple of photos for you."

She took some screenshots and printed them out, placing them into a card frame and handing them to Shen Wei.

"So Yunlan, we need to discuss an important matter. Since you know male pregnancy is harder than a female. You will have to prepare yourself for the worst. It is rare, but you need to be extra careful with the baby."

Yunlan said nothing, his eyes widening in horror. He knew this would happen, but hearing it made it all the more frightening.

"...Yunlan?" Shen wei leaned forward and put his hand on Yunlan's. "Are you okay?"

"Uh huh." The younger man replied, swallowing.

"I hope there isn't any complications during birth. Otherwise. ..." The midwife trailed off.

"Otherwise it could kill me, right?" Yunlan whispered.

Shen wei looked alarmed.

"But, don't worry....we will do our best to deliver the baby healthy"

"Okay." Yunlan squeaked.

He barely registered much else for the rest of the appointment; thankfully Shen wei was taking notes on his phone, having sensed that Yunlan was panicking and wouldn't be taking much information in right now, if any at all! They left the hospital and walked in silence back home. Shen wei held Yunlan's hand and ran his thumb over the back, stroking his palm.

"They'll take care of you. And so will I. I promise, Yunlan. I won't let anything happen to either of you." Yunlan nodded lamely.

"Do you want to go and grab some food?" Shen wei asked.

"No, thank you. If you're hungry, then you can go. I've lost my appetite." Yunlan answered weakly.

"I'm not hungry either." Shen wei admitted. "I just thought..."

"I know." Yunlan gave a small smile. "Thanks anyway."

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