3. The Talk

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The week rolled over with a blink of an eye. Wedding planners were booked, themes and decors were decided, staffs were hastily working to finish everything off by the given deadline.

While everyone was busy giving Sarah a cold shoulder, I was grimacing. Grimacing over the restraints I would face in my career. Grimacing over being tied to a loveless marriage for a lifetime. Grimacing over what future held for me.

Let the hell break loose, I would take all my vows seriously. Even though this marriage was being committed by force and manipulations, yet it was still a marriage in the eyes of society and lord. Even though there was a great possibility of Alexander wanting to do nothing with me once we get married, I'm still going to stay by his side stubbornly and fulfill all my duties, unless he decides to pop out of nowhere and tell me he's in love with another woman and isn't ready to betray her or that he isn't into women at all and his preference were men. That would be a totally different case.

I would be actually staying by his side till my last breathe. Even of he decides to tell me he is infertile, I'll be by his side.

Thinking of what all the worst possible scenarios for future, here I sat infront of the mirror, in my mom's wedding gown. I wonder how beautiful she looked at her wedding day. Ofcourse my dad showed me his and mom's wedding pics, yet he repeatedly said "The photos do no justice to how beautiful your mother actually looked. She was practically an angel walking down the aisle." I repeat his words in my mind, remembering the dreamy look he still gives remembering his late wife.

Even after a decade of getting married to Sarah, he was utterly and truly in love with mom. The love he possibly will never share with Sarah or any other woman for a matter-of-fact.

T h i r d P e r s o n

Her chain of thoughts were broken by the sudden knock on the door. Upon permitting, she was astonished to see her very soon-to-be husband entering into the room.

She displayed a small smile to Alexander who just stood there, staring at his to-be bride. He was in a daze trying to grasp how his fiancee looked absolutely stunning in her wedding gown.

As much as he thought about her in the past week, he still denied the probability of being attracted towards her. For his sanity. And for her well being.

Blinking a few times and clearing his throat he looked back at the goddess sitting in front of him.

'That's it. This is the moment he'll be informing me about his relationship with another woman and how wants to do nothing with me. Get ready for rejection Myra.' she thought. Trailing her eyes on his body, she was yet again enticed my the alluring man she was going to address as her husband. The only thing that confused her was the presence of gloves on his hands. 'Are'nt gloves supposed to be a part of bride's attire? Or was it a tradition among Smiths?' she thought.

"You look stunning." He started the conversation, sensing her gaze on his gloved hands, he tucked them into his pant pockets.

Heat surged through her body and her cheeks were instantly covered in a red hue. "Thank you." She muttered shyly.

"I-I want to tell you something." He started.

Amayra gave an encouraging nod to Alexander.

An awkward silence prevailed. As much as he wanted to tell her the truth of his denial to the marriage, he couldn't trust her. Couldn't trust her with the secret he has unwillingly treasured for more than two decades. Couldn't trust her with not running and telling the world that the 'mysterious billionaire' wasn't arrogant but untouchable in true sense.

Heaving a sigh, he found her taking his gloved hands in hers. "Say it Alexander." She encouraged. This was the first time she addressed him by his name and not 'the alluring stranger'.

"I-I can't." He muttered. "You can't what Alexander?" Amayra asked with a thumping heart. I can't so this? I can't get married? I can't betray her? I can't-

Her rambling mind was cut off by Alexander's assertion.

"I-I can't tell you what the problem is. As rude as it might sound, I don't trust you." He said. "The only thing I want to inform you is... Don't get married to me. You'll be facing nothing but hell." The hell I am facing for last 20 years. He added mentally.

"Don't you think it's too late to runaway Alexander? Even if I do, the consequences would be endured by Ava and Ethan, and probably das too. I can't be selfish enough to ruin their lives." She said.

Alexander nodded in understanding. "Let's make this marriage for namesake then. I can't let you trap in the hell my lifestyle is." He suggested. "No strings attached." He added.

Amayra smiled softly then gave her judgement. "It would be all real Alexander. The vows, the words, the blessings, the rituals, and certainly my promises. I'm willing to take every vow of the alter seriously." She declared.

"I either want all of you. Or none of you."

He stared into Amayra's eyes. Probably trying to prove himself that her words mere bluff, but all he found was honesty and determination. As much as he wanted to be elated by her words, he can't let her destroying her life for him.

"Don't be stubborn Amayra." He whispered vulnerably. "Your stubbornness would lead you to a very difficult life. A life where death would seem more favourable. A life where you would be deprived of happiness. A life where you'll have to argue with your loved ones just to survive. A life where you'll be spied upon. A life no better than death." He tried convincing her.

"As cliche as it sounds, I'll even be in hell with you. As long as life lets me to be with you. I promise you Alexander. Its till death does us apart." She smiled.

Alexander abruptly stood up. Submerging through his pocket, he took out a white pair of bridal gloves. "You might need this." He whispered and handed her over.

Turning back he reached for the door knob and immediately trailed out of the green room.

Amayra heaved a sigh. She wasn't ready for this conversation. Not yet atleast. Yet she was happy she could make things clear. He should know how determined she is to fulfill every potential vow she is going to promise in front of the lord.

Another series of knock followed and broke her trance. Curious about the new surprise life is going to present her with, she muttered a 'come in'.

In all his glory, walked in James Smith. Unlike other times, neither did he have an intimidating aura or a stoic expression. He smiled at Amayra and sat on the stool near her.

"I am sorry for everything, Amayra." He started. "I might seem to be a villian here but gradually you'll understand my reasons for pushing you into this marriage." He said.

Amayra said nothing but looked into his eyes confused. How could a man who threatened her in the name of her family, look so vulnerable at this moment?

"I-I want to give you a heads up about everything that's round the corner. In the upcoming days, Alexander is going to be very rough on you. He thinks he can protect you by being distance. Protect you from what? Well I'm still trying to find out. He might seem arrogant, stubborn and cold hearted, but know that he's just a naive broken boy who is trying to protect his heart from further cracks. Please be patient enough to give this marriage a chance. Alexander will try his best to prove himself as a pain in the ass kinda guy. Don't surrender into him. I chose you because I know you can do it."

Taking her hands into his he requested truly. "Please open my baby boy's heart, flush out all the hatred and manipulation polluting his blood and fill his and yours life with love and happiness. Do this for me. Will you?" The desperate father asked.

Amayra nodded with glistening eyes. The world along with Alexander is failing to understand this man's soft heart under his strict facade.

"I might take some harsh decisions in the upcoming days to try and complete my part of your union. Please don't mind me dear." He said. Amayra said nothing but nodded with a small smile.

He slowly patted her head and then hesitantly asked. "Can I walk you down the aisle?" Amayra thought for a second and then nodded in positive.

"And yes dear, don't forget to mask your expressions with hatred whenever your eyes fall upon me. It will help you to be at Alex's good side." One can only imagine the pain a father would feel uttering these words.

Soon it was time. I stood behind the closed wooden doors of the matrimonial hall, linking my arms in James's.

I breathed a heavy sigh. Okay here goes nothing.


And here we come to an end of the third chapter.

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