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Jinyoung's POV

I'm okay ! Please go back to your work right now! "he offered" 

Fine "she replied" 

I was about to tell her what happened, but I don't think that would help me so I decided to shut my mouth instead. That Im Nayeon is very friendly, kind, and cherish. I wish I could be like her. 

After thinking about Jennie for a few minutes, I decided to focus on my work more and forget about her. I will overwork myself in order to forget he

Mr.Park "nayeon called me"

ne ?" i replied"

It's lunch  time now. Would you like to go out and eat with us? "she said"

No thanks! "I said coldly"

So I'd like to leave now ! "she left"

After the lunch break, Im nayeon returns back. She hands me a box of two sandwiches and a cup of coffee.

What is this for? "I asked"

It's for you. I saw u worked so hard last morning and I don't think that u feel well, so I decided to buy you some food. Thank me later SIR. "she replied"

Stop being so kind to me. It's so cringe. please return to your work right now. "I told her"

She was so shocked with my statement. I don't know why do I act like this toward her!! Maybe it's my characteristic.  

Sorry! Im Nayeon. "I mouthed quietly" 

Nayeon's POV

I saw he didn't eat anything for the whole morning that's why I bought him some food, but he didn't thank me and blamed me instead. I left the foods on his desk and return to my work as he told me.

The room is filled with the quietness because none of us is talking. Suddenly, someone texted me.

S1: Hi ms.Im

Me: who are you?

s1: wow! U don't remember me ???

Me: I wouldn't ask if I know you.

S1: well,,,, I'm your Swiss mate......

Me: ehh? I don't get that u meant!!!

S1: yahhhh I'm Jaebum. Remember me now ??

Me: JAEBUMMMM??? I didn't expect that u would come to Seoul this fast.

S1: well, See you later at a Swiss restaurant near where u work


I was shocked when JB suddenly texted me. I didn't expect that, that's why I couldn't control my expression well. 

IM NAYEON "mr. ice called me coldly"

yeah sir, "I replied"

Why are u so happy ? You're not allowed to text during working. Didn't u know it? 

"he said almost shout"

I knew it. Sorry "I replied gently"

after working for a few hours, It's finally time for me to leave this hell. 

Nayeon you can leave now. " The ice guy said"

Yes sir " I replied and prepared to leave"

When I was about to leave, Jb texted me. I didn't expect to see that text from him. it's the craziest text that I've ever received. I almost shout when I see that text!!! It said:


sorry for my bad English 

Sorry for grammatical errors

NOTE: Jennie isn't Jennie from BlackPink. She's too precious and cute to those kinds of girl.

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