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Jb's POV

I have nothing to do so I decided to go on Instagram to see something new.
I keep score long until I see something unexpectedly .

My hands are shaking.
I can't believe I just saw her.
She's alive. She's still as pretty as before. She's IM NAYEON.

Tears roll down on my cheeks. It's tear of joy.
I'm so happy. I can't describe how happy am I now.

I try to go to her profile and see some more details for more information about her.
I check her pictures trying to find as much information as possible.
I do this because I wanna find her. I wanna meet her. I wanna see her again.

*time skipped*

After 6 hours of checking nayeon's IG acc I finally know where she is and I'm sure of it.
See you tomorrow my bunny "I said"

Jinyoung's POV

The weather is nice today.  "I said as I got up from my bed"

Everything goes well these days but I still feel empty because she is not beside me.

As I finished my breakfast I grab my bag and leave home.
I've decided to go hiking today.

*time skipped*

Ahh I'm so tired "I said as I sat down under a big tree"
I've been walking for hours and now my legs are sore. Since I can't keep going anymore so I decided to stop by a big tree and get some rest.
I drink some water and take a nap. 

*time skipped*

I got shocked as soon as I open my eyes.
What ?? It's night already ? "I shouted"
I look around me and I can barely see things. It's very dark here.
Since I don't know what to do so I just get my bag and keep walking toward.
Suddenly, I feel the water dropped on me. I look at the sky and realize that it's raining now.
How unlucky. "I said"
I keep walking not knowing what to do until I reach the peak.
It's very dark here and I can't use my phone because it's already dead.
I look around hoping to find someone who could help me but there's no one around here.
I can't just stay still in a place so I start walking again. Unfortunately I slip.
My body rolls down the mountain until it was stopped by a tree.
My body and my head hurt so bad and my vision becomes blurry as well.

Help me please "I tried my best to shout for help"
Help me please... "I shouted once again"

Hey are you okay "someone found me"

Please help me "I grabbed that person hand "

Your head is bleeding. What happened to you ? "That person asked"

you... "I passed out"

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