#4 - Uninvited Guest

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Narae's POV

As soon as we got back into my apartment, the two of us watched the security footage over and over again.

We can't seem to grasp what even happened, and who the man was on the roof.

You don't just...appear like that. And I have no idea what explanation there is for it.

"So the guy appeared here," Haeyoung points to the spot on the roof where I was passed out sleeping.

The two of us are on top of my roof now in the evening. At first we just sat up here, watching the sun dip into the horizon and then the moon rise. But now we're trying to grasp in our minds the events that occurred last night.

"Then carried you over there," She then walks over to the spot where he jumped down to the ground. "And inside your house to your...bed."

"Seems like it," Throwing my hands up in the air, I nod.

"Why would he even help you anyway? Reckon it's someone you know?" Haeyoung takes a wild guess.

"Who do I know that magically appears out of thin air and then disappears the exact same way?"

Shrugging, Haeyoung pouts and looks up at the sky. The moon is starting to show, glowing brighter than ever. The stars around it vary in size and create a perfect touch.

"The cameras must've gotten it wrong," Haeyoung says under her breath, but then she groans. "Or maybe not! I don't know, I'm so confused."

"Me too," Raking my hair back with both hands, I rest them on my hips.

"I'd best get going then," Stretching her arms into the air, Haeyoung walks to the edge and hops off the roof.

"You got everything with you?" I ask, following behind and we both stand outside my front door.

Patting her jacket pockets, her expression is confused as she looks around like she's forgotten something.

"Did I leave my phone inside?" She wonders, reaching to open her handbag at her side.

"I'll go and check," I make my way towards back inside, scanning the kitchen counter, sofas, and coffee table.

"It's not in here," I call to her, and I hear her footsteps walk inside.

"Maybe I left it on the roof since we were up there for a while. Can you check your room please, just in case?" She rubs the back of her neck with a slightly confused expression.

I shrug and nod, making my way towards my bedroom. I don't see why it would be in my room but I'll look anyway.

"Why would you leave your phone in m-" My words cut off as soon as I open the door.

Because there is a man sat on my bed.

With my eyes widened I quickly slam the door back shut. It all happens so fast I don't really have time to register it at all.

Who the hell was that?!

"Nevermind, I found it outside," Haeyoung's voice grows louder as she appears with her phone in hand. She then notices how in shock I am and becomes concerned.

"What's wrong?"

"There's a man in my room," I say straight, burning my eyes into hers.

"What?" Haeyoung blinks.

"There is a man sat on my bed in my room," I repeat, swallowing hard on my saliva.

She stares at me like I've gone crazy.

"I'm not lying!" Protesting, I click the door back open, peeping my head into the room.

However, my mouth drops open when I find the room to be empty. There's no-one in here.

Did I just hallucinate a random guy in my room?

"What the...I swear he was sat right there!" I cautiously walk into the room, scanning the area incase there is someone in here and is hiding somewhere. But there's limited spaces to hide in my room.

Maybe I did imagine him.

"He was sat here, cross-legged and I could've sworn he started to smile!" Pointing towards the centre of my bed, I shudder a little whilst thinking about it.

"I think you need some sleep," Haeyoung pats my shoulder. "This whole secret admirer situation has most likely started making you imagine things. Just keep all your windows actually locked this time and you'll be fine."

"Maybe you're right. After all, I am imagining people in my bedroom," Groaning, I rub my forehead.

Laughing a little, Haeyoung turns and walks down the hall. I close my room door and follow her.

"I'll call tomorrow to check up on you," Haeyoung says as she reaches the door, engulfing me in a hug.

"Alright, goodnight," I smile.

"Goodnight!" She waves her hand and opens the door, closing it behind her. I lock it as she does.

Then I instantly spin around. Cautiously, I walk further into the living room and I eye my bedroom door down the mini hallway.

There was defintely someone in there.

I know there was.

Even though when I opened the door a second time he wasn't there, he 100% was when I first opened it.

I'm not crazy, I swear!

Gulping, I slowly walk over to my door, hesitating to push the handle down.

However before I do, I figure I need to be armed. You know, just in case.

I hurry over to the kitchen area and throw open one of the draws, taking out a kitchen knife. I make sure it's the extra sharp one and walk back over towards my bedroom door.

I take a deep breath in, steadying my breathing. Then, I push the door handle down. At this rate I'm really hoping I did imagine this person.

The door slowly opens.

And he's sat on my bed again.

The man doesn't speak, just watches my movements. Blinking, his gaze then flickers to the knife I have in my hand. He looks back into my eyes without being fazed by the weapon.

But he still doesn't speak.

Instead, he smiles.

Showing some very deep dimples.

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