#3 - Unravel

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"You want the security footage of your apartment from last night?" The police officer questions with slightly suspicious eyes. "What's the reason for this?"

Haeyoung and I came to the police station for that said security footage. Looks like our 'healing' day had to be put on pause for now. Because like Haeyoung said, we need to find the identity of who this mystery person is.

"It's for identity recognisation purposes," Haeyoung simply answers. "We need to check something that happened last night outside my friend's apartment, just be on the safe side."

"It's true, officer. I really need this footage. Someone was on my roof last night and I need to know who it was," I nod in agreement.

Narrowing his eyes, he glances from Haeyoung to myself before sighing. Clicking away at his computer after telling him my address, he turns it for us to see.

"Is this your apartment?"

I cock my head forwards to take a closer look. I instantly recognise the road, and my small apartment sitting on the left next to other ones. You can perfectly see the roof too, so the footage we want has definitely been recorded.

"Yes, that's it," I point to the left at my apartment, and the officer nods.

"What time do you think this person was on your roof?" He then asks.

Thinking to myself, I try remembering how long I was sat on the roof for. It must've been around midnight. That's the last time I properly remember what time it was.

"Around midnight," I answer.

Then the recorded video begins to speed up, and you gradually see the blue sky turn dark as night falls over Seoul. The time ticks, indicating each hour that's passed.

You can also clearly see me climbing onto my roof, and sitting down on the ledge with a bottle in my hand.

"Is this who you were looking for?" The officer pauses and points to me sat on the roof.

"No, that's me," Awkwardly I glance at Haeyoung, and she holds back a laugh. 

The officer raises an eyebrow.

"But there was someone else on the roof! I'm 100% sure there was," I quickly add.

Shrugging, the officer continues to play the video. You see me taking gulps of the drink and gradually becoming drunk, and I shrivel up in embarassment.

Whereas Haeyoung watches intently, becoming more entertained by the second.

Midnight comes and passes, and the moment I've been waiting for finally arrives. I lay back and eventually pass out on the roof, like I remembered. It's everything after this I need to see.

For a few minutes, nothing happens. I continue lying there asleep, and nothing moves in the dead of the night.

However the three of us then flinch and squint when a bright flash of light blinds our eyes on the screen.

"I apologise, something must be wrong with the video. One moment," The police officer turns the computer back to him and types away at his keyboard, moving his mouse around to try and fix the problem.

I'm assuming he replayed the video, because I see the reflection of the bright flash on his face and he flinches yet again.

"That's odd," Tilting his head in confusion, he stares at the screen.

"What is? What's wrong?"

"Look here. What do you see?" Turning his screen to the two of us again, he points his pen at the screen where the flash is appearing.

It doesn't take me long to figure out what I'm looking at. After the flash starts to dim, you can clearly see the outline of a person.

And it's not me. It's someone else, standing beside and looking down at me.

"What the hell?" My mouth gapes open in shock.

"That...that's a man," Haeyoung says in disbelief. "Can you carry on playing the video please?"

"Of course," The officer presses play, and doesn't speed up the video this time so what we're seeing is clear.

This outline of the man then bends down after watching me, picking me up into his arms. Then, whilst carrying me, he effortlessly jumps off the roof and onto my little balcony where the front door is.

However he doesn't use it. He walks round the side and pulls the window to my bedroom open, and climbs inside.

"I thought you said your windows were all closed," Haeyoung turns to me.

"They were closed," I find my heart rate to be picking up the pace. "Atleast...they were when I woke up so I just assumed they were the whole night."

After a few minutes you can see the man climb back out of my window, and walks around to the front of my apartment. Climbing onto the roof, he stands near the edge and looks up at the sky.

Our eyes squint again when the same flash of light appears and fills the screen. And by the time it fades, the man is gone.

"What the hell just happened?" Haeyoung exchanging looks with me and the police officer.

Gulping, I can't seem to find an answer. Instead, I lean forwards in my seat and say, "Can I take this footage home?"


"I don't get it: how did this guy magically appear on the roof and then casually whisk you away?" Haeyoung questions as we walk down the street back to my apartment.

The police officer downloaded the footage onto a memory stick for me to have, and said if I see anything else similar to this I'm to call it in straight away.

"I have no idea. Don't even get me started on how he was...glowing."

"Although, it seems as if the glowing was because of the camera. Like whoever it was wanted their identity kept secret, hence the huge glowing light," Haeyoung then considers.

"I don't know. Let's just hope whatever or whoever it was doesn't appear again."

My eyes casually look up at the street before us. Two men are walking the opposite direction, and they both make eye contact with me. However for some reason they look alarmed.

"Isn't that her?" One of them says as they walk past.

"Shut up!" The other quickly hushes the first one.

"Excuse me?" Stopping in our tracks, I turn around and questioningly look at the two men who are still staring.

"I'm sorry, my...companion here thinks you look a lot like a huma- I mean girl we know. But obviously he was mistaken," The one who spoke second chuckles nervously to himself, and slams his hand onto the other one's mouth.

Raising an eyebrow, I glance warily at Haeyoung and then at the men.

With a forced smile he then quickly bolts away from us, dragging the other one down the street with him by the arm.

"Well that was weird," Haeyoung narrows her eyes and watches them walk round the corner.

"Yeah...it was."


Unknown's POV

As soon as we walk away from her I let out a groan and slap this one's head. That was too close of a call; he nearly exposed us!

"What the hell?" He exclaims.

"Don't 'what the hell' me! You could've ruined everything! What's the matter with you?"

"Well I didn't think she would hear us! I'm still trying to adjust to being a human and from this I've concluded that being a human sucks!" He scowls, folding his arms across his chest.

"Listen number 7," I grab his shoulders so he'll listen. "Yes it sucks being a human but it's necessary for the mission. We can't draw too much attention to ourselves or we'll risk the others finding out we're here."

"I'm sorry," Stopping in his tracks, he nods. "I'll be more careful next time."

Patting his back, I nod my head over to our companions in sight and waiting for us to return.

"Come on, we have things to do."

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