#11 - The Six Stars

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"You're all lucky I'm on holiday for a week which should be enough time to send you all back," I announce in the living room, glancing around at the 6 pairs of eyes on me.

Namjoon stands next to me with his arms crossed. I don't think he realises that I mean him too, but I won't say anything.

"What are we supposed to do now, hm? Sit here all day and watch you stand there like an idiot?" Number six scoffs.

This star, out of all of them, really gets on my nerves.

"I have many other things I could be doing right now but I'm choosing to stay here and babysit you all. So stop with the attitude because you're not a star anymore, you're a human. You're in my world now so I suggest you keep in line before I kick you out of my house to slowly die on the street," I think I made my point clear, right?

Raising an eyebrow, Namjoon darts his eyes to number six with a slightly amused smile. The remaining five all turn their heads to number six who finally shuts up.

"Now, as I was saying, I don't know how long it'll take for you to get your energy back but until then I can't keep referring to you as star number two or star number three," I continue.

"What do you mean?" Number three tilts his head.

"You need names. Proper ones, not numbers."

Calling them by their numbers I have a feeling will become very confusing, and so to solve that confusion this is the best option.

Plus, what if someone sees them if, let's say they went outside and then asked for their names? If they tell them their names are a number they'll probably earn many looks and quite possibly get their assess kicked.

"I did some research and I've settled on six different names to give to the six of you. This will be your human name, so if anyone asks what your name is you'll respond with this. Everyone okay with that?"

Multiple sounds of agreement rise from the six of them, including a certain reluctant star which, you can guess, was indeed number six.

"How do we decide who gets what name?" Number two asks.

"We'll pick whichever one suits you and we'll go from there," Namjoon answers him, indicating to the both of us stood before them.

"Alright," I take out my little note pad from my back pocket in which I wrote all of the names on. "The first name I came up with is Kim Seokjin-"

"I wanna be that!" Number four lifts his hand up, cutting my words off.

"Can you let me finish please?" I say with a chuckle from his excited self.

"Oh, sorry. Go ahead," He gestures with his hands for me to continue, his cheeks turning a faint shade of pink.

"Okay so, the names are Kim Seokjin, Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok, Min Yoongi and Kim Taehyung."

"I call dibs on Kim Seokjin!" Number seven shoots his hand in the air this time.

"Why do you get to have that name? What if I want it?" Number four protests.

"Oh please, you do not suit that name at all," Seven scrunches his face up. "Just look at me. Don't I look like a Kim Seokjin?"

"You're nowhere near the name!" Four scoffs.

"I had a feeling this would happen and so I've prepared something to decide," Hurrying into the kitchen, I grab one of my bowls I put to the side earlier with 6 folded-up pieces of paper.

"One by one you'll come up and pick out one of these little pieces of paper. Whichever name is on that piece of paper is what your name will be from here on. Understood?" I say as I walk back into the living room.

The 6 chirp in agreeing responses, and Namjoon calls up star number three as the first one to pick.

"So I just take one of these...things," He points into the bowl. "And the name written on it is what I'll be known as forever?"

"Pretty much," I smile, encouraging him to take one. "Take your pick."

Shrugging, he dives his hand into the bowl and takes out one of the folded pieces of paper. He un-folds it and stares at the name, then reading it aloud.

"Jung Hoseok. Hm, you know what? That's not a bad name at all," he smiles in approval, sitting back down while still staring at the piece of paper.

Four is next. He fiddles around with the papers for a while before finally taking one, and he instantly unfolds it to suddenly be hooting with joy.

"Yes, I'm Kim Seokjin!" He cheers, throwing his fists into the air.

Seven scowls, pouting his lips and folding his arms.

Then it's number five, who comes up and takes a piece of paper.

"Jeon Jungkook," he reads aloud.

"It suits you," Namjoon nods in approval with a smile.

Number six is next. He puts his hand in the bowl and picks one of them out, and I catch him narrowing his eyes at me as he unfolds the paper.

I swear, this guy will never not have an attitude.

"Kim Taehyung," he shrugs like he's unbothered by the name, even though I can see him resisting a smirk as he goes back to his seat.

Number two comes up next, taking one of the two pieces of paper left in the bowl.

"Min Yoongi," The man nods in approval and sits back down.

"Which leaves only one name left," I shuffle closer to seven who huffs, snatching the last paper left in the bowl.

"Park Jimin," he mumbles, throwing the piece of paper out of his sight in annoyance.

"I don't know why you don't like it, it's a good name. Sounds like a successful one does it not?" Namjoon looks to his companions for support.

"Yes, yes it does!" Three, now known as Jung Hoseok, speaks up. "Park Jimin is a great name! I'm very jealous."

"I'll just have to accept it," Seven dramatically sighs. "That from here on out, I will be known as Park Jimin; the seventh star. Wow, I just got chills," he lightly giggles.

"You'll need to memorise these names so you don't forget them. We can't have you struggling and stuttering to remember your own name if someone asks you what it is," I point out, handing Seven his piece of paper back he threw away.

My eyes dart to Six, staring at his name on his piece of paper with his approved smile showing.

"But it seems as if you'll have no problem in that, will you, Kim Taehyung?"

His head shoots up, and Namjoon lightly laughs at his reaction.

"Seems as if you've already associatied yourself with the name. That's good," Namjoon walks over, patting his shoulder.

Taehyung innocently shrugs, peering up into my smug eyes.

"Does this mean we're finally acquaintances?" I step forwards, holding my hand out for him to take.

Narrowing his eyes, they flicker from my face to my hand. He can feel the rest of their eyes on him and he sighs, standing to his feet.

"Whatever," he brushes it off, slapping his hand into mine and shaking it.

"What he means to say is thank you for giving us names, Narae. They're perfect," Five, now known as Jungkook, stands to his feet with a warm smile. I haven't actually heard him speak to me properly until now.

"We promise to not let these names down!" Four, now Seokjin, firmly speaks.

My heart warms. These guys really are sweet (even Taehyung) and I can see why Namjoon cares for them a lot.

Maybe I'll feel the same way one day too.


They have their names now, yay!

If you were wondering, I didn't number them in fanchant order or age order. I numbered them in the order they joined BTS.

Namjoon obviously joined first, then it was Yoongi, then Hoseok, then Jin, then Jungkook, then Taehyung and Jimin was the last to join :)

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