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Hey~ Guess who's back~

How long has it been since I last updated, huh? hahaha. It feels like forever. So i'd just like to apologise in advance for any mistakes you might notice upon reading this chapter.

But I still hope you enjoy otherwise ^u^



Cry’s P.O.V

My body felt numb.

Everything seemed dark and quiet…

What the hell happened to me?

The first thing that came to my mind was, ‘Am I dead?’

I tried to move but found myself failing in an instant. Why can’t I freakin’ move?!  It seemed that the only thing working right now was my mind. Not much of a help though. Unless…


The echo of my voice tinged with hope, Just waiting for an answer from my crazy demon partner, but after seconds of waiting and receiving nothing but deafening silence, I called again.

‘Mad!? are you there?’

The hope in me slowly faded away with every passing second I waited to hear his voice, and yet again I received nothing, not so much as even as a faint whisper… Where is he?

Clearly nothing good will do if I kept calling for someone who wouldn’t even so much as to answer me, but I couldn’t help feel worried and scared inside. Something happened to me and I can’t even do anything to help myself.

‘Ok, Ryan, Just relax… Take a deep breath, and relax’. I soothed myself.

‘You can handle this. Just don’t panic... Relax and don’t panic. Relax and don’t panic. You got this, you can handle this…’ I paused everything and tried to calm my mind and tried to relax all thoughts.

‘God this isn’t helping!… I feel like a crazy person talking to myself right now.’

I know that I was just lulling myself into a false sense of security.I was out of ideas and was about to rant my frustration out, but just then I heard a sound, it was so faint I would have thought it was just my imagination if it wasn’t for the fact that I heard it again.



It sounded like it had a rhythm to it, just like a light beating of a drum. Just hearing this sound made me so overjoyed.


Since my hearing seemed to be working I took the opportunity to try my earlier attempt again.

‘Please let it work’ was all I could repeat as I slowly but desperately tried to move my hand… Nothing… Maybe I should start off with something small and simple, like my finger. Yeah.

‘If this doesn’t work I swear I’ll shit myself’

First attempt… Failed… ‘Fuuuu-!!!’

I was just so ready to blow my mind right now, but I knew better than that. I just hope I wasn’t in a god damn coma or something.

‘Ok, Ryan. Take it easy, just try again… Nothing to it.’

So I tried for the second time. Haha, well, what’dya know, Nothing happened! Trying to move my F’n finger was starting to drain the little energy I had left. Well, as they all say ‘third time’s the charm’. Please let this work so help me- Yep! Noooothing! Not so much as a little twitch. What the hell is going on?!

This is my one last try, ‘cause I seriously feel like a bag of puke right now. And if this doesn’t work, fuck it.

‘Please let this- Forget it.’  

I attempted to move my finger one last time. And the instant I received my result, I just felt thankful.  ‘Third time’s the charm’ my ass! More like ‘fourth time’s the charm’!... well, whatever, I DID IT! I’m just glad I got something out of all my draining attempts. Although it might just be one finger I was able to move, and it was barely a jolt, it was more like a faint twitch- I’m just glad. At least my effort is showing promise.

I wanted to continue and try moving more of my fingers until I could fully move my hand. But I was too tired. I needed rest…

‘No, Ryan. Screw rest! And continue this shit!’ I ‘motivated’ myself. 

I wanted to move again. I wanted to see. I wanted to feel! I want to know what happened to me…

A few more attempts have passed by and I think its working! The numbness I felt earlier was slowly disappearing, I guess now is a good time than any other to try and open my eyes. And let me tell you, I felt like a proud little puppy wagging its tail who’s been told ‘good boy’ by his owner when I had succeeded without failure.

The blinding light wasn’t welcoming at all, even with the slow pace I took into lifting my eyelids open, I couldn’t help but to close them again. I figured I could try and call for Mad! before I’d take in the blinding light once more.

‘Mad!? Can you hear me?’

Just as I thought. Still nothing from the demon. I hate to admit it, but I’m starting to worry for him.

I opened my eyes again, and this time adjusting to the rich ray that was interfering with my vision. Everything looked blurry at first; I couldn’t even make out a single object. But sure enough I managed to make out that I was in a room; lying in a soft bed. I let out a soft sigh of relief, just glad to be able to move and awake. The white ceiling was the first thing I saw when my vision finally cleared.

I blinked a few times and let out a satisfied yet weak chuckle, “I guess I won’t be shitting myself after all.”

After staring at the ceiling for more than 10 seconds, I decided to try and sit up. I winced and instantly slumped back down when a shooting pain run through my right hand and up to my arm.

It appeared that I was stuck with an IV. And the beeping sound I heard earlier was a heart monitor. Go figure.

After seeing all this, it wasn’t hard to figure out that I was in a hospital, held in a hospital room. Just great.

I tried sitting up again and at a slower pace this time, but I seemed to have a hard time shuffling to sit up, feeling a weight on my blanket that covered me up to my chest; giving me a limit to how much I could move.

I didn’t know how I hadn’t noticed this before, but my closest friend- Red, was sitting on a chair right beside me. Her arms crossed together as they rested on the side of the bed, and her face completely buried within them.

‘How long has she been here?’ I thought.

I waited for a specific someone to just suddenly reply but to no shock, I was greeted with silence. I sighed in disappointment. The only one time I wanted to hear Mad!’s voice, and today seemed to be the day where he just suddenly shuts up without reason.

I shook my head, “How wonderful.”

My attention went back to my Beautiful red-headed friend. I smiled at her sight and carefully stretched my IV pierced hand to the sleeping female and ran my fingers in her soft rubicund hair.

She must have been so worried.

“I’m sorry, Red… Everyone” I let out in a shaky-whispering manner. Guilt was the most terrible feeling for me to feel. And Guilt had always been the most thing I felt everyday in my life. Everything I’ve done wrong and everything I’ve said. My friends had always been there for me and has always helped me clean up my mess, knowing this was more than enough to make me feel like a guilty criminal being charged of his crimes.

Red’s head weakly jolted up to meet my gaze, causing me to retract my hand in startlement, but I soon found myself softening my expression and offered her a weak guilt-like smile.

“Hi, Friend”

“Ryan!” She gasped, her voice still sounded tired, but despite the fact she just woke up she immediately hugged me, but clearly made sure not to hurt me in the process. Her chin rested on my shoulder gently as I embraced her back.

Feeling her gentle warmth that a friend could ever offer to another with such a celestial sentiment only acknowledged and received through friendship was more than enough to remind me how thankful I was for everyone in my life. There are many types of warmth in the world, and this I know is a feeling of great friendship. I had always felt this between all of my close friends.

“Ryan, Thank God you’re awake!”

She sounded like she was crying but laughing at the same time. I embraced her tighter and let out a sigh-like laugh.

“Yeah… But, what happened to me exactly?”

She sniffled a few times before answering me. “You don’t remember?”

We both pulled away from our hug and both shifted back into a more comfortable position as I shook my head in response.

“The only thing I could remember was pain running through my body before I blacked out.”

She studied me for a few seconds, pondering on a few thoughts of some sorts with her facial expression sealed into a serious yet worried look as her lips pursed into a straight line. I was about to ask her what she was thinking about but then she sighed, preventing me to voice out my thoughts.

“Look to your left” she demanded softly.  At first I was confused to her sudden command but just did as I was told.

My breath hitched in my throat, my eyes wide with shock, and my lips parted slightly to usher out Mad!’s name in disbelief.

He was in a hospital bed next to me, also paired with an IV on his left hand and connected to a heart monitor; the soft beeping sounds followed the rhythm of his weak heartbeat. My words came out in a hushed and worried tone as I questioned Red for answers.

“Well… When we were all at the mall, you guys were still at a video game shop and the rest of us were still buying some stuff for Mad! Whom I clearly know isn’t your cousin…”  Red paused at the last word. I felt my body tense up at her announcement and turned my head to look at her… How did she know?

“I know because it was plain obvious. Simple as that.” She chuckled. It was as if she read my mind.

All I could do was scratch the back of my head and mutter out simple ‘Oh’

“Anyways, I expect a reason as to why you just didn’t tell us that Mad! wasn’t your cousin in the first place, after I finish explaining what I know.”

I nodded in agreement and waited for her to continue where she left off.

“Ok, where was I?...” She tapped a finger on her chin “Oh yeah!, when the guys and I were picking out a shirt I noticed Mad! seemed a little more quiet than his usual quiet self. He seemed off; he would fidget around and seemed to sweat even though it wasn’t even hot. And there was a time when he asked me if I could call you just to check how you were doing, but I just told him that I’d call you later when we got everything taken care of.”

Red looked at me intently; her eyes showed care mixed with sadness. I just stayed quiet, wanting to hear more of the whole events that happened.

“Then, we got a call from Minx, telling us you fell unconscious after she witnessed you shivering in pain, whimpering some words, covered in cold sweat in Felix’s arms. Her voice was so panicked through the cellphone it scared us all, you know?…” Red inhaled in a deep shaky breath and exhaled just as shakily.

“We thought something really awful happened to you.” She looked like she was about to cry but refrained herself from doing so. She was always the one trying to be brave for everyone, to show courage for others, to stand up for us all. She was the mature yet fun-loving red-head in our group, and I admired her for being who she is. 

Here comes the guilt.  “Red, I’m so sorry…” I reached for her hand and squeezed it gently, looking at her with such guilt in my eyes. “I’m really sorry, friend.” I whispered.

She just shook her head and attempted to smile; telling me there was nothing to say sorry for. I returned the smile, but my mind was telling me I had every reason to apologize. And I knew that. I gently pulled her in for a comforting hug. Feeling like I was about to cry myself, but thankfully I didn’t. Not right now.

“But you know,” Red started, Still in my soft embrace, “When Mad! heard the news of what happened, he immediately bolted off to look for you, he looked so worried actually.”

“Really?” I murmured.

It was kind of un-imaginable for me to think that Mad! could actually worry for someone. We broke the hug, and I slowly found myself looking back at mad! then back to Red.

“Yeah. When we finally got to where you guys were, Felix and Mad! were yelling at each other. At first we were all confused to what we were seeing, but then Minx told us what happened between the two.” She stopped.

I listened to Red, giving her my undivided attention. “Why? What happened?” I pushed on. I probably sounded eager but I didn’t care.

She chuckled and took yet another deep breath, “well apparently, when you passed out, Felix was carrying you bridal-style towards the van, but you guys never made it out the shop when Mad! arrived and told Felix to hand you over to him. Minx told us that Felix refused; saying he could handle it.  ” Red explained.

“Then what?” I urged on. I seriously felt like a little kid listening to an interesting story from his grandpa. This caused Red to laugh for a brief moment, “You’re like a kid you know that?” she commented. I rolled my eyes in a playful manner and scoffed, raised an eyebrow and motioned my hand for her to go on.   

“So Mad! got irritated and demanded Felix to hand you over, also telling him that you were his responsibility. Then from there on, they both began yelling at each other until Mad! actually took you  from Felix’s grasp and just began walking away towards the van like nothing happened between him and Felix, and everyone just followed shocked and very worried. And Felix didn’t seem too happy of what Mad! did too. That’s for sure.” The red-head shook her head at her last statement, “I swear, guys can be so immature.”

“Heey! You’re no lady yourself, ya know.” I frowned

Red and I then stared at each other with expressionless faces; It was like we were in a stare off competition after I had said my remark. But soon after we bursted out into laughter, then eventually calmed down as I began to feel a little sore on my right hand.

“But seriously, Mad!, Did those things you just said?”

It was really un-imaginable! But the thought gave me a weird feeling. Not the bad kind though.

Red cleared her throat before answering my question, “Yes, he did. And the whole ride to the hospital was you being held in Mad!’s arms. Protectively, from what I could witness.” She smirked at me. Her eyes gave a glistening hint of mischief, looking as if she knew something good and continued her talking.

“When we finally arrived, the doctor and nurses took over, and not moments later Mad! Suddenly collapsed, luckily Russ was next to him and stopped him from hitting the cold floor.”

My friend looked over at Mad! with a worried expression, making me follow her gaze. He looked so vulnerable, so peaceful, so harmless with the way he looked, and so innocent.

 Huh, what the hell am I saying?!

“Even back at the mall; when I began feeling something off about him, he seemed to be in pain, and yet he still managed to carry you over to the van and into the hospital… I admired his strength and actions for what he did, and I know everyone else did also.”

My eyes softened for the demon beside me. If what Red said was true, then I must’ve judged Mad! too quickly for my own beliefs, not even really trying to get to know him better.

She cupped her hand into mine caringly, “he must really care for you.”

I looked back at my female companion again, finding myself at a loss for words. I could imagine my face right now, my mouth hanging open and my eyes big in disbelief as my eyebrows raised, and a knowing blush greeting my face. Red seemed to find my reaction amusing; proving it when she released a soft laugh. Well, at least she seemed more relaxed now. I smiled weakly and looked at Mad! once again.

I just can’t believe he did those things… Just for me…

Maybe he wasn’t as bad as I thought he was… Maybe he and I can become good friends just like my friends I have right now. It’s worth a shot, right? Everyone deserves more than second chances… Even a demon like Mad!

“So. If he isn’t your cousin, who is he?”Red’s question tore my gaze away from the demon. I can’t tell her the truth; she’ll think I’ve gone crazy… Well, here comes another lie. I just hope she buys this one.

I sighed, preparing to make my answer as believing as possible, “He’s a very close friend from when I was still living with… My mother…” My words trailed off after recalling my mother and let out an involuntary sigh escape my lips but continued to explain nonetheless, “We were neighbors. He moved away when I turned 16. And we hadn’t had any contact since then, until now that is.”

You can’t keep lying like this, Ryan. You can’t keep lying to your friends. It’s killing you.

Red nodded once I had finished and seemed to take in every lie I’d just said. I seriously feel like I’m just made up of pure lies right now. A big lying shit. Yep.

“Should we tell the others about it? They’re our best friends, they also deserve to know. What d’ya think?”

“Yeah, I guess so… It’s up to you. I don’t mind.”

“Ok, we’ll tell them once they get back from buying some food.”

I nodded slowly, now feeling a little nervous for no good reason, now looking down on the blanket. I felt Red’s gentle hands placed on my shoulders firmly and gave it a few gentle shakes.

“Don’t worry, they’ll understand.”

I nodded and gave yet another half-hearted smile… Lies… Most words that seem to come out of my mouth are all lies… Mad!’s right, It seems that I do lie a lot. But it’s for a good reason.

“RYAN YOU’RE AWAKE!” Someone shrieked, causing me to flinch from being startled out of my pathetic self-pity.

“Jesus, Minx, Keep it down. We’re not the only people in the hospital you know.” Scott scolded.

I shot my head towards the door, still feeling my heart beat vigorously, like I was being chased by a freakin lion.

All of my friends began walking in the room with a bunch of food and drinks in their hands, as well as ‘Get well soon’ balloons and some beautiful bouquets of flowers.

I managed to calm down and greeted my friends with a welcoming smile, “Hey guys.” My throat feels so strained and yet I had just noticed this right now.

Everyone began walking towards me and huddled up around my bed after placing everything they were carrying on a table and started asking me a bunch of questions after another. I couldn’t help but chuckle at how their over-worrying side took over.

“Whoah, whoah, slow down” I help my hand up in defense and also to silence my ‘20 questions’ friends, “I have a question of my own.”

Everyone chuckled.

“Ask away my good compadre.”Scott gestured for me to ask what I wanted to know.

“Ha, thanks Scott. So how long have I been passed out anyways?”

Everyone fell quiet for a moment; all posing as if they were deep in thought. They looked kind of silly, especially Scott, who was placing one of his hands on his hip and the other on his chin, and topping it all off with a thinking diva-like expression. I just had to chuckle for his silliness.

Snake soon broke off the silence.

“Almost a week now… 5? Maybe 6 days?” the tall man shrugged.

“Hey! I was going to say that~!” Scott pouted childishly as he crossed his arms, “You big meanie.”.

Everyone just laughed when Snake flicked him on the forehead

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