Hidden Lies

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AAAaaaahhahahhahahhah!! YAY! I'm baaaack~... Did you all think I was Dead?!.. heh... Hell NO! Anyways. A huge apology for, well, not updating for a long time. And thank you all for your support even though you guys don't really know me. So yeah. Thanks :D I hope ya'll enjoy the chappy ;) (I hope my story isn't too boring for you all)

Mad!Akari: Heh... It's not boring... It's Dead boring! so boring it could wake the dead and kill the living HAHAHA! 

Me: ....! ..... I know.... TT.TT ..... anyways. I hope you'll still enjoy. 

Now grab some freakin' snacks and Get a drink so you can go on and read! 


Mad!Pewds’ P.O.V

I stopped dead on my tracks after hearing Mad! Demanding some answers. I stared blankly at his back as I thought of an excuse to say.

It wasn’t time to reveal the truth to him just yet, Silence filled the chilling air. Neither Mad! Nor I spoke a single word for a short couple of minutes.

‘I hate this plan’ I thought.

“Ah~ Yes… That…” My words came out in somewhat of a hushed tone. If I was gonna carry out everything as planned without fail, I needed to come up with a good lie to tell him.

I’m still not too sure about the whole thing. It’s not that I hate him or anything, but I have no choice in the matter.

He looked behind me over his shoulder; expression still cold as ever as he waited for an answer.

“Well, you see Mad!...” I paused, I’ve decided to answer his question with some of the truth, or rather, Just a small clue for him to ponder on. That would give us time to take action before he finds out about the whole thing.

“A ‘surprise’ is on its way. You might not know it yet, but you have a great deal of ‘challenges’ aiming towards you and your precious Ryan.” I stopped.

Now tilting my head up towards the star filled sky, not a single cloud lurked over the stars and the moon, allowing both to shine their light to the world.. I hated it. Light never brings you justice… Never.

“What do you mean by ‘challenges?’” Mad!, Questioned.

“Relax” I brought my attention back to him, he was obviously growing cautious towards his surroundings.  “I’m not planning to do anything… Not just yet… Not until I receive my orders” I whispered the last few words with a saddened tone as my gaze brought itself to the ground, I made sure he didn’t hear the last words I said though, or else I would have to pay the price for my ‘idiotic actions’.

“What are y-” he began once more but was cut off.

“I’m sorry but I cannot answer anymore questions. Just keep my words in mind, You better protect that little partner of yours.”

We both glared at one another, as if sending threat messages through the cold silence. Deadly tension was seeping out of him, but no actions were made as I began to walk pass; only stopping two steps ahead of him. But even though I could not see his expression, I could feel he was sending poisonous daggers my way.  But I was used to it. He was just your typical Mad!

My head turned towards him, and saw that he was slowly opening and closing his fists. I’d be frustrated too, if I were in his situation right now, But that doesn’t mean I’m not frustrated myself.

“I swear if you even-” he hissed, but again he was cut off by my loud sigh of irritation.

 “What?! If I even what?! You’ll kill me or something?!” I turned my position towards him completely and took one step forward and placed a hand on his shoulder firmly, “Trust me, time isn’t even on my side right now…”   my voice slowly trailed off.

 And once again I was back staring at the ground, inspecting a bunch of rocks as if they were the most interesting things I ever did see, But truth be told, my mind was racing with slight guilt and fear.

I almost broke out into an outburst for a moment there. Luckily I knew well enough to keep my composure. My hand loosely slid down his shoulder and fell to my side, I turned away from him; my gaze still glued to the ground. Neither one of us spoke a single word after what had just happened. I could tell he was shocked by my sudden change of tone. I couldn’t blame him though.

I let out a quiet sigh and closed my eyes for a brief moment of thinking, “Let’s just head back to the house” I suggested. I didn’t even wait for his reply when I began to walk towards the direction of our temporary home.

We were both tired and frustrated, and might I add, Confused. Things weren’t really going the way I wanted it at all. But, the plans were.

I could tell It was very late, and morning was slowly creeping upon us, so everyone in the house should be well asleep by now, that meant; sneaking in wasn’t a problem for the both of us.  

And as if things didn’t feel awkward already, the walk home was only filled with silence by the both of us. I think neither one of us could dare to speak out a single word, not even a peep just to break this awkward tension lingering in the atmosphere around us.

I’m just thankful that it wasn’t completely quiet, or else I think I would have snapped. The only noises that were made were the sounds of pebbles softly shuffling beneath our feet as we walked and the rustling of the leaves every time the wind carelessly blew through the trees. Slight sounds of chirping notes produced by male crickets laced in the wind accompanied by an owl’s hoot escaping through the darkness of the woods as well as many other animal sounds.

If you really listened well enough, you could hear various sounds all around coming in every direction; it was as if an orchestra was being played by natures will.  I have to admit, I’m not one for a lover of nature, but something like this was worth respecting I guess, especially when you could only hear sounds like these at night.

It didn’t take long before the beach house reached our field of vision.  Eager for a good rest; Mad! And I quickened our pace and before we knew it we were within the walls of the house. And just as I expected, everyone were fast asleep. ‘Good’ I thought.

I let out a tired yawn as I started walking towards the stairs and stopped on the first step, “well, I’m gonna get some sleep.. You should too.” I spoke not wanting to make eye contact.

“Yeah.. But from now on, I’ll be keeping strict precaution around you.” Mad! Yawned after.

I rolled my eyes in dismissal to his words, “I’m not the only threat around here, you know” I whispered as a retort that wasn’t meant to be heard.


“Nothing. Just remember what I said. Protect that partner of yours, even if you feel ‘hatred’ for him.”

“What’s that suppose to mean!?” Mad!’s voice raised slightly.

“Never mind that, just don’t forget.”

After warnings were said and threats were delivered, we headed upstairs and quickly went in our rooms; Almost instantly collapsing on our beds after we changed into a pair of clean clothes.

‘Fuck shower, I’ll have one when I wake up.’

My eyes began to close and open slowly until all the strength in my body was completely gone just to even open my eyes again… Strange, huh?. Mad! And I threatened to kill one another, or at least just harm one another, and yet here we are, sleeping in the same room as if it were nothing. I guess we both know well enough not to draw our knives at each other’s throats for now.

 My somnolent feeling was becoming more unbearable as my consciousness began to fade. But I guess mad! Was more tired than I was, hearing his soft snores said it all.

A faint sorrowful smile weakly crept on my face, ‘You don’t know it yet… But you will soon’ those echoing words of mine were the last words I thought of, then my world faded into total darkness, the darkness I have lived within for so long.  


 Cry’s P.O.V

“Augh~ that was weird…” I groaned and turned to my side, my eyes still possessed by sleepiness so I kept them closed. I just had a weird dream, well, weird and kinda awful. I furrowed my eyebrows slightly. I could feel a warm sensation brush across my face.  

Due to curiosity, I slightly parted my eyelids to see what was before me. And let me tell you, what I came across sure as hell wasn’t a pleasant wake up call.

“What’s weird?” Mad! Questioned, his face all up in my face with that stupid psycho grin of his!! ‘But it’s kinda…Nope! Never mind. ’

Sudden shock ran through my entire body as my mind began to race with adrenaline.


And not a moment later, my body met with the cold floor of our room as the covers lazily sprawled out on the floor; covering my waist area only . In simple explanation; I fuckin’ fell off the bed, which seemed to please Mad! Though. He was practically tearing up with laughter.


“I heard that”

Mad! Was now in the state of chuckling lightly, as for me, I was still on the floor; partially lying on my back with my right elbow propping me up slightly and my left leg slightly bent.

For some stupid reason, my demon of a partner laughed once more when he set his gaze on me. Dammit! What was it this time!?

“Hahaha!!! Stay like that for a sec. I’m gonna try and draw you like one of my French girls! HAHHAHhahaha!!”

His words came out between his hysterics as he Joked around; acting as if he was ‘drawing’ me. I displayed an ‘angry’ look on my face.

“My position is NOWHERE NEAR that pose!” I exclaimed, slightly puffing my cheeks like an angry child, still in the same positing as I was in.

“haha! Yeah. Sure.” Mad! Then began to walk towards me and extended his hand out, “Here, take my hand.” His facial expression suddenly changed from looking like a laughing maniac to a… Sincere person? demon?.. Gah! You know what I mean! Ha! I doubt that he actually cares though.

“You better not try to do anything funny!” I shot before hesitantly reaching out my own hand.

“Just grab my hand already!”


To my actual surprise, he didn’t try to pull a prank on me or anything. He just, helped me stand up. What the hell is wrong with this guy!? He’s so confusing! My mind was wondering off again because it took me a few second to notice that Mad! Was slightly slapping the side of my face to get his attention. He could’ve just waved a hand over my face! But nooo~ he had to give me a slight bitch slap. Hmph!

“Hey! I know I’m Sexy as Hell. But you don’t need to keep staring” he smirked.

“ha! You wish! I wasn’t even staring…” I blurted out a bit embarrassed that I was, well, Staring at him… while I was thinking about him… WHOAH! WHAT!?! That came out wrong! I mean I was thinking about why he acts all high and mighty, evil, and stuff like that, dammit!

“You’re staring again”

“What!? Was not!”

“Was too”

“Was not!!”

“Was too~”

“Agh! Fuck you dude!”

“Maybe someday” he winked.


What now? Seriously! What the hell is going on with this guy? He’s acting weird. Once I finished dusting myself off, I began to walk pass him and started making my way out of the room.

“Hey fag! Fag..Fag? where are you going fag?”

Yep. I think that should do it!. That should snap my patience.. I turned to face him; my so called “Demonic Mad!Side” and just glared into his somewhat Crimson blood eyes.

“Why. Do you. Keep. Calling me. That!?”

I swear once I said those words with such anger. I think? I dunno, I’m not really good in controlling my emotions. There was this one time when, I- Oh shit! Sorry, off topic. Heh. Anyways, after saying those words I could swear I thought I saw him flinch, Just the slightest.

“Whoah! Take it easy Ryan. I was just messing with you.”

“Well, Stop! You’re starting to annoy me rather than Scare me.” I groaned in annoyance. See!? He’s REALLY annoying!

“You know. You scare me sometimes, and I’m from hell”

I rolled my eyes at his remark causing him to snicker. Well, at least I can tolerate he’s actions a little bit better now. But I think, him using my body for killing people is gonna take a lot of more time to getting use to.

‘Agh! Why can’t he just get his own body!?’ 


I flinched hearing Mad!’s voice from behind me as I walked down the flight of stairs.


“I said soon…I’ll soon be able to create my own body.”

“Oh… Well, make it sooner so you don’t have to keep using my body!” my voice kinda rose all of a sudden.

“What?! Someone’s using your-what?! Who’s using your body?!”

Both Mad! And I turned our attention to the person in front of us.

“R-red! What?!  No! No one’s using my body!”

“Ryan? Who-who’s This?”


Okie. so lemme stop the story here.. Bwahahahahahaha!!!!... So...ummm....yeah. for once I don't have much to say...so... ON WARDS TO THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! 

Wait! nevermind..I have something to say.. Ahem... I hope you will all understand that even though I am now able to update 'My Inncocent Killer' I won't be able to update as frequent as I used to. I Still have some things to deal with, but not as much as last time. I hope you will all understand.

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