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"Daddy, can we finally wake up mommy?" Ellis sighed

"Yes, sweetie. Go wake up your mom and I'll put dinner ready" Derek smiled and watched his daughter run away to the living room

Ellis climbed on the couch and softly kissed the tip of her mom's nose

"Mommy, wake up! Daddy made dinner" Ellis giggled "Mommy!" She repeated when Meredith didn't wake up, the little girl getting slightly upset and shook her mother's shoulder

"Hmm.. What?" Meredith groaned

"Mommy!" The girl fell into Meredith's arms

"Hi munchkin" The woman breathed

"Daddy made dinner" Ellis muttered in her mother's chest

"Dinner?" Meredith frowned and checked the watch. She must have been asleep for four hours now "I didn't hear daddy arriving" Meredith frowned

"Hey, are you okay?" Derek quickly walked over to Meredith as he was worried about her

"Yeah, of course. When did you arrive?" Meredith frowned

"A few hours ago. No worries, Ellis is perfectly okay and dinner's waiting for us" He smiled

"Oh.. Okay" Meredith yawned and felt her feet were numb. She was actually scared to stand up and fall "I'll be there in a minute" She said as she tried to wiggle her toes

Derek and Ellis took off as Meredith stayed behind and was struggling to stand up. She heavily leaned onto the furniture to slowly make her way over to the kitchen, almost tripping once over her own feet

"Mommy, come!" Ellis saw her and grabbed her hand

"Mer, is everything alright?" Derek asked her as he placed the plates on the table

"Of course" She nodded her head


"Daddy, do you wanna bring me to bed?" Ellis asked with a big smile

"Of course, lovely" Derek lifted Ellis in her arms "Meredith, are you coming?" He asked the blonde woman that had been quiet on the couch all evening

"Huh?" She snapped out of thoughts

"It's bedtime for Ellis, are you coming as well?" He asked as concern kept rising inside him

"Oh.. Yes" Meredith nodded her head and stood up, her blanket still wrapped around her

They walked upstairs and tucked Ellis in bed, Derek started reading a story while Meredith held Ellis in her arms

"Night night, monkey" Derek kissed Ellis' forehead

"Night baby girl" Meredith did the same and stood up

"Mer, go to bed and rest. If you don't feel better tomorrow, just call and I'll take Ellis so you can rest" Derek quietly said and Meredith just nodded her head "I'm going now, please call me if there's anything wrong, Meredith" Derek frowned

"Thanks Derek" Meredith nodded and walked into her own bedroom "Thanks.." She spoke up again before closing her door and climbing into bed where she finally felt the emotions of what happened today take over

Meredith kept on crying as she had no idea what was going on. She felt her body hurting with every sob and collapsed on the mattress, small hands bringing her back

"Mama, what's going on?" Ellis asked as she was very confused

"Nothing, baby. You should go back to bed" Meredith quickly composed herself

"Can I stay here? You'll feel better after some cuddles" Ellis promised softly and kissed her mom's cheek softly

"O-Okay" Meredith nodded and let Ellis climb in next to her and the two fell asleep


Ellis had been awake for a bit but saw her mom was still asleep so the girl got up, grabbed a bunch of her stuffies and went back to Meredith's room where she laid the stuffed animals on the bed and cuddled in between them

"Fluffy, we need to take good care of mommy" She whispered to her favourite stuffed animal, the one that always moved back and front when she switched households

Ellis was feeling tired from laying down so decided to snuggle back into her mother's arms for another nap

A few hours later she woke up due to her mother starting to move

"Hi mommy" Ellis smiled to face Meredith

"Hi monkey. Did you sleep well?" Meredith yawned

"I did! Your phone's been beeping" The girl mentioned so Meredith weakly reached for her phone and even had to use both her hands to lift it and check who had tried to contact her

"Hmm.. Your father's been worrying" Meredith giggled "Do you wanna call him? Just tell him we're alright" She held her phone out for her daughter and watched as the girl pressed the button and started the call

"Meredith, finally!" Derek's voice was heard

"Daddy, it's me!" Ellis giggled

"Oh hi munchkin, is everything okay?" Derek asked concerned

"Yes! Mommy and I have been sleeping lots and lots" The girl giggled as she explained "And I brought all the stuffies because we were in the bed for sooooo long" Ellis told him

"Really? Are you still in bed?" Derek frowned

"Yes! Mommy just woke up" Ellis answered

"Okay honey, daddy's gonna stop by in a few hours with dinner, I bet mommy will like that as well. See you then, baby. I need to go now, they need the best brain doctor" Derek laughed

"Bye daddy! Love you!" Ellis giggled

"Bye munchkin" Derek said before hanging up the phone

Meredith grabbed her phone and placed it on the nightstand "Are you hungry or thirsty, baby?" Meredith asked

"Can I have apple juice with some toast?" Ellis asked with big eyes

"Of course, let's go" Meredith pushed herself up but her legs gave out, as if her legs refused to work and she fell on the ground

"Mommy!" Ellis gasped and looked shocked

"E-Ellie. It's okay. It's okay!" Meredith tried to calm her daughter down but didn't even know what was going on. She just knew her legs refused to work and there was no way she could get up "Ellie- Give me my phone, please. I'll call uncle Alex, it's okay" Meredith stretched her arm out for the little girl to take, scared she'd be too scared

My exam yesterday went okay-ish I hope. I have 3 more and can't wait for it to be over but I'm glad to tell you I have updates (almost) ready for the upcoming days!

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