Rivalry [Conclusion]

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After school, Imani was invited over to Haru's house, which was perfect for her, since she wanted to talk to him about Shuichi. His parents were not going to be home, so there was going to be no unwanted confrontation with them. Most girls would be nervous being alone with their boyfriends, Imani was not. Her and Haru were comfortable enough to be alone together without being tempted into doing anything the two of them were not ready to do.

"How's  your studies going?" Imani asked as she relaxed and laid on Haru's bed, staring at the ceiling. "You haven't asked me for help in a while. I actually miss tutoring you". She chuckled.

"It's actually going pretty well. You had helped me out a lot. My teachers are really great and they help me out a lot as well". He answered as he sat at his desk, continuously throwing a ball against the wall and catching it.

"It's cool that you're getting along with your teachers and that you're fairing well in your studies". "I feel so proud". She said, fake crying and holding her chest.

"Shut up", Haru laughed as he threw the ball at Imani, which she caught immediately.

"Nice arm. Played any sports?"

"Lots as a kid: softball, soccer, basketball, track, swimming, tennis, and flag football. I was a pretty sporty girl".

"Wish I could have seen you".

"Well, if you're ever in America, I can show you trophies and photos. No sweat. It's not the same, but it's close".

"Is that an invitation?"

"Hell yeah".

The sat in comfortable silence, chuckling and laughing, until Imani spoke out.

"Want to tell me about you and Shuichi?"

"You're not going to drop this, are you?" Haru sighed.

"Nope, especially since Shuichi told me everything earlier today".

Haru looked at her. "You were alone with the guy?" He asked standing up.

"Yes, but he didn't do anything. He just wanted to tell me about you guy's history. And he did."

That made Haru flinch, but he sighed again and sat back down. "If he told you everything then there's nothing more for me to say. It's all true. I was a horrible kid back then".

"But why? I know there isn't any excuses to what you did, but I still want to know your reasoning".

"What can I say? My mom was drunk, even back then and my father was an abusive asshole. The only person, who I trusted and who brought me comfort was my uncle, my father's brother, but he messed with his head and ruined his life. I never saw him again. I didn't have anything. Sure, I had a fortune, but that didn't bring me happiness. It's just paper. I needed something that could bring me something as horrible as that sounds. Bullying Shuichi gave me that".

"Do I wish I can change things? Yes".

"Well you can. Go and talk to him. Apologize. Work it out".

Haru shook his head. "That would accomplish nothing".

"How do you know, unless you try?"

"Because I tried that a long time ago and nothing has changed".

"It has to change. Just come with me. You and Shuichi cannot have this type of relationship. It's unhealthy".

"There's nothing I can do about it".

"You can if you put effort into it". Imani told him, standing up and gathering her belongings. "How do you expect to resolve an issue if you don't try to fix the problem?"

"I let it resolve itself".

Imani rolled her eyes and shook her head at him and walked out. She got out her cellphone and texted Shuichi, "let's meet up". She was going to solve this one way or another, even if Haru didn't care to try.

Shuichi had told Imani where to meet up. It took her a long time to find the place because she got lost multiple times. She was always the one to get lost easily. She had no sense of direction. She didn't know why she would think it was good idea in the first place to go alone, but it's too late now. She arrived to Shuichi's little hideout. It's always in an abandoned building somewhere where they like to hang out.

Imani entered through the opened door to see a group of twenty or so guys sitting around in front of a trash can with a fire inside it. They all eyed her, some suspiciously, others lustfully. Imani felt creeped out and uncomfortable , but she didn't let that show in her face. She kept her face straight as she caught sight of Shuichi and walked towards him, ignoring the others.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes". He greeted her. "I'm glad you finally made it. Hopefully you didn't have any difficulty finding it".

"No, it was easy". Imani lied.

"Well, what do I owe this pleasant meeting?"

"Haru and his stubbornness. He can be frustrating sometimes". Imani sighed.

"Yeah, I totally agree". Shuichi nodded.

"You see, he wants to make up with you, but he believes nothing he can do will make things right between you two. Only you can decide that. What can he do to get you to forgive him?"

Shuichi rubbed his chin, pretending to think about a solution.

"Look, Haru did those awful things to you. I'm not expecting you two to be the best of friends. I just want you two to be friendly".

Shuichi continued to pretend to ponder.

"He isn't a bad guy. I know he's not. Remember when I told you I had claustrophobia? Well, I didn't mention everything".

Shuichi looked at her, interested in where she was going with what she was saying.

"Ayumi had locked me in an elevator and my claustrophobia had kicked in. Haru was the one to help me. He immediately knew about my condition thanks to what happened to you. He could have left me there like he did you. It was my first day of school and I have already gotten on his bad side, but he didn't. He got me out of that elevator on his own. There is good in Haru. I know it for a fact. I can see it. He truly regrets what he did to you".

"Tch ". Shuichi scoffed. "Always trying to be the damn hero".

"Please, put this behind you".

"Why are you doing this? For Haru?" Shuichi asked.

"For the both of you".

"How do you know I will forgive him just like that?" Shuichi asked.

"Because I can see that there's good in you too". Imani smiled.

Shuichi smirked at her as he dug into his pockets. He took out a switchblade. Imani watch him closely as he walked towards her flipping the blade open. Shuichi grabbed her neck and slammed her back against a nearby wall. Imani's face scrunched up in pain, but she remained calm. She opened her eyes and looked at Shuichi as he placed the blade on her neck.

"Do you still see good me?" He asked.

Imani stayed silent, making him chuckle. Shuichi traced the tip of blade down her neck and to chest, cutting open each button on her blouse. All the others watched closely, staring at her exposed bra. Shuichi noticed a scar on her stomach and traced it with the tip of his switchblade.

"I see you have been stabbed before. Right here". He said, poking it with his blade.

Imani's legs started trembling as she remembered that night. Shuichi only grinned as he noticed the fear in her eyes.

"Yes, it was that psycho Tetsuya, wasn't it? It must have been scary, thinking you were going to die. Did your life flash before your eyes?"

Imani remained silent, her whole body trembling. The whole night was flashing through her mind quickly.

"You remember the fear, but also the adrenaline and excitement". Shuichi grinned smugly.

Imani closed her eyes tightly, trying to calm herself down. Of course she remembered everything that night. How could she not? She was still afraid to be alone with Tetsuya. She knew in her heart that he didn't mean to, but her brain was telling her otherwise. She goes to see Kaito-sensei as her own personal psychologist because of it.

She opened her eyes and stared at Shuichi. The fear she once had was now gone and replaced courage and determination.

"You're wrong, Shu-chan~" Her voice cooed. "I actually wasn't afraid".

Shuichi stared at her, confused at the sudden change in attitude and aroused at hearing 'Shu-chan', dripping from her luscious lips.

"You see, Haru was there, even after you and your gang jumped him. He was beat up and bloody, but still came for me when he should have been in the hospital. Tetsuya was going to stab him, but I jumped in front of the blade and took Haru's blow. I wasn't scared. I didn't think about death. My life didn't flash before my eyes. I wasn't excited. The only thing I thought about was Haru's safety. You know what else happened?"

Shuichi continued to stare at her. "What?"

"I tried pushing Tetsuya away from Haru, but we both ended up falling off a two story roof and onto the ground below. Do not tell me how I fucking felt that night because I know exactly how I felt. That night still plagues my thoughts, ever day and night. I never forgot and I could never forget". Imani pushed Shuichi away from her and quickly snatched the switchblade out of his hands, before he fell on the ground on his behind.

Shuichi's gang all stood up at once, ready to attack Imani as she pointed the blade at Shuichi. Shuichi only grinned up at her, waving his hand at his gang, making them calm down and sit back down.

Shuichi started chuckling. "One would get beat up for the other and the other would get stabbed and thrown off a building for the other. Wow, sounds like love".

"Haru is a good guy now. I can't apologize enough for his behavior back then. I can't turn back time and prevent him from bullying you. I can't do it. I desperately wish that I could. I wish that could use a time machine and go back and stop Haru from bullying anyone, but that's not a reality. This is what I can do. Open your eyes".

Shuichi rubbed his temples, before grabbing Imani by the wrist and pulled her down with him and flipped her over, so that he was on top of her. He leaned down and planted a deep kiss on her lips. Imani was taken by surprise, but before she could react and do anything, Shuichi immediately parted from her.

"You talk way too damn much". He growled at her.

Imani stayed still and looked up at him. "I know there's good in you Shuichi".


"Because you had a knife at my neck and my stomach and did not harm me. You cut open my blouse, but never stared at my breasts like your friends did. As of now, you have me at your mercy, but have yet to touch me".

Shuichi sighed again and groaned, before getting off of her and helping her up. "I sound lame".

Imani smiled and shook her head. "No, you're not lame. Respecting women is not lame. You have a kind and good heart". She told him, touching his chest. "Listen to it".

Shuichi stared at Imani again. "Haru is definitely lucky to have you. I don't think he deserves you and that you're better off with me".

Imani smiled and laughed. "Well, if I would have met you first then perhaps things would be different".

Shuichi sighed once again. "Fine. Whatever. I will talk to him. I wanted to try and break you two up, but my plan didn't work. I was t expecting you two to through so much together".

"Thank you". Imani said as she stepped towards him, leaned on her toes and kissed his cheek. "You won't regret it. I promise. Besides, holding grudges never does anyone any good". She winked.

With that, she left Shuichi's hideout.  Shuichi made it impossible for her blouse to button back. She covered herself with the jacket and buttoned it up, so that she would catch a cold. Good thing, her school's uniform came with a jacket.

Shuichi and Haru had met up that same night in a park. It was dark with lampposts here and there and no one was around. It was late at night.

"What do you want to talk to me about Shuichi?" Haru asked, annoyed at this sudden meeting.

"It was brought to my attention that holding grudges was not good for either party. It's not good for me to hold them and not good for you to receive them. I was told forgiving you would bring us somewhat peace and I decided to do that". Shuichi said, holding out his hand.

Haru stared at him and his hand suspiciously, before taking it and shaking it.

"Consider yourself forgiven".

"What brought about this sudden enlightenment?" Haru asked, curiously.

"Let's just say a certain woman in your life cares a lot about you and your life and decided to meet up with me on her own and gave me a lesson and a awakening". He simply put. "You are lucky to have someone like her. Kind of jealous of you. Still think she's better off with me, but I know she truly and genuinely cares for you. Don't ruin it, Haru. Don't let her get away".

After that, Shuichi left Haru alone to think about what he said. Then it hit him. It was Imani.

"That crazy girlfriend of mine. What was she thinking? She could have gotten hurt or worse". Haru mumbled, before smiling to himself. "But thanks anyways".

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