No Rest for the Wicked

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The rest of the day did not go as Imani had hoped. She wanted to go unnoticed and avoid as much confrontation as possible, but no, she has to go and punch the school bully in the face. Really? For once, can Imani not let her temper get the best of her?

Strange and small things has been happening to her the whole day. Missing chair in calculus class, ice cream in her seat in history class, luckily she got all of it out of her skirt in time, before it stained. She was just going to have to go around with a wet spot on her ass for a while. That's less embarrassing. It will dry up. Ugly sketches of her were drawn on the board in biology class. Harsh words about her spray painted on the walls in the cafeteria. You name it: skin color, race, slut, the likes. Imani could have sworn she was being bullied. However, it didn't faze her because the person doing this was hiding in the shadows like a coward. It wasn't Haru. He was an arrogant, narcissistic asshole, but he wasn't a pussy. He wanted to bully someone, he would come out and do it. Besides, this was a woman's touch. No matter who it was, they were wasting their time. She simply just ignored their pathetic way of bullying her.

What about Haru? Well, he skipped most of his classes like he did last year. Didn't care enough about school. He only went to pass time and get out of his house with his parents. His father wanted him to take over the family business, despite what he wanted to do, so what's the point? Instead, he sulked around in his usual hangout in the back of the school on the track, in the stands. His followers went wherever he did.

Haru started pacing around, angry at what happened earlier with that Imani chick. He was so pissed that someone dared to challenge him and in front of the student body no less. He has a reputation to uphold and then some new, foreign girl comes along and tries to taint that. He was more pissed at himself because a part of him was turned on by Imani. The way she stood up for herself, for Tetsuya, a stranger, against him and decking him in the face. She had guts. He respected that. That and she was beautiful as hell too. God, he hated that woman.

"I have to get her back, somehow". He thought out loud.

"Hey boss? Maybe we can scare her?" Suggested Daisuke.

"How?" Asked Akio.

"Figure out what she hates and use it against her. Show her who's boss in this school".

"Yes sir!" Both Daisuke and Akio saluted, before running off.

Imani definitely felt like someone was out to get her. Then how come they won't face her? And after every incident, Ayumi mysteriously shows up and tried to comfort her. Just like that time earlier at the stairs. Imani didn't want to be suspicious of her new friend. Maybe it was just a coincidence? Hopefully?

She was sitting in the cafeteria, eating what she could afford at this school. Even the lunch here was fucking expensive. How is a girl supposed to eat? All she could afford was a turkey sandwich, a bottle of water and a apple. So American of her. She was either going to have eat a light lunch for the rest of her school year or start bringing her own lunch to school. She was enjoying her lunch alone when Ayumi came up to her, grinning widely. Imani's right brow rose as she became curious to her friend's new, bright attitude.

"Do you have free period right after lunch?" She asked, excitedly.


"So do I! I want to show you something".

"Seriously? Does she really have all of my classes or did she just transfer into all of them?" Imani thought. "No, Imani, stop being so suspicious of Ayumi. You just met her". She thought, shaking away the suspicious thoughts.

"Yeah, okay, sure". Imani smiled and agreed.

Her gut was telling her not to go, but she ignored anyways. Bad mistake. Imani finished up her food, threw away any wrappers and bottles and followed Ayumi outside.

"There's this other building behind the school. It's an old building that's going to be renovated soon, but the rooftop has an amazing view of the whole school. It's pretty cool during the day, but more scenic at night". Ayumi explained. "It's the perfect place to spend time alone or with your boyfriend". Ayumi giggled, winked and nudged Imani in her shoulder.

Imani laughed at her.

"I doubt I'll be spending any time with any boys being foreign and all".

Imani didn't really care. It wasn't like boys were on her mind. She came here to study not to have any drama with the opposite sex.

"Aww, don't be that way. You never know". Imani chuckled and shrugged it off. Who knows? Maybe she will find love in the most unexpected places and have those high school romances like the ones she sees in those Japanese dramas? God, she hoped not.  Too stressful.

"Boss! Boss!" Called Akio.

"What?" Haru groaned as he was in the middle of eating his lunch.

"It seems as though Ayumi is taking that foreigner to that old building on the other side of the school". Said Daisuke.

Haru laughed to himself.

"That devious little skank. I knew I dated her for a reason. She always has been loyal to me. I might actually start dating her again". He said in between bites.

"Hopefully, she would learn her lesson". Haru said, before he continued eating.

"We just have to go into that elevator and it will lead us up to the rooftop. Don't worry, it works. I recently used it".

Imani stopped dead in her tracks.

"Elevator? Don't they have stairs?" Imani asked. "I would rather use those". She said nervously.

Ayumi looked at her oddly.

"No, like I said before, this place is old and the stairs are old too. It's too dangerous. You step on those, the whole staircase will crumble". Ayumi explained.

"Go on".

Imani stared at the opened elevator. She was hesitant, but she reluctantly went inside, despite her whole being telling her not to. She became tense as she stood inside and looked around. As long as the doors stayed open, she would be fine.

Of course, the elevator doors shut and Imani was embraced with darkness. The lights weren't working for some reason.

"Ayumi?" Imani called out, but no one answered. She pressed the top button, not wanting to be in the elevator any longer, hoping it would to lead to the rooftop. She closed her eyes and tried to calm down her speeding heart.

Then the elevator stopped abruptly to Imani's dismay. She frantically started pushing random buttons, but nothing worked.

"Oh no. Someone? Anyone? The elevator is stuck! I can't get out!" Imani started to panic. It felt like the walls were closing in on her and the air was being sucked from her lungs, suffocating her. Her heart palpitated and raced. Sweat first formed on her forehead, until it even eventually engulfed her entire body. Her vision was getting blurry, but she kept banging  on the elevator doors, hoping someone, anyone would hear her.

"Please! Help! I can't be in here! I can't breathe! I'm suffocating!" Imani begged and pleaded, but her strength was quickly weakening and her vision quickly getting hazier, fading in and out.

"Please....." She whispered, before she collapsed on the floor, panting heavily, doused in sweat.

Ayumi was laughing hysterically as she stood outside the elevator. She was listening to the whole thing. She never expected to get this good of a reaction.

"Priceless". She grinned, before happily walking away.

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